import numpy as np
from pynucastro.networks.rate_collection import RateCollection
from pynucastro.rates import Tfactors
class NumpyNetwork(RateCollection):
"""A network that uses numpy arrays to evaluate rates more efficiently.
Cached arrays
.. py:attribute:: coef_arr
Reaclib rate coefficient array, with shape ``(number_of_rates,
number_of_sets, 7)``.
.. py:attribute:: coef_mask
Boolean mask array determining how many sets to include in the final
rate evaluation, with shape ``(number_of_rates, number_of_sets)``.
.. py:attribute:: nuc_prod_count
Array storing the count of each nucleus in rates producing that nucleus,
with shape ``(number_of_species, number_of_rates)``.
.. py:attribute:: nuc_cons_count
Array storing the count of each nucleus in rates consuming that nucleus,
with shape ``(number_of_species, number_of_rates)``.
.. py:attribute:: nuc_used
A boolean matrix of whether the nucleus is involved in the reaction
or not, with shape ``(number_of_species, number_of_rates)``.
.. py:attribute:: yfac
Array storing the molar fraction component of each rate (Y of each
reactant raised to the appropriate power).
Depends on composition only.
.. py:attribute:: prefac
Array storing the prefactor for each rate, which includes both the
statistical prefactor and mass density raised to the corresponding
density exponent.
Depends on composition and density.
def __init__(self, rate_files=None, libraries=None, rates=None,
symmetric_screening=False, do_screening=True):
super().__init__(rate_files, libraries, rates, inert_nuclei,
symmetric_screening, do_screening)
# cached values for vectorized evaluation
self._nuc_prod_count = None
self._nuc_cons_count = None
self._nuc_used = None
self._coef_arr = None
self._coef_mask = None
self.prefac = None
self.yfac = None
def _build_collection(self):
# clear the cached arrays after changing any of the rates
def nuc_prod_count(self):
if self._nuc_prod_count is None:
return self._nuc_prod_count
def nuc_cons_count(self):
if self._nuc_cons_count is None:
return self._nuc_cons_count
def nuc_used(self):
if self._nuc_used is None:
return self._nuc_used
def _calc_count_matrices(self):
Compute and store 3 count matrices that can be used for vectorized rate
# Rate -> index mapping
r_map = {}
for i, r in enumerate(self.rates):
r_map[r] = i
N_species = len(self.unique_nuclei)
N_rates = len(self.rates)
# Counts for reactions producing nucleus
self._nuc_prod_count = np.zeros((N_species, N_rates), dtype=np.int32)
# Counts for reactions consuming nucleus
self._nuc_cons_count = np.zeros((N_species, N_rates), dtype=np.int32)
for i, n in enumerate(self.unique_nuclei):
for r in self.nuclei_produced[n]:
self._nuc_prod_count[i, r_map[r]] = r.products.count(n)
for r in self.nuclei_consumed[n]:
self._nuc_cons_count[i, r_map[r]] = r.reactants.count(n)
# Whether the nucleus is involved in the reaction or not
self._nuc_used = np.logical_or(self._nuc_prod_count, self._nuc_cons_count).T
def coef_arr(self):
if self._coef_arr is None:
return self._coef_arr
def coef_mask(self):
if self._coef_mask is None:
return self._coef_mask
def _update_rate_coef_arr(self):
Update the :attr:`.coef_arr` and :attr:`.coef_mask` arrays.
# coef arr can be precomputed if evaluate_rates_arr is called multiple times
N_sets = max(len(r.sets) for r in self.rates)
coef_arr = np.zeros((len(self.rates), N_sets, 7), dtype=np.float64)
coef_mask = np.zeros((len(self.rates), N_sets), dtype=np.bool_)
for i, r in enumerate(self.rates):
for j, s in enumerate(r.sets):
coef_arr[i, j, :] = s.a
coef_mask[i, j] = True
self._coef_arr = coef_arr
self._coef_mask = coef_mask
def update_yfac_arr(self, composition):
Calculate and store molar fraction component of each rate (Y of each
reactant raised to the appropriate power). The results are stored in
the :attr:`.yfac` array.
# yfac must be evaluated each time composition changes, probably pretty cheap
yfac = np.ones((len(self.rates), len(self.unique_nuclei)), dtype=np.float64)
ys = np.array(list(composition.get_molar().values()), dtype=np.float64)
yfac *= ys**self.nuc_cons_count.T
yfac =, axis=1)
self.yfac = yfac
def update_prefac_arr(self, rho, composition):
Calculate and store rate prefactors, which include both statistical
prefactors and mass density raised to the corresponding density
exponents. The results are stored in the :attr:`.prefac` array.
y_e =
prefac = np.zeros(len(self.rates))
for i, r in enumerate(self.rates):
if r.label == "tabular":
raise ValueError('Tabular rates are not supported in vectorized rate calculations.')
prefac[i] = r.prefactor * rho**r.dens_exp
if r.weak_type == 'electron_capture':
prefac[i] *= y_e
self.prefac = prefac
def evaluate_rates_arr(self, T):
Evaluate the rates in the network for a specific temperature, assuming
necessary precalculations have been carried out (calling the methods
:meth:`.update_yfac_arr` and :meth:`.update_prefac_arr` to set the
composition and density).
This performs a vectorized calculation, and returns an array ordered by
the rates in the ``rates`` member variable. This does not support
tabular rates.
See :meth:`.evaluate_rates` for the non-vectorized version. Relative
performance between the two varies based on the setup. See
:meth:`clear_arrays` for freeing memory post calculation.
# T9 arr only needs to be evaluated when T changes
T9_arr = Tfactors(T).array[None, None, :]
rvals = self.prefac*self.yfac*np.sum(np.exp(np.sum(self.coef_arr*T9_arr, axis=2))*self.coef_mask, axis=1)
return rvals
def evaluate_ydots_arr(self, T):
Evaluate net rate of change of molar abundance for each nucleus in the
network for a specific temperature, assuming necessary precalculations
have been carried out (calling the methods :meth:`.update_yfac_arr` and
:meth:`.update_prefac_arr` to set the composition and density).
This performs a vectorized calculation, and returns an array ordered by
the nuclei in the ``unique_nuclei`` member variable. This does not
support tabular rates.
See :meth:`.evaluate_ydots` for the non-vectorized version. Relative
performance between the two varies based on the setup. See
:meth:`.clear_arrays` for freeing memory post calculation.
rvals_arr = self.evaluate_rates_arr(T)
p_A = np.sum(self.nuc_prod_count*rvals_arr, axis=1)
c_A = np.sum(self.nuc_cons_count*rvals_arr, axis=1)
return p_A - c_A
def evaluate_activity_arr(self, T):
Sum over all of the terms contributing to dY/dt for a specific
temperature, neglecting sign, assuming necessary precalculations have
been carried out (calling the methods :meth:`.update_yfac_arr` and
:meth:`.update_prefac_arr` to set the composition and density).
This performs a vectorized calculation, and returns an array ordered by
the nuclei in the ``unique_nuclei`` member variable. This does not
support tabular rates.
See :meth:`.evaluate_activity` for the non-vectorized version. Relative
performance between the two varies based on the setup. See
:meth:`.clear_arrays` for freeing memory post calculation.
rvals_arr = self.evaluate_rates_arr(T)
p_A = np.sum(self.nuc_prod_count*rvals_arr, axis=1)
c_A = np.sum(self.nuc_cons_count*rvals_arr, axis=1)
return p_A + c_A
def clear_arrays(self):
Clear all cached arrays stored by the :meth:`.update_yfac_arr` and
:meth:`.update_prefac_arr` member functions, freeing up memory.
self._nuc_prod_count = None
self._nuc_cons_count = None
self._nuc_used = None
self._coef_arr = None
self._coef_mask = None
self.prefac = None
self.yfac = None