import numpy as np
from pynucastro.nucdata import Nucleus
from pynucastro.reduction.reduction_utils import (mpi_importer,
mpi_numpy_decomp, to_list)
MPI = mpi_importer()
def calc_interaction_matrix(net, rvals):
"""Calculate direct interaction coefficients."""
N_species = len(net.unique_nuclei)
# create index mapping
j_map = {}
for idx, n in enumerate(net.unique_nuclei):
j_map[n] = idx
# Calculate coefficients for A
p_A = np.zeros(N_species, dtype=np.float64)
c_A = np.zeros(N_species, dtype=np.float64)
# A along rows, B along columns
p_AB = np.zeros((N_species, N_species))
c_AB = np.zeros((N_species, N_species))
for i in range(N_species):
n = net.unique_nuclei[i]
for r in net.nuclei_produced[n]:
rval = r.products.count(n) * rvals[r]
p_A[i] += rval
bs = set(r.products) | set(r.reactants)
for b in bs:
p_AB[i, j_map[b]] += rval
for r in net.nuclei_consumed[n]:
rval = r.reactants.count(n) * rvals[r]
c_A[i] += rval
bs = set(r.products) | set(r.reactants)
for b in bs:
c_AB[i, j_map[b]] += rval
denom = np.maximum(p_A, c_A)[:, np.newaxis]
# Calculate direct interaction coefficients
r_AB = np.abs(p_AB - c_AB) / denom
return r_AB
def calc_interaction_matrix_numpy(net, rvals_arr):
"""Calculate direct interaction coefficients using NumPy."""
# Evaluate terms on RHS of ODE system
prod_terms = net.nuc_prod_count * rvals_arr
cons_terms = net.nuc_cons_count * rvals_arr
# Calculate total production and consumption of each nucleus A
p_A = prod_terms.sum(axis=1)
c_A = cons_terms.sum(axis=1)
# Calculate production / consumption of A in reactions involving B
p_AB = prod_terms @ net.nuc_used
c_AB = cons_terms @ net.nuc_used
# We will normalize by maximum of production and consumption fluxes
denom = np.maximum(p_A, c_A)[:, np.newaxis]
# Calculate direct interaction coefficients
r_AB = np.abs(p_AB - c_AB) / denom
return r_AB
def get_adj_nuc(net):
Get set of adjacent nuclei for each nucleus in the net. Returns dictionary keyed by
adj_nuc = {}
for n in net.unique_nuclei:
bs = set()
for r in net.nuclei_produced[n]:
bs |= set(r.products) | set(r.reactants)
for r in net.nuclei_consumed[n]:
bs |= set(r.products) | set(r.reactants)
adj_nuc[n] = bs
return adj_nuc
def drgep_dijkstras(net, r_AB, target, adj_nuc):
Modified Dijkstra's algorithm to find paths that maximize the overall interaction coefficient
between the target and each other nucleus in the net.
# Number of species
nspec = len(net.unique_nuclei)
# Create data structures
j_map = {}
inf = float('inf')
dist = np.zeros(nspec, dtype=np.float64)
R_TB = np.zeros(nspec, dtype=np.float64)
for idx, n in enumerate(net.unique_nuclei):
j_map[n] = idx
dist[idx] = -inf
R_TB[idx] = -inf
dist[j_map[target]] = 1.0
R_TB[j_map[target]] = inf
imax = np.argmax(dist)
# Main loop
while dist[imax] > -inf:
r_TA = dist[imax]
R_TB[imax] = r_TA
n = net.unique_nuclei[imax]
bs = adj_nuc[n]
for b in bs:
jb = j_map[b]
if R_TB[jb] > -inf:
dist[jb] = max(dist[jb], r_TA * r_AB[imax, jb])
dist[imax] = -inf
imax = np.argmax(dist)
return R_TB
def _drgep_kernel(net, R_TB, rvals, targets, tols, adj_nuc):
r_AB = calc_interaction_matrix(net, rvals)
for target, tol in zip(targets, tols):
R_TB_i = drgep_dijkstras(net, r_AB, target, adj_nuc)
np.maximum(R_TB, R_TB_i, out=R_TB, where=R_TB_i >= tol)
def _drgep_kernel_numpy(net, R_TB, rvals, targets, tols, adj_nuc):
r_AB = calc_interaction_matrix_numpy(net, rvals)
for target, tol in zip(targets, tols):
R_TB_i = drgep_dijkstras(net, r_AB, target, adj_nuc)
np.maximum(R_TB, R_TB_i, out=R_TB, where=R_TB_i >= tol)
def _drgep(net, conds, targets, tols):
# Calculate interaction coefficients
R_TB = np.zeros(len(net.unique_nuclei), dtype=np.float64)
adj_nuc = get_adj_nuc(net)
for comp, rho, T in conds:
rvals = net.evaluate_rates(rho=rho, T=T, composition=comp)
_drgep_kernel(net, R_TB, rvals, targets, tols, adj_nuc)
return R_TB
def _drgep_mpi(net, conds, targets, tols):
# Init. MPI
MPI_N = comm.Get_size()
MPI_rank = comm.Get_rank()
# Calculate interaction coefficients in parallel
R_TB_loc = np.zeros(len(net.unique_nuclei), dtype=np.float64)
adj_nuc = get_adj_nuc(net)
for i in range(MPI_rank, len(conds), MPI_N):
comp, rho, T = conds[i]
rvals = net.evaluate_rates(rho=rho, T=T, composition=comp)
_drgep_kernel(net, R_TB_loc, rvals, targets, tols, adj_nuc)
R_TB = np.zeros_like(R_TB_loc)
comm.Allreduce([R_TB_loc, MPI.DOUBLE], [R_TB, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.MAX)
return R_TB
def _drgep_numpy(net, conds, targets, tols):
# Unpack conditions; make precalculations
comp_L, rho_L, T_L = conds
adj_nuc = get_adj_nuc(net)
# Calculate interaction coefficients (vectorized)
R_TB = np.zeros(len(net.unique_nuclei), dtype=np.float64)
for comp in comp_L:
for rho in rho_L:
net.update_prefac_arr(rho, comp)
for T in T_L:
rvals_arr = net.evaluate_rates_arr(T)
_drgep_kernel_numpy(net, R_TB, rvals_arr, targets, tols, adj_nuc)
return R_TB
def _drgep_mpi_numpy(net, conds, targets, tols):
# Unpack conditions; make precalculations
n = tuple(map(len, conds))
comp_L, rho_L, T_L = conds
adj_nuc = get_adj_nuc(net)
# Init. MPI and divide up conditions
MPI_N = comm.Get_size()
MPI_rank = comm.Get_rank()
comp_idx, comp_step, rho_idx, rho_step, T_idx, T_step = mpi_numpy_decomp(MPI_N, MPI_rank, n)
# Calculate interaction coefficients (vectorized and using MPI)
R_TB_loc = np.zeros(len(net.unique_nuclei), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(comp_idx, n[0], comp_step):
comp = comp_L[i]
for j in range(rho_idx, n[1], rho_step):
rho = rho_L[j]
net.update_prefac_arr(rho, comp)
for k in range(T_idx, n[2], T_step):
T = T_L[k]
rvals_arr = net.evaluate_rates_arr(T)
_drgep_kernel_numpy(net, R_TB_loc, rvals_arr, targets, tols, adj_nuc)
R_TB = np.zeros_like(R_TB_loc)
comm.Allreduce([R_TB_loc, MPI.DOUBLE], [R_TB, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.MAX)
return R_TB
def drgep(net, conds, targets, tols, returnobj='net', use_mpi=False, use_numpy=False):
Implementation of Directed Relation Graph with Error Propagation (DRGEP) reduction
method described in :cite:t:`pepiot-desjardins:2008` and :cite:t:`niemeyer:2011`.
:param net: The network (RateCollection) to reduce.
:param conds: A set of conditions to reduce over. Should either be a sequence of (composition,
density, temperature) sequences/tuples if running in standard mode, or a sequence of 3
sequences ((composition, density, temperature) ordering) if running in NumPy mode. In the
latter case, the sequences will be permuted to create the dataset. The compositions should
be pynucastro Composition objects.
:param targets: A collection of target nuclei (or a single target nucleus) to run the
graph search algorithm from. Should be supplied as pynucastro Nucleus objects or strings.
:param tols: Tolerance(s) or cutoff threshold(s) to use for paths from each of the target nuclei.
Nuclei whose interaction coefficients do not meet the specified tolerance will have their
interaction coefficients set to 0.0. Can be a single number (will be the same for all targets)
or a separate value for each target nucleus.
:param returnobj: The type of object to return. Options are 'net' (a reduced network, the default
setting), 'nuclei' (unique nuclei with nonzero interaction coefficients, ordered so the
interaction coefficients are descending), and 'coeff' (the interaction coefficients as a
NumPy array, with entries corresponding to nuclei in *net.unique_nuclei*).
:param use_mpi: Whether to divide up the set of conditions across MPI processes or not. Default
setting is *False*.
:param use_numpy: Whether to use NumPy to vectorize the interaction coefficient calculations or
not. This is more memory intensive and may actually hinder performance for some setups.
Conditions should be supplied as 3 lists that will be permuted to form the dataset (see
*conds* parameter). Default setting is *False*.
# Process arguments
if returnobj not in {'net', 'nuclei', 'coeff'}:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid 'returnobj' argument: '{returnobj}'.")
targets = Nucleus.cast_list(targets)
tols = to_list(tols, len(targets))
# Determine operation mode and launch appropriate helper
if use_mpi:
if use_numpy:
R_TB = _drgep_mpi_numpy(net, conds, targets, tols)
R_TB = _drgep_mpi(net, conds, targets, tols)
elif use_numpy:
R_TB = _drgep_numpy(net, conds, targets, tols)
R_TB = _drgep(net, conds, targets, tols)
# Return requested object
if returnobj == 'net':
nuclei = [net.unique_nuclei[i] for i in range(len(net.unique_nuclei))
if R_TB[i] > 0.0]
return net.linking_nuclei(nuclei)
if returnobj == 'nuclei':
idx = sorted(range(len(R_TB)), key=lambda i: R_TB[i], reverse=True)
return [net.unique_nuclei[i] for i in idx if R_TB[i] > 0.0]
if returnobj == 'coeff':
return R_TB
# returnobj was checked at the start of the function
assert False