Source code for pynucastro.nucdata.mass_table

from pathlib import Path

[docs] class MassTable: """ The purpose of this class is to: a) Create a dictionary mapping nuclides to their mass excess A_nuc - A measured in MeV from the table mass_excess2020.txt. b) Parse the information of the previously defined dictionary to the Nucleus class. The only required variable to construct an instance of this class is : var filename: that contains the .txt table file with the nuclei and their mass excess. If this variable is not provided, then mass_excess2020.txt is considered by default. """ def __init__(self, filename: str | Path = None): self.mass_diff = {} if filename: self.filename = Path(filename) else: nucdata_dir = Path(__file__).parent datafile_name = 'mass_excess2020.txt' self.filename = nucdata_dir/'AtomicMassEvaluation'/datafile_name self._read_table() def _read_table(self) -> None: with"r") as f: # skip the header for line in f.readlines()[5:]: A, Z, dm = line.strip().split()[:3] self.mass_diff[int(A), int(Z)] = float(dm)
[docs] def get_mass_diff(self, a: int, z: int) -> float: try: return self.mass_diff[a, z] except KeyError as exc: raise NotImplementedError(f"nuclear mass difference for A={a} and Z={z} not available") from exc