Source code for pynucastro.networks.base_cxx_network

"""Support for a pure C++ reaction network.  These functions will
write the C++ code necessary to integrate a reaction network
comprised of the rates that are passed in.


import itertools
import re
import shutil
import sys
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import sympy

from pynucastro.networks.rate_collection import RateCollection
from pynucastro.networks.sympy_network_support import SympyRates
from pynucastro.rates import DerivedRate
from pynucastro.screening import get_screening_map

[docs] class BaseCxxNetwork(ABC, RateCollection): """Interpret the collection of rates and nuclei and produce the C++ code needed to integrate the network. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the C++ network. We take a single argument: a list of rate files that will make up the network """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Get the template files for writing this network code self.template_files = self._get_template_files() self.symbol_rates = SympyRates() self.ydot_out_result = None self.solved_ydot = False self.jac_out_result = None self.jac_null_entries = None self.solved_jacobian = False self.function_specifier = "inline" self.dtype = "double" self.array_namespace = "" # a dictionary of functions to call to handle specific parts # of the C++ template self.ftags = {} self.ftags['<nrat_reaclib>'] = self._nrat_reaclib self.ftags['<nrat_tabular>'] = self._nrat_tabular self.ftags['<nrxn>'] = self._nrxn self.ftags['<rate_names>'] = self._rate_names self.ftags['<ebind>'] = self._ebind self.ftags['<compute_screening_factors>'] = self._compute_screening_factors self.ftags['<table_num>'] = self._table_num self.ftags['<declare_tables>'] = self._declare_tables self.ftags['<table_declare_meta>'] = self._table_declare_meta self.ftags['<table_init_meta>'] = self._table_init_meta self.ftags['<compute_tabular_rates>'] = self._compute_tabular_rates self.ftags['<ydot>'] = self._ydot self.ftags['<ydot_weak>'] = self._ydot_weak self.ftags['<enuc_add_energy_rate>'] = self._enuc_add_energy_rate self.ftags['<jacnuc>'] = self._jacnuc self.ftags['<initial_mass_fractions>'] = self._initial_mass_fractions self.ftags['<reaclib_rate_functions>'] = self._reaclib_rate_functions self.ftags['<rate_struct>'] = self._rate_struct self.ftags['<fill_reaclib_rates>'] = self._fill_reaclib_rates self.ftags['<approx_rate_functions>'] = self._approx_rate_functions self.ftags['<fill_approx_rates>'] = self._fill_approx_rates self.ftags['<part_fun_data>'] = self._fill_partition_function_data self.ftags['<part_fun_declare>'] = self._fill_partition_function_declare self.ftags['<part_fun_cases>'] = self._fill_partition_function_cases self.ftags['<spin_state_cases>'] = self._fill_spin_state_cases self.indent = ' ' @abstractmethod def _get_template_files(self): # This method should be overridden by derived classes # to support specific output templates. # This method returns a list of strings that are file paths to template files. return []
[docs] def get_indent_amt(self, l, k): """determine the amount of spaces to indent a line""" rem = re.match(r'\A'+k+r'\(([0-9]*)\)\Z', l) return int(
def _write_network(self, odir=None): """ This writes the RHS, jacobian and ancillary files for the system of ODEs that this network describes, using the template files. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # Prepare RHS terms if not self.solved_ydot: self.compose_ydot() if not self.solved_jacobian: self.compose_jacobian() # Process template files for tfile in self.template_files: outfile ='.template', '') if odir is not None: odir = Path(odir) if not odir.is_dir(): try: odir.mkdir() except OSError: sys.exit(f"unable to create directory {odir}") outfile = odir/outfile with open(tfile) as ifile, open(outfile, "w") as of: for l in ifile: ls = l.strip() foundkey = False for k, func in self.ftags.items(): if k in ls: foundkey = True n_indent = self.get_indent_amt(ls, k) func(n_indent, of) if not foundkey: of.write(l) # Copy any tables in the network to the current directory # if the table file cannot be found, print a warning and continue. for tr in self.tabular_rates: tdir = tr.rfile_path.resolve().parent if tdir != Path.cwd(): tdat_file = Path(tdir, tr.table_file) if tdat_file.is_file(): shutil.copy(tdat_file, odir or Path.cwd()) else: warnings.warn(UserWarning(f'Table data file {tr.table_file} not found.'))
[docs] def compose_ydot(self): """create the expressions for dYdt for the nuclei, where Y is the molar fraction. This will take the form of a dict, where the key is a nucleus, and the value is a list of tuples, with the forward-reverse pairs of a rate """ ydot = {} for n in self.unique_nuclei: if not self.nuclei_rate_pairs[n]: ydot[n] = None else: ydot_sym_terms = [] for rp in self.nuclei_rate_pairs[n]: if rp.forward is not None: fwd = self.symbol_rates.ydot_term_symbol(rp.forward, n) else: fwd = None if rp.reverse is not None: rvs = self.symbol_rates.ydot_term_symbol(rp.reverse, n) else: rvs = None ydot_sym_terms.append((fwd, rvs)) ydot[n] = ydot_sym_terms self.ydot_out_result = ydot self.solved_ydot = True
[docs] def compose_jacobian(self): """Create the Jacobian matrix, df/dY""" jac_null = [] jac_sym = [] for nj in self.unique_nuclei: for ni in self.unique_nuclei: rsym_is_null = True rsym = float(sympy.sympify(0.0)) for r in self.nuclei_consumed[nj]: rsym_add, rsym_add_null = self.symbol_rates.jacobian_term_symbol(r, nj, ni) rsym = rsym + rsym_add rsym_is_null = rsym_is_null and rsym_add_null for r in self.nuclei_produced[nj]: rsym_add, rsym_add_null = self.symbol_rates.jacobian_term_symbol(r, nj, ni) rsym = rsym + rsym_add rsym_is_null = rsym_is_null and rsym_add_null jac_sym.append(rsym) jac_null.append(rsym_is_null) self.jac_out_result = jac_sym self.jac_null_entries = jac_null self.solved_jacobian = True
def _compute_screening_factors(self, n_indent, of): if not self.do_screening: screening_map = [] else: screening_map = get_screening_map(self.get_rates(), symmetric_screening=self.symmetric_screening) for i, scr in enumerate(screening_map): nuc1_info = f'{float(scr.n1.Z)}_rt, {float(scr.n1.A)}_rt' nuc2_info = f'{float(scr.n2.Z)}_rt, {float(scr.n2.A)}_rt' if not (scr.n1.dummy or scr.n2.dummy): # Scope the screening calculation to avoid multiple definitions of scn_fac. of.write(f'\n{self.indent*n_indent}' + '{') of.write(f'\n{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}constexpr auto scn_fac = scrn::calculate_screen_factor({nuc1_info}, {nuc2_info});\n\n') # Insert a static assert (which will always pass) to require the # compiler to evaluate the screen factor at compile time. of.write(f'\n{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}static_assert(scn_fac.z1 == {float(scr.n1.Z)}_rt);\n\n') of.write(f'\n{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}actual_screen(pstate, scn_fac, scor, dscor_dt);\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}' + '}\n\n') if == "He4_He4_He4": # we don't need to do anything here, but we want to avoid immediately applying the screening pass elif == "He4_He4_He4_dummy": # make sure the previous iteration was the first part of 3-alpha assert screening_map[i - 1].name == "He4_He4_He4" # handle the second part of the screening for 3-alpha of.write(f'\n{self.indent*n_indent}' + '{') of.write(f'\n{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}constexpr auto scn_fac2 = scrn::calculate_screen_factor({nuc1_info}, {nuc2_info});\n\n') of.write(f'\n{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}static_assert(scn_fac2.z1 == {float(scr.n1.Z)}_rt);\n\n') of.write(f'\n{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}actual_screen(pstate, scn_fac2, scor2, dscor2_dt);\n') of.write(f'\n{self.indent*n_indent}' + '}\n\n') # there might be both the forward and reverse 3-alpha # if we are doing symmetric screening for rr in scr.rates: of.write('\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}ratraw = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{rr.cname()});\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{rr.cname()}) *= scor * scor2;\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, rate_derivs_t>) {{\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent} dratraw_dT = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{rr.cname()});\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent} rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{rr.cname()}) = ratraw * (scor * dscor2_dt + dscor_dt * scor2) + dratraw_dT * scor * scor2;\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}}}\n') else: # there might be several rates that have the same # reactants and therefore the same screening applies # -- handle them all now for rr in scr.rates: of.write('\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}ratraw = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{rr.cname()});\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{rr.cname()}) *= scor;\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, rate_derivs_t>) {{\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent} dratraw_dT = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{rr.cname()});\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent} rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{rr.cname()}) = ratraw * dscor_dt + dratraw_dT * scor;\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}}}\n') of.write('\n') def _nrat_reaclib(self, n_indent, of): # Writes the number of Reaclib rates of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}const int NrateReaclib = {len(self.reaclib_rates + self.derived_rates)};\n') def _nrat_tabular(self, n_indent, of): # Writes the number of tabular rates of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}const int NrateTabular = {len(self.tabular_rates)};\n') def _nrxn(self, n_indent, of): for i, r in enumerate(self.all_rates): of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}k_{r.cname()} = {i+1},\n') of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}NumRates = k_{self.all_rates[-1].cname()}\n') def _rate_names(self, n_indent, of): for i, r in enumerate(self.all_rates): if i < len(self.all_rates)-1: cont = "," else: cont = "" of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}"{r.cname()}"{cont} // {i+1},\n') def _ebind(self, n_indent, of): for nuc in self.unique_nuclei: of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}ebind_per_nucleon({nuc.cindex()}) = {nuc.nucbind}_rt;\n') def _table_num(self, n_indent, of): of.write(f'{self.indent*n_indent}const int num_tables = {len(self.tabular_rates)};\n') def _declare_tables(self, n_indent, of): for r in self.tabular_rates: idnt = self.indent*n_indent of.write(f'{idnt}extern AMREX_GPU_MANAGED table_t {r.table_index_name}_meta;\n') of.write(f'{idnt}extern AMREX_GPU_MANAGED {self.array_namespace}Array3D<{self.dtype}, 1, {r.table_temp_lines}, 1, {r.table_rhoy_lines}, 1, {r.table_num_vars}> {r.table_index_name}_data;\n') of.write(f'{idnt}extern AMREX_GPU_MANAGED {self.array_namespace}Array1D<{self.dtype}, 1, {r.table_rhoy_lines}> {r.table_index_name}_rhoy;\n') of.write(f'{idnt}extern AMREX_GPU_MANAGED {self.array_namespace}Array1D<{self.dtype}, 1, {r.table_temp_lines}> {r.table_index_name}_temp;\n') of.write('\n') def _table_declare_meta(self, n_indent, of): for r in self.tabular_rates: idnt = self.indent*n_indent of.write(f"{idnt}AMREX_GPU_MANAGED table_t {r.table_index_name}_meta;\n") of.write(f'{idnt}AMREX_GPU_MANAGED {self.array_namespace}Array3D<{self.dtype}, 1, {r.table_temp_lines}, 1, {r.table_rhoy_lines}, 1, {r.table_num_vars}> {r.table_index_name}_data;\n') of.write(f'{idnt}AMREX_GPU_MANAGED {self.array_namespace}Array1D<{self.dtype}, 1, {r.table_rhoy_lines}> {r.table_index_name}_rhoy;\n') of.write(f'{idnt}AMREX_GPU_MANAGED {self.array_namespace}Array1D<{self.dtype}, 1, {r.table_temp_lines}> {r.table_index_name}_temp;\n\n') def _table_init_meta(self, n_indent, of): for r in self.tabular_rates: idnt = self.indent*n_indent of.write(f'{idnt}{r.table_index_name}_meta.ntemp = {r.table_temp_lines};\n') of.write(f'{idnt}{r.table_index_name}_meta.nrhoy = {r.table_rhoy_lines};\n') of.write(f'{idnt}{r.table_index_name}_meta.nvars = {r.table_num_vars};\n') of.write(f'{idnt}{r.table_index_name}_meta.nheader = {r.table_header_lines};\n\n') of.write(f'{idnt}init_tab_info({r.table_index_name}_meta, "{r.table_file}", {r.table_index_name}_rhoy, {r.table_index_name}_temp, {r.table_index_name}_data);\n\n') of.write('\n') def _compute_tabular_rates(self, n_indent, of): if len(self.tabular_rates) > 0: idnt = self.indent*n_indent for r in self.tabular_rates: of.write(f'{idnt}tabular_evaluate({r.table_index_name}_meta, {r.table_index_name}_rhoy, {r.table_index_name}_temp, {r.table_index_name}_data,\n') of.write(f'{idnt} rhoy, state.T, rate, drate_dt, edot_nu, edot_gamma);\n') of.write(f'{idnt}rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{r.cname()}) = rate;\n') of.write(f'{idnt}if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, rate_derivs_t>) {{\n') of.write(f'{idnt} rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{r.cname()}) = drate_dt;\n') of.write(f'{idnt}}}\n') of.write(f'{idnt}rate_eval.enuc_weak += C::Legacy::n_A * {self.symbol_rates.name_y}({r.reactants[0].cindex()}) * (edot_nu + edot_gamma);\n') of.write('\n') def _cxxify(self, s): # This is a helper function that converts sympy cxxcode to the actual c++ code we use. return self.symbol_rates.cxxify(s) def _write_ydot_nuc(self, n_indent, of, ydot_nuc): # Helper function to write out ydot of a specific nuclei for j, pair in enumerate(ydot_nuc): # pair here is the forward, reverse pair for a single rate as it affects # nucleus n if pair.count(None) == 0: num = 2 elif pair.count(None) == 1: num = 1 else: raise NotImplementedError("a rate pair must contain at least one rate") of.write(f"{2*self.indent*n_indent}") if num == 2: of.write("(") if pair[0] is not None: sol_value = self._cxxify(sympy.cxxcode(pair[0], precision=15, standard="c++11")) of.write(f"{sol_value}") if num == 2: of.write(" + ") if pair[1] is not None: sol_value = self._cxxify(sympy.cxxcode(pair[1], precision=15, standard="c++11")) of.write(f"{sol_value}") if num == 2: of.write(")") if j == len(ydot_nuc)-1: of.write(";\n\n") else: of.write(" +\n") def _ydot(self, n_indent, of): # Write YDOT for n in self.unique_nuclei: if self.ydot_out_result[n] is None: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}{self.symbol_rates.name_ydot_nuc}({n.cindex()}) = 0.0_rt;\n\n") continue of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}{self.symbol_rates.name_ydot_nuc}({n.cindex()}) =\n") self._write_ydot_nuc(n_indent, of, self.ydot_out_result[n]) def _ydot_weak(self, n_indent, of): # Writes ydot for tabular weak reactions only # Get the tabular weak rates first. idnt = self.indent*n_indent if len(self.tabular_rates) > 0: for r in self.tabular_rates: of.write(f'{idnt}tabular_evaluate({r.table_index_name}_meta, {r.table_index_name}_rhoy, {r.table_index_name}_temp, {r.table_index_name}_data,\n') of.write(f'{idnt} rhoy, state.T, rate, drate_dt, edot_nu, edot_gamma);\n') of.write(f'{idnt}rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{r.cname()}) = rate;\n') of.write(f'{idnt}rate_eval.enuc_weak += C::Legacy::n_A * {self.symbol_rates.name_y}({r.reactants[0].cindex()}) * (edot_nu + edot_gamma);\n') of.write('\n') of.write(f'{idnt}auto screened_rates = rate_eval.screened_rates;\n') of.write('\n') # Compose and write ydot weak for n in self.unique_nuclei: has_weak_rates = any( (rp.forward is not None and rp.forward.tabular) or (rp.reverse is not None and rp.reverse.tabular) for rp in self.nuclei_rate_pairs[n] ) if not self.nuclei_rate_pairs[n] or not has_weak_rates: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}{self.symbol_rates.name_ydot_nuc}({n.cindex()}) = 0.0_rt;\n\n") continue ydot_sym_terms = [] for rp in self.nuclei_rate_pairs[n]: fwd = None if rp.forward is not None and rp.forward.tabular: fwd = self.symbol_rates.ydot_term_symbol(rp.forward, n) rvs = None if rp.reverse is not None and rp.reverse.tabular: rvs = self.symbol_rates.ydot_term_symbol(rp.reverse, n) if (fwd, rvs).count(None) < 2: ydot_sym_terms.append((fwd, rvs)) of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}{self.symbol_rates.name_ydot_nuc}({n.cindex()}) =\n") self._write_ydot_nuc(n_indent, of, ydot_sym_terms) def _enuc_add_energy_rate(self, n_indent, of): # Add tabular per-reaction neutrino energy generation rates to the energy generation rate # (not thermal neutrinos) idnt = self.indent * n_indent for r in self.tabular_rates: if len(r.reactants) != 1: sys.exit('ERROR: Unknown energy rate corrections for a reaction where the number of reactants is not 1.') else: reactant = r.reactants[0] of.write(f'{idnt}enuc += C::Legacy::n_A * {self.symbol_rates.name_y}({reactant.cindex()}) * rate_eval.add_energy_rate(k_{r.cname()});\n') def _jacnuc(self, n_indent, of): # now make the Jacobian n_unique_nuclei = len(self.unique_nuclei) for jnj, nj in enumerate(self.unique_nuclei): for ini, ni in enumerate(self.unique_nuclei): jac_idx = n_unique_nuclei*jnj + ini if not self.jac_null_entries[jac_idx]: jvalue = self._cxxify(sympy.cxxcode(self.jac_out_result[jac_idx], precision=15, standard="c++11")) of.write(f"{self.indent*(n_indent)}scratch = {jvalue};\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}jac.set({nj.cindex()}, {ni.cindex()}, scratch);\n\n") def _initial_mass_fractions(self, n_indent, of): for i, _ in enumerate(self.unique_nuclei): if i == 0: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}unit_test.X{i+1} = 1.0\n") else: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}unit_test.X{i+1} = 0.0\n") def _reaclib_rate_functions(self, n_indent, of): assert n_indent == 0, "function definitions must be at top level" for r in self.reaclib_rates + self.derived_rates: of.write(r.function_string_cxx(dtype=self.dtype, specifiers=self.function_specifier)) def _rate_struct(self, n_indent, of): assert n_indent == 0, "function definitions must be at top level" of.write("struct rate_t {\n") of.write(f" {self.array_namespace}Array1D<{self.dtype}, 1, NumRates> screened_rates;\n") of.write(f" {self.dtype} enuc_weak;\n") of.write("};\n\n") of.write("struct rate_derivs_t {\n") of.write(f" {self.array_namespace}Array1D<{self.dtype}, 1, NumRates> screened_rates;\n") of.write(f" {self.array_namespace}Array1D<{self.dtype}, 1, NumRates> dscreened_rates_dT;\n") of.write(f" {self.dtype} enuc_weak;\n") of.write("};\n\n") def _approx_rate_functions(self, n_indent, of): assert n_indent == 0, "function definitions must be at top level" for r in self.approx_rates: of.write(r.function_string_cxx(dtype=self.dtype, specifiers=self.function_specifier)) def _fill_reaclib_rates(self, n_indent, of): if self.derived_rates: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}part_fun::pf_cache_t pf_cache{{}};\n\n") for r in self.reaclib_rates + self.derived_rates: if isinstance(r, DerivedRate): of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}rate_{r.cname()}<do_T_derivatives>(tfactors, rate, drate_dT, pf_cache);\n") else: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}rate_{r.cname()}<do_T_derivatives>(tfactors, rate, drate_dT);\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{r.cname()}) = rate;\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, rate_derivs_t>) {{\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent} rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{r.cname()}) = drate_dT;\n\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}}}\n") def _fill_approx_rates(self, n_indent, of): for r in self.approx_rates: args = ["rate_eval"] if r.rate_eval_needs_rho: args.append("rho") if r.rate_eval_needs_comp: args.append("Y") args += ["rate", "drate_dT"] of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}rate_{r.cname()}<T>({', '.join(args)});\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{r.cname()}) = rate;\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, rate_derivs_t>) {{\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent} rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{r.cname()}) = drate_dT;\n\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}}}\n") def _fill_partition_function_declare(self, n_indent, of): temp_arrays, temp_indices = self.dedupe_partition_function_temperatures() for i, temp in enumerate(temp_arrays): decl = f"extern AMREX_GPU_MANAGED amrex::Array1D<{self.dtype}, 0, npts_{i+1}>" # number of points of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}constexpr int npts_{i+1} = {len(temp)};\n\n") # write the temperature out, but for readability, split it to 5 values per line of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}// this is T9\n\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}{decl} temp_array_{i+1};\n\n") for n, i in temp_indices.items(): # write the partition function data out, but for readability, split # it to 5 values per line # temp_indices is keyed by the nucleus and the value is the temperature index of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}// this is log10(partition function)\n\n") decl = f"extern AMREX_GPU_MANAGED amrex::Array1D<{self.dtype}, 0, npts_{i+1}>" of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}{decl} {n}_pf_array;\n\n") def _fill_partition_function_data(self, n_indent, of): # itertools recipe def batched(iterable, n): "Batch data into tuples of length n. The last batch may be shorter." # batched('ABCDEFG', 3) --> ABC DEF G if n < 1: raise ValueError('n must be at least one') it = iter(iterable) while batch := tuple(itertools.islice(it, n)): yield batch temp_arrays, temp_indices = self.dedupe_partition_function_temperatures() for i, temp in enumerate(temp_arrays): # number of points decl = f"AMREX_GPU_MANAGED amrex::Array1D<{self.dtype}, 0, npts_{i+1}>" # write the temperature out, but for readability, split it to 5 values per line of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}// this is T9\n\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}{decl} temp_array_{i+1}= {{\n") for data in batched(temp / 1.0e9, 5): tmp = " ".join([f"{t}," for t in data]) of.write(f"{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}{tmp}\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}}};\n\n") if i == len(temp_arrays) - 1: of.write("\n") for n, i in temp_indices.items(): # write the partition function data out, but for readability, split # it to 5 values per line of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}// this is log10(partition function)\n\n") decl = f"AMREX_GPU_MANAGED amrex::Array1D<{self.dtype}, 0, npts_{i+1}>" of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}{decl} {n}_pf_array = {{\n") for data in batched(np.log10(n.partition_function.partition_function), 5): tmp = " ".join([f"{x}," for x in data]) of.write(f"{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}{tmp}\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}}};\n\n") def _fill_partition_function_cases(self, n_indent, of): _, temp_indices = self.dedupe_partition_function_temperatures() for n, i in temp_indices.items(): of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}case {n.cindex()}:\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}part_fun::interpolate_pf(tfactors.T9, part_fun::temp_array_{i+1}, part_fun::{n}_pf_array, pf, dpf_dT);\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}break;\n\n") def _fill_spin_state_cases(self, n_indent, of): def key_func(nuc): if nuc.spin_states is None: return -1 return nuc.spin_states # group identical cases together to satisfy clang-tidy nuclei = sorted(self.unique_nuclei + self.approx_nuclei, key=key_func) for spin_state, group in itertools.groupby(nuclei, key=key_func): if spin_state == -1: continue for n in group: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}case {n.cindex()}:\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}spin = {spin_state};\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}break;\n\n")