Fortran Networks

Fortran Networks#

A FortranNetwork provides Fortran wrappers to a SimpleCxxNetwork, in particular, the righthand side and Jacobian functions. All features supported by SimpleCxxNetwork are supported by FortranNetwork.

A Fortran network can be created as:

import pynucastro as pyna

rl = pyna.ReacLibLibrary()
lib = rl.linking_nuclei(["he4", "c12", "o16"])

net = pyna.FortranNetwork(libraries=[lib])

The generated code is intended to be used to interface with a hydrodynamics code. That application code will be responsible for providing the equation of state and adding any desired temperature / energy evolution to the network.


A C++17 compiler and Fortran 2003 compiler is required.

In addition to the files output from a SimpleCxxNetwork, the following additional files are output:

  • fortran_interface.f90 : this contains a module pynet that provides the nuclear properties and wrappers (using iso_c_binding) for the righthand side function (rhs_f) and Jacobian (jac_f).

  • test.f90 : a simple test driver that outputs the righthand side and Jacobian for a single thermodynamic state.

  • wrapper.cpp : a set of C++ functions that convert the Fortran inputs into the data structures needed by the SimpleCxxNetwork functions.

The test driver can be built by simply doing:
