Python network

Python network#

A PythonNetwork will output a python module with all the data needed for constructing the righthand side and Jacobian of the ODE system. This is designed to solve the system:

\[\frac{dY_i}{dt} = f(\rho, T, \{Y_1, Y_2, ...\})\]

where \(Y_i\) is the molar fraction of species \(i\).


The functions output when the network is written are marked up with Numba JIT decorators for performance.

Using the previous example:

import pynucastro as pyna

rl = pyna.ReacLibLibrary()
lib = rl.linking_nuclei(["he4", "c12", "o16"])

net = pyna.PythonNetwork(libraries=[lib])

after running this script, we could then import triple_alpha and access the information needed for an ODE integrator.

For this example, 4 rates will be found (forward and reverse).

The following information is provided:

  • a set of integer keys for indexing nuclei. In this case, jhe4, jc12, and jo16, along with the number of nuclei, nnuc

  • the nuclear data, including arrays of length nnuc:

    • A[] : the atomic weights

    • Z[] : the atomic numbers

    • mass[] : the mass of each nuclei (in ergs)

    • names[] : the descriptive name (e.g. "He4") on the nucleus

  • some helper functions:

    • to_composition(Y) : convert an array of molar fractions to a Composition object

    • energy_release(dY) : computes the energy release (in erg/g) given the change in molar fractions dY.

    • ye(Y) : computes the electron fraction, \(Y_e\), for input molar fractions Y.

  • rate functions

    To store the rates as they are evaluated, a class called RateEval that has members for each of the rate. For example, for the triple alpha rate in the example above, the rate will be stored as RateEval.He4_He4_He4__C12.

    Each rate then has its own function that updates RateEval directly. These take the form:

    rate_name(rate_eval, tf)

    where rate_eval is a RateEval object and tf is a Tfactors object

  • RHS and Jacobian

    Finally, to interface with an ODE solver, we have:

    • rhs(t, Y, rho, T, screen_func=None) : the righthand side function. This takes time (t), the molar fraction array (Y), density (rho), temperature (T), and (optionally) any of the screening functions that should be applied.

      It returns the array of \(dY/dt\).

    • jacobian(t, Y, rho, T, screen_func=None) : the Jacobian routine. The arguments are the same as for rhs.

      This returns the Jacobian array, \(J_{i,j} = \partial \dot{Y}_i/\partial Y_j\).

A PythonNetwork can be integrated using the SciPy solve_ivp methods.