import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from pynucastro._version import version
from pynucastro.constants import constants
from pynucastro.networks.rate_collection import Composition, RateCollection
from pynucastro.nucdata import Nucleus
from pynucastro.rates import TabularRate
from pynucastro.screening import NseState, potekhin_1998
class NSETableEntry:
def __init__(self, rho, T, Ye, *,
comp=None, ydots=None, enu=None,
"""a simple container to hold a single entry in the NSE table.
Here, comp_reduction_func(comp) is a function that converts
the NSE composition into a smaller set of nuclei. It takes a
Composition object and returns a dictionary with the nucleus
name (like "Ni56") as the key and the corresponding mass fraction
as the value. It should be ordered in the way you want the nuclei
output into the NSE table file.
self.rho = rho
self.T = T
self.Ye = Ye
self.comp = comp
self.ydots = ydots
self.enu = enu
# compute the bits we need for the table
if comp:
# mean molecular weight of the full NSE state
self.abar = comp.abar
# average binding energy / nucleon for the full NSE state
self.bea = sum(q.nucbind * self.comp.X[q] for q in self.comp.X)
# evolution of the electron fraction from weak rates alone
self.dYedt = sum(q.Z * self.ydots[q] for q in self.comp.X)
# evolution of Abar from weak rates alone
self.dabardt = -self.abar**2 * sum(self.ydots[q] for q in self.comp.X)
# evolution of B/A from weak rates alone
self.dbeadt = sum(self.ydots[q] * q.nucbind for q in self.comp.X)
self.X = None
if comp_reduction_func:
self.X = comp_reduction_func(self.comp)
def __str__(self):
return f"({self.rho:12.6g}, {self.T:12.6g}, {self.Ye:6.4f}): {self.abar:6.4f} {self.bea:6.4f} {self.dYedt:12.6g} {self.enu:12.6g}"
def value(self):
"""a simple integer used for sorting. This has the format
return int(f"{np.log10(self.rho):08.5f}{np.log10(self.T):08.5f}{1-self.Ye:08.5f}".replace(".", ""))
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.value() < other.value()
class NSENetwork(RateCollection):
"""a network for solving for the NSE composition and outputting
tabulated NSE quantities"""
def _evaluate_n_e(self, state, Xs):
n_e = 0.0
for nuc in self.unique_nuclei:
n_e += nuc.Z * state.dens * Xs[nuc] / (nuc.A * constants.m_u_C18)
return n_e
def _evaluate_mu_c(self, n_e, state, use_coulomb_corr=True):
""" A helper equation that finds the mass fraction of each nuclide in NSE state,
u[0] is chemical potential of proton while u[1] is chemical potential of neutron"""
# If there is proton included in network, upper limit of ye is 1
# And if neutron is included in network, lower limit of ye is 0.
# However, there are networks where either of them are included
# So here I add a general check to find the upper and lower limit of ye
# so the input doesn't go outside of the scope and the solver won't be able to converge if it did
ye_low = min(nuc.Z/nuc.A for nuc in self.unique_nuclei)
ye_max = max(nuc.Z/nuc.A for nuc in self.unique_nuclei)
assert >= ye_low and <= ye_max, "input electron fraction goes outside of scope for current network"
# u_c is the coulomb correction term for NSE
# Calculate the composition at NSE, equations found in appendix of Calder paper
u_c = {}
for nuc in set(list(self.unique_nuclei) + [Nucleus("p")]):
if use_coulomb_corr:
# These are three constants for calculating coulomb corrections of chemical energy, see Calders paper: iopscience 510709, appendix
A_1 = -0.9052
A_2 = 0.6322
A_3 = -0.5 * np.sqrt(3.0) - A_1 / np.sqrt(A_2)
Gamma = state.gamma_e_fac * n_e ** (1.0/3.0) * nuc.Z ** (5.0 / 3.0) / state.temp
u_c[nuc] = constants.erg2MeV * constants.k * state.temp * (A_1 * (np.sqrt(Gamma * (A_2 + Gamma)) - A_2 * np.log(np.sqrt(Gamma / A_2) +
np.sqrt(1.0 + Gamma / A_2))) + 2.0 * A_3 * (np.sqrt(Gamma) - np.arctan(np.sqrt(Gamma))))
u_c[nuc] = 0.0
return u_c
def _nucleon_fraction_nse(self, u, u_c, state):
Xs = {}
up_c = u_c[Nucleus("p")]
for nuc in self.unique_nuclei:
if nuc.partition_function:
pf = nuc.partition_function.eval(state.temp)
pf = 1.0
if not nuc.spin_states:
raise ValueError(f"The spin of {nuc} is not implemented for now.")
nse_exponent = (nuc.Z * u[0] + nuc.N * u[1] - u_c[nuc] + nuc.Z * up_c + nuc.nucbind * nuc.A) / (constants.k * state.temp * constants.erg2MeV)
nse_exponent = min(500.0, nse_exponent)
Xs[nuc] = constants.m_u * nuc.A_nuc * pf * nuc.spin_states / state.dens * (2.0 * np.pi * constants.m_u * nuc.A_nuc * constants.k * state.temp / constants.h**2) ** 1.5 \
* np.exp(nse_exponent)
return Xs
def _constraint_eq(self, u, u_c, state):
""" Constraint Equations used to evaluate chemical potential for proton and neutron,
which is used when evaluating composition at NSE"""
# Don't use since it does automatic mass fraction normalization.
# However, we should force normalization through constraint eq1.
Xs = self._nucleon_fraction_nse(u, u_c, state)
eq1 = sum(Xs[nuc] for nuc in self.unique_nuclei) - 1.0
eq2 = sum(Xs[nuc] * nuc.Z / nuc.A for nuc in self.unique_nuclei) -
return [eq1, eq2]
def get_comp_nse(self, rho, T, ye, init_guess=(-3.5, -15),
tol=1.0e-11, use_coulomb_corr=False, return_sol=False):
Returns the NSE composition given density, temperature and prescribed electron fraction
using scipy.fsolve.
rho: NSE state density
T: NSE state Temperature
ye: prescribed electron fraction
init_guess: optional, initial guess of chemical potential of proton and neutron, [mu_p, mu_n]
tol: optional, sets the tolerance of scipy.fsolve
use_coulomb_corr: Whether to include coulomb correction terms
return_sol: Whether to return the solution of the proton and neutron chemical potential.
# From here we convert the init_guess list into a np.array object:
init_guess = np.array(init_guess)
state = NseState(T, rho, ye)
u_c = {}
for nuc in set(list(self.unique_nuclei) + [Nucleus("p")]):
u_c[nuc] = 0.0
Xs = {}
j = 0
is_pos_old = False
found_sol = False
# This nested loops should fine-tune the initial guess if fsolve is unable to find a solution
while j < 20:
i = 0
guess = init_guess.copy()
init_dx = 0.5
while i < 20:
# Filter out runtimewarnings from fsolve, here we check convergence by np.isclose
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
u = fsolve(self._constraint_eq, guess, args=(u_c, state), xtol=tol, maxfev=800)
Xs = self._nucleon_fraction_nse(u, u_c, state)
n_e = self._evaluate_n_e(state, Xs)
u_c = self._evaluate_mu_c(n_e, state, use_coulomb_corr)
res = self._constraint_eq(u, u_c, state)
is_pos_new = all(k > 0 for k in res)
found_sol = np.all(np.isclose(res, [0.0, 0.0], rtol=1.0e-7, atol=1.0e-7))
if found_sol:
Xs = self._nucleon_fraction_nse(u, u_c, state)
comp = Composition(self.unique_nuclei)
comp.X = Xs
if return_sol:
return comp, u
return comp
if is_pos_old != is_pos_new:
init_dx *= 0.8
if is_pos_new:
guess -= init_dx
guess += init_dx
is_pos_old = is_pos_new
i += 1
j += 1
init_guess[0] -= 0.5
raise ValueError("Unable to find a solution, try to adjust initial guess manually")
def generate_table(self, rho_values=None, T_values=None, Ye_values=None,
verbose=False, outfile="nse.tbl"):
# initial guess
mu_p0 = -3.5
mu_n0 = -15.0
# arrays to cache the chemical potentials as mu_p(rho, Ye)
mu_p = np.ones((len(rho_values), len(Ye_values)), dtype=np.float64) * mu_p0
mu_n = np.ones((len(rho_values), len(Ye_values)), dtype=np.float64) * mu_n0
nse_states = []
for T in reversed(T_values):
for irho, rho in enumerate(reversed(rho_values)):
for iye, ye in enumerate(reversed(Ye_values)):
initial_guess = (mu_p[irho, iye], mu_n[irho, iye])
comp, sol = self.get_comp_nse(rho, T, ye, use_coulomb_corr=True,
except ValueError:
initial_guess = (-3.5, -15)
comp, sol = self.get_comp_nse(rho, T, ye, use_coulomb_corr=True,
mu_p[irho, iye] = sol[0]
mu_n[irho, iye] = sol[1]
# get the dY/dt for just the weak rates
ydots = self.evaluate_ydots(rho, T, comp,
rate_filter=lambda r: isinstance(r, TabularRate))
_, enu = self.evaluate_energy_generation(rho, T, comp,
nse_states.append(NSETableEntry(rho, T, ye,
comp=comp, ydots=ydots, enu=enu,
if verbose:
with open(outfile, "w") as of:
# write the header
of.write(f"# NSE table generated by pynucastro {version}\n")
of.write(f"# original NSENetwork had {len(self.unique_nuclei)} nuclei\n")
of.write(f"# {'log10(rho)':^15} {'log10(T)':^15} {'Ye':^15} ")
of.write(f"{'Abar':^15} {'<B/A>':^15} {'dYe/dt':^15} {'dAbar/dt':^15} {'d<B/A>/dt':^15} {'e_nu':^15} ")
if nse_states[0].X:
for nuc, _ in nse_states[0].X:
_tmp = f"X({nuc})"
of.write(f"{_tmp:^15} ")
for entry in sorted(nse_states):
of.write(f"{np.log10(entry.rho):15.10f} {np.log10(entry.T):15.10f} {entry.Ye:15.10f} ")
of.write(f"{entry.abar:15.10f} {entry.bea:15.10f} {entry.dYedt:15.8g} {entry.dabardt:15.8g} {entry.dbeadt:15.8g} {entry.enu:15.8g} ")
if entry.X:
for _, val in entry.X:
of.write(f"{val:15.10g} ")