Source code for pynucastro.networks.amrexastro_cxx_network

"""A C++ reaction network for integration into the AMReX Astro
Microphysics set of reaction networks used by astrophysical hydrodynamics

import re
from pathlib import Path

from pynucastro.networks.base_cxx_network import BaseCxxNetwork
from pynucastro.nucdata import Nucleus
from pynucastro.rates import ReacLibRate

[docs] class AmrexAstroCxxNetwork(BaseCxxNetwork): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # this network can have a special kwarg called disable_rate_params try: disable_rate_params = kwargs.pop("disable_rate_params") except KeyError: disable_rate_params = [] # Initialize BaseCxxNetwork parent class super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.ftags['<rate_param_tests>'] = self._rate_param_tests self.ftags['<rate_indices>'] = self._fill_rate_indices self.ftags['<npa_index>'] = self._fill_npa_index self.disable_rate_params = disable_rate_params self.function_specifier = "AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_INLINE" self.dtype = "amrex::Real" self.array_namespace = "amrex::" def _get_template_files(self): path = self.pynucastro_dir/"templates/amrexastro-cxx-microphysics" return path.glob("*.template") def _rate_param_tests(self, n_indent, of): for _, r in enumerate(self.rates): if r in self.disable_rate_params: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}if (disable_{r.cname()}) {{\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent} rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{r.cname()}) = 0.0;\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent} if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, rate_derivs_t>) {{\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent} rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{r.cname()}) = 0.0;\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent} }}\n") # check for the reverse too -- we disable it with the same parameter rr = self.find_reverse(r) if rr is not None: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent} rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{rr.cname()}) = 0.0;\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent} if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, rate_derivs_t>) {{\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent} rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{rr.cname()}) = 0.0;\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent} }}\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}}}\n\n") def _ebind(self, n_indent, of): for n, nuc in enumerate(self.unique_nuclei): if n == 0: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}if constexpr (spec == {nuc.cindex()}) {{\n") else: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}else if constexpr (spec == {nuc.cindex()}) {{\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*(n_indent+1)}return {nuc.nucbind * nuc.A}_rt;\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*(n_indent)}}}\n") def _cxxify(self, s): # Replace std::pow(x, n) with amrex::Math::powi<n>(x) for amrexastro_cxx_network cxx_code = super()._cxxify(s) std_pow_pattern = r"std::pow\(([^,]+),\s*(\d+)\)" amrex_powi_replacement = r"amrex::Math::powi<\2>(\1)" return re.sub(std_pow_pattern, amrex_powi_replacement, cxx_code) def _write_network(self, odir=None): """ This writes the RHS, jacobian and ancillary files for the system of ODEs that this network describes, using the template files. """ super()._write_network(odir=odir) if odir is None: odir = Path.cwd() # create a .net file with the nuclei properties with open(Path(odir, ""), "w") as of: for nuc in self.unique_nuclei: short_spec_name = nuc.short_spec_name if nuc.short_spec_name != "n": short_spec_name = nuc.short_spec_name.capitalize() of.write(f"{nuc.spec_name:25} {short_spec_name:6} {nuc.A:6.1f} {nuc.Z:6.1f}\n") for nuc in self.approx_nuclei: short_spec_name = nuc.short_spec_name if nuc.short_spec_name != "n": short_spec_name = nuc.short_spec_name.capitalize() of.write(f"__extra_{nuc.spec_name:17} {short_spec_name:6} {nuc.A:6.1f} {nuc.Z:6.1f}\n") # write the _parameters file with open(Path(odir, "_parameters"), "w") as of: of.write("@namespace: network\n\n") if self.disable_rate_params: for r in self.disable_rate_params: of.write(f"disable_{r.cname()} int 0\n") def _fill_npa_index(self, n_indent, of): #Get the index of h1, neutron, and helium-4 if they're present in the network. LIG = list(map(Nucleus, ["p", "n", "he4"])) for nuc in LIG: if nuc in self.unique_nuclei: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}constexpr int {nuc.short_spec_name.capitalize()}_index = {self.unique_nuclei.index(nuc)};\n") else: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}constexpr int {nuc.short_spec_name.capitalize()}_index = -1;\n") def _fill_rate_indices(self, n_indent, of): """ Fills the index needed for the NSE_NET algorithm. Fill rate_indices: 2D array with 1-based index of shape of size (NumRates, 7). - Each row represents a rate in self.all_rates. - The first 3 elements of the row represents the index of reactants in self.unique_nuclei - The next 3 elements of the row represents the index of the products in self.unique_nuclei. - The 7th element of the row represents the index of the corresponding reverse rate (set to -1 if no corresponding reverse rate). This is a 1-based instead of 0-based index. - Set all elements of the current row to -1 if the rate has removed suffix indicating its not directly in the network. """ # Fill in the rate indices of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}AMREX_GPU_MANAGED amrex::Array2D<int, 1, Rates::NumRates, 1, 7, Order::C> rate_indices {{\n") for n, rate in enumerate(self.all_rates): tmp = ',' if n == len(self.all_rates) - 1: tmp = '' # meaning it is removed. if isinstance(rate, ReacLibRate) and rate.removed is not None: of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent} -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1{tmp}\n") continue # Find the reactants and products indices reactant_ind = [-1 for n in range(3 - len(rate.reactants))] product_ind = [-1 for n in range(3 - len(rate.products))] for nuc in rate.reactants: reactant_ind.append(self.unique_nuclei.index(nuc)) for nuc in rate.products: product_ind.append(self.unique_nuclei.index(nuc)) reactant_ind.sort() product_ind.sort() # Find the reverse rate index rr_ind = -1 rr = self.find_reverse(rate) # Note that rate index is 1-based if rr is not None: rr_ind = self.all_rates.index(rr) + 1 of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent} {reactant_ind[0]}, {reactant_ind[1]}, {reactant_ind[2]}, {product_ind[0]}, {product_ind[1]}, {product_ind[2]}, {rr_ind}{tmp}\n") of.write(f"{self.indent*n_indent}}};\n")