Source code for pynucastro.reduction.generate_data

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np

from pynucastro import Composition, Nucleus
from pynucastro.reduction.load_network import load_network

[docs] def dataset(network, n=10, permute=True, b_rho=None, b_T=None, b_Z=None): """ Generate a dataset with *n* datapoints. Will either be returned as a sequence of tuples, each with order (composition, density, temperature) if *permute* is *True* (default), or the transpose of that if *permute* is *False*. The parameters *b_rho*, *b_T*, and *b_Z* are tuples giving the bounds on density, temperature, and metallicity respectively. """ if isinstance(n, int): n = np.ones(3, dtype=np.int32) * n else: n = np.array(list(n), dtype=np.int32) # Bounds on each variable if b_rho is None: b_rho = (1e2, 1e6) # density (g/cm^3) if b_T is None: b_T = (8e6, 1.5e9) # temperature (K) if b_Z is None: b_Z = (0.02, 0.2) # metallicity rho = np.geomspace(*b_rho, num=n[1]) T = np.geomspace(*b_T, num=n[2]) comp_list = [] for Z in np.linspace(*b_Z, num=n[0]): comp = Composition(network.get_nuclei()) # 75/25 H1/He4 ratio comp.X[Nucleus("p")] = (1. - Z) * 0.75 comp.X[Nucleus("he4")] = (1. - Z) * 0.25 # 50% of remaining stuff in carbon-12 comp.X[Nucleus("c12")] = Z * 0.5 # Split the rest across all other nuclei omit = {Nucleus("p"), Nucleus("he4"), Nucleus("c12")} rem = 0.5 * Z / (len(comp.X) - len(omit)) for nuc in comp.X: if nuc not in omit: comp.X[nuc] = rem comp.normalize() comp_list.append(comp) if not permute: yield comp_list yield rho yield T return for rho_i in rho: for T_i in T: for comp in comp_list: yield (comp, rho_i, T_i)
[docs] def main(): network = load_network(Nucleus("ni56")) conds_list = list(dataset(network)) rho = sorted({conds[1] for conds in conds_list}) T = sorted({conds[2] for conds in conds_list}) comp = {conds[0] for conds in conds_list} print("ρ") print(rho) print() print("T") print(T) print() def comp_converter(comp): X = comp.X[Nucleus("p")] Y = comp.X[Nucleus("he4")] ZC12 = comp.X[Nucleus("c12")] Zmin = min(comp.X.values()) return (X, Y, ZC12, Zmin) print("X") print(np.array(list(map(comp_converter, comp))))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()