Binding Energy per Nucleon#

We can explore and plot the binding energy per nucleon to understand when fusion and fission operate.

import pynucastro as pyna

First we’ll get all nuclei with known masses and look at the binding energy

nuclei = pyna.get_all_nuclei()

We see there are > 3500 nuclei with measured masses

Most tightly bound nucleus#

We can easily find the nucleus that is most tightly bound

nuc_bound = max(nuclei, key=lambda n : n.nucbind)

Binding energy plot#

Now we can make a plot of binding energy per nucleon for all nuclei

As = [n.A for n in nuclei]
BEs = [n.nucbind for n in nuclei]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(As, BEs, s=5)
ax.set_xlabel("number of nucleons")
ax.set_ylabel("binding energy per nucleon")
Text(0, 0.5, 'binding energy per nucleon')

Cleaner plot#

We see that there is quite a spread in binding energy for each nucleon count. If you look at the version of the plot on Wikipedia, it is much cleaner, because they only use a few nuclei.

We can recreate that by using the same nuclei

nuc = ["H1", "H2", "H3", "He3", "He4",
       "Li6", "Li7", "Be9", "B10", "B11",
       "C12", "C13", "N14", "O16", "F19",
       "Ne20", "Na23", "Mg24", "Al27", "Si28",
       "P31", "S32", "Cl35", "Cl37", "K39",
       "Ar40", "Ca40", "Sc45", "Ti48", "V51",
       "Cr52", "Mn55", "Fe56", "Ni58", "Co59",
       "Ni60", "Cu63", "Zn64", "Cu65", "Zn66",
       "Zn68", "Ga68", "Ge70", "Ga71", "Ge72",
       "Ge74", "As75", "Se78", "Br79", "Se80",
       "Br81", "Kr84", "Rb85", "Sr88", "Zr90",
       "Nb93", "Zr94", "Mo95", "Mo96", "Mo98",
       "Tc98", "Ru102", "Rh103", "Pd105", "Pd106",
       "Ag107", "Pd108", "Ag109", "Cd112", "Cd114",
       "In115", "Sn118", "Sn120", "Sb121", "Sb123",
       "I127", "Te128", "Xe129", "Te130", "Xe131",
       "Xe132", "Cs133", "Ba138", "La139", "Ce140",
       "Pr141", "Nd142", "Pm145", "Eu151", "Sm152",
       "Eu153", "Sm154", "Gd156", "Gd158", "Dy162",
       "Dy163", "Dy164", "Ho165", "Er166", "Er167",
       "Er168", "Tm169", "Yb172", "Lu175", "Hf178",
       "Hf180", "Ta181", "W182", "W184", "Re185",
       "W186", "Re187", "Os190", "Ir191", "Os120",
       "Ir193", "Pt194", "Pt195", "Pt196", "Au197",
       "Hg200", "Hg202", "Tl203", "Tl205", "Pb206",
       "Pb208", "Bi209", "Po209", "At210", "Rn222",
       "Fr223", "Ra226", "Ac227", "Pa231", "Th232",
       "U235", "U238"]

new_nuc = [pyna.Nucleus(name) for name in nuc]
As = [n.A for n in new_nuc]
BEs = [n.nucbind for n in new_nuc]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(As, BEs, marker="o", markersize="3")
ax.set_xlabel("number of nucleons")
ax.set_ylabel("binding energy per nucleon")
fig.set_size_inches((7, 6))

Visualizing as function of (N, Z)#

We want to visualize the mass excess and binding energy in the \(Z\)-\(N\) plane. First let’s get the extent of \(N\) and \(Z\) in our nucleus list.

max_Z = max(nuclei, key=lambda n : n.Z).Z
max_N = max(nuclei, key=lambda n : n.N).N

and the maximum absolute value of the mass excess (in MeV)

dm_mag = abs(max(nuclei, key=lambda n: abs(

Now we’ll create an array to store dm(Z, N) and be(Z, N) and loop over all the nuclei and store each mass excess and binding energy / nucleon.

import numpy as np
dm = np.zeros((max_Z+1, max_N+1))
be = np.zeros((max_Z+1, max_N+1))

We’ll initialize these to NaN so we can mask out the regions where there are no nuclei

dm[:,:] = np.nan
be[:,:] = np.nan
for n in nuclei:
    dm[n.Z, n.N] =
    be[n.Z, n.N] = n.nucbind

Finally, we can plot

import matplotlib as mpl
# mask out the regions with no nuclei
cmap = mpl.colormaps['RdYlBu']

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.imshow(dm, origin="lower", cmap="RdYlBu",
               vmin=-100, vmax=100)
ax.set_title("mass excess")
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax, location="bottom", shrink=0.5)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fb5d2179150>
# mask out the regions with no nuclei
cmap = mpl.colormaps['viridis']

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.imshow(be, origin="lower", cmap=cmap)
ax.set_title("binding energy / nucleon")
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax, location="bottom", shrink=0.5)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fb5d42e4e90>