"""Support modules to write a pure python reaction network ODE
import shutil
import sys
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from pynucastro.constants import constants
from pynucastro.networks.rate_collection import RateCollection
from pynucastro.rates import ApproximateRate
from pynucastro.screening import get_screening_map
class PythonNetwork(RateCollection):
"""A pure python reaction network."""
def full_ydot_string(self, nucleus, indent=""):
"""construct the python form of dY(nucleus)/dt"""
ostr = ""
if not self.nuclei_consumed[nucleus] + self.nuclei_produced[nucleus]:
# this captures an inert nucleus
ostr += f"{indent}dYdt[j{nucleus.raw}] = 0.0\n\n"
ostr += f"{indent}dYdt[j{nucleus.raw}] = (\n"
for r in self.nuclei_consumed[nucleus]:
c = r.reactants.count(nucleus)
if c == 1:
ostr += f"{indent} -{r.ydot_string_py()}\n"
ostr += f"{indent} -{c}*{r.ydot_string_py()}\n"
for r in self.nuclei_produced[nucleus]:
c = r.products.count(nucleus)
if c == 1:
ostr += f"{indent} +{r.ydot_string_py()}\n"
ostr += f"{indent} +{c}*{r.ydot_string_py()}\n"
ostr += f"{indent} )\n\n"
return ostr
def full_jacobian_element_string(self, ydot_i_nucleus, y_j_nucleus, indent=""):
"""return the Jacobian element dYdot(ydot_i_nucleus)/dY(y_j_nucleus)"""
# this is the jac(i,j) string
idx_str = f"jac[j{ydot_i_nucleus.raw}, j{y_j_nucleus.raw}]"
ostr = ""
if not self.nuclei_consumed[ydot_i_nucleus] + self.nuclei_produced[ydot_i_nucleus]:
# this covers the case where a nucleus is not created or
# destroyed in the entire network, but is just passive
ostr += f"{indent}{idx_str} = 0.0\n\n"
ostr += f"{indent}{idx_str} = (\n"
rate_terms_str = ""
for r in self.nuclei_consumed[ydot_i_nucleus]:
c = r.reactants.count(ydot_i_nucleus)
jac_str = r.jacobian_string_py(y_j_nucleus)
if jac_str == "":
if c == 1:
rate_terms_str += f"{indent} -{jac_str}\n"
rate_terms_str += f"{indent} -{c}*{jac_str}\n"
for r in self.nuclei_produced[ydot_i_nucleus]:
c = r.products.count(ydot_i_nucleus)
jac_str = r.jacobian_string_py(y_j_nucleus)
if jac_str == "":
if c == 1:
rate_terms_str += f"{indent} +{jac_str}\n"
rate_terms_str += f"{indent} +{c}*{jac_str}\n"
if rate_terms_str == "":
return ""
ostr += rate_terms_str
ostr += f"{indent} )\n\n"
return ostr
def screening_string(self, indent=""):
ostr = ""
ostr += f"{indent}plasma_state = PlasmaState(T, rho, Y, Z)\n"
if not self.do_screening:
screening_map = []
screening_map = get_screening_map(self.get_rates(),
for i, scr in enumerate(screening_map):
if not (scr.n1.dummy or scr.n2.dummy):
# calculate the screening factor
ostr += f"\n{indent}scn_fac = ScreenFactors({scr.n1.Z}, {scr.n1.A}, {scr.n2.Z}, {scr.n2.A})\n"
ostr += f"{indent}scor = screen_func(plasma_state, scn_fac)\n"
if scr.name == "He4_He4_He4":
# we don't need to do anything here, but we want to avoid immediately applying the screening
elif scr.name == "He4_He4_He4_dummy":
# make sure the previous iteration was the first part of 3-alpha
assert screening_map[i - 1].name == "He4_He4_He4"
# handle the second part of the screening for 3-alpha
ostr += f"{indent}scn_fac2 = ScreenFactors({scr.n1.Z}, {scr.n1.A}, {scr.n2.Z}, {scr.n2.A})\n"
ostr += f"{indent}scor2 = screen_func(plasma_state, scn_fac2)\n"
# there might be both the forward and reverse 3-alpha
# if we are doing symmetric screening
for r in scr.rates:
# use scor from the previous loop iteration
ostr += f"{indent}rate_eval.{r.fname} *= scor * scor2\n"
# there might be several rates that have the same
# reactants and therefore the same screening applies
# -- handle them all now
for r in scr.rates:
ostr += f"{indent}rate_eval.{r.fname} *= scor\n"
return ostr
def rates_string(self, indent=""):
"""section for evaluating the rates and storing them in rate_eval"""
def format_rate_call(r, use_tf=True):
args = ["rate_eval"]
if use_tf:
if r.rate_eval_needs_rho:
if r.rate_eval_needs_comp:
return f"{indent}{r.fname}({', '.join(args)})\n"
ostr = ""
ostr += f"{indent}# reaclib rates\n"
for r in self.reaclib_rates:
ostr += format_rate_call(r)
if self.derived_rates:
ostr += f"\n{indent}# derived rates\n"
for r in self.derived_rates:
ostr += format_rate_call(r)
if self.tabular_rates:
ostr += f"\n{indent}# tabular rates\n"
for r in self.tabular_rates:
ostr += format_rate_call(r, use_tf=False)
if self.custom_rates:
ostr += f"\n{indent}# custom rates\n"
for r in self.custom_rates:
ostr += format_rate_call(r)
ostr += "\n"
# apply screening factors, if we're given a screening function
ostr += f"{indent}if screen_func is not None:\n"
ostr += self.screening_string(indent=indent + 4*" ")
if self.approx_rates:
ostr += f"\n{indent}# approximate rates\n"
for r in self.approx_rates:
ostr += format_rate_call(r)
return ostr
def _write_network(self, outfile: str | Path = None):
This is the actual RHS for the system of ODEs that
this network describes.
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
if outfile is None:
of = sys.stdout
outfile = Path(outfile)
of = outfile.open("w")
indent = 4*" "
of.write("import numba\n")
of.write("import numpy as np\n")
of.write("from scipy import constants\n")
of.write("from numba.experimental import jitclass\n\n")
of.write("from pynucastro.rates import TableIndex, TableInterpolator, TabularRate, Tfactors\n")
of.write("from pynucastro.screening import PlasmaState, ScreenFactors\n\n")
# integer keys
for i, n in enumerate(self.unique_nuclei):
of.write(f"j{n.raw} = {i}\n")
of.write(f"nnuc = {len(self.unique_nuclei)}\n\n")
# nuclei properties
of.write("A = np.zeros((nnuc), dtype=np.int32)\n\n")
for n in self.unique_nuclei:
of.write(f"A[j{n.raw}] = {n.A}\n")
of.write("Z = np.zeros((nnuc), dtype=np.int32)\n\n")
for n in self.unique_nuclei:
of.write(f"Z[j{n.raw}] = {n.Z}\n")
# we'll compute the masses here in erg
of.write("# masses in ergs\n")
of.write("mass = np.zeros((nnuc), dtype=np.float64)\n\n")
for n in self.unique_nuclei:
mass = n.A_nuc * constants.m_u_MeV_C18 * constants.MeV2erg
of.write(f"mass[j{n.raw}] = {mass}\n")
of.write("names = []\n")
for n in self.unique_nuclei:
name = n.short_spec_name
if name != "n":
name = name.capitalize()
of.write("def to_composition(Y):\n")
of.write(f'{indent}''"""Convert an array of molar fractions to a Composition object."""\n')
of.write(f'{indent}'"from pynucastro import Composition, Nucleus\n")
of.write(f'{indent}'"nuclei = [Nucleus.from_cache(name) for name in names]\n")
of.write(f'{indent}'"comp = Composition(nuclei)\n")
of.write(f'{indent}'"for i, nuc in enumerate(nuclei):\n")
of.write(f'{indent*2}'"comp.X[nuc] = Y[i] * A[i]\n")
of.write(f'{indent}'"return comp\n\n")
of.write("def energy_release(dY):\n")
of.write(f'{indent}''"""return the energy release in erg/g (/s if dY is actually dY/dt)"""\n')
of.write(f'{indent}'"enuc = 0.0\n")
of.write(f'{indent}'"for i, y in enumerate(dY):\n")
of.write(f'{indent*2}'"enuc += y * mass[i]\n")
of.write(f'{indent}'"enuc *= -1*constants.Avogadro\n")
of.write(f'{indent}'"return enuc\n\n")
# partition function data (if needed)
nuclei_pfs = self.get_nuclei_needing_partition_functions()
for n in nuclei_pfs:
of.write(f"{n}_temp_array = np.array({list(n.partition_function.temperature/1.0e9)})\n")
of.write(f"{n}_pf_array = np.array({list(n.partition_function.partition_function)})\n")
# rate_eval class
for r in self.all_rates:
of.write(f'{indent}("{r.fname}", numba.float64),\n')
of.write("class RateEval:\n")
of.write(f"{indent}def __init__(self):\n")
for r in self.all_rates:
of.write(f"{indent*2}self.{r.fname} = np.nan\n")
# tabular rate data
if self.tabular_rates:
of.write("# note: we cannot make the TableInterpolator global, since numba doesn't like global jitclass\n")
for r in self.tabular_rates:
of.write(f"# load data for {r.rid}\n")
of.write(f"{r.fname}_rate = TabularRate(rfile='{r.rfile}')\n")
of.write(f"{r.fname}_info = ({r.fname}_rate.table_rhoy_lines,\n")
of.write(f" {r.fname}_rate.table_temp_lines,\n")
of.write(f" {r.fname}_rate.tabular_data_table)\n\n")
of.write("def ye(Y):\n")
of.write(f"{indent}return np.sum(Z * Y)/np.sum(A * Y)\n\n")
# the functions to evaluate the temperature dependence of the rates
_rate_func_written = []
for r in self.rates:
if isinstance(r, ApproximateRate):
# write out the function string for all of the rates we depend on
for cr in r.get_child_rates():
if cr in _rate_func_written:
# now write out the function that computes the
# approximate rate
if r in _rate_func_written:
# the rhs() function
of.write("def rhs(t, Y, rho, T, screen_func=None):\n")
of.write(f"{indent}return rhs_eq(t, Y, rho, T, screen_func)\n\n")
of.write("def rhs_eq(t, Y, rho, T, screen_func):\n\n")
# get the rates
of.write(f"{indent}tf = Tfactors(T)\n")
of.write(f"{indent}rate_eval = RateEval()\n\n")
of.write(f"{indent}dYdt = np.zeros((nnuc), dtype=np.float64)\n\n")
# now make the RHSs
for n in self.unique_nuclei:
of.write(self.full_ydot_string(n, indent=indent))
of.write(f"{indent}return dYdt\n\n")
# the jacobian() function
of.write("def jacobian(t, Y, rho, T, screen_func=None):\n")
of.write(f"{indent}return jacobian_eq(t, Y, rho, T, screen_func)\n\n")
of.write("def jacobian_eq(t, Y, rho, T, screen_func):\n\n")
# get the rates
of.write(f"{indent}tf = Tfactors(T)\n")
of.write(f"{indent}rate_eval = RateEval()\n\n")
of.write(f"{indent}jac = np.zeros((nnuc, nnuc), dtype=np.float64)\n\n")
# now fill each Jacobian element
for n_i in self.unique_nuclei:
for n_j in self.unique_nuclei:
of.write(self.full_jacobian_element_string(n_i, n_j, indent=indent))
of.write(f"{indent}return jac\n")
if outfile is not None:
# Copy any tables in the network to the current directory
# if the table file cannot be found, print a warning and continue.
odir = outfile.parent
except AttributeError:
odir = None
for tr in self.tabular_rates:
tdir = tr.rfile_path.parent
if tdir != Path.cwd():
tdat_file = tdir/tr.table_file
if tdat_file.is_file():
shutil.copy(tdat_file, odir or Path.cwd())
warnings.warn(UserWarning(f'Table data file {tr.table_file} not found.'))
rtoki_file = tdir/tr.rfile
if rtoki_file.is_file():
shutil.copy(rtoki_file, odir or Path.cwd())
warnings.warn(UserWarning(f'Table metadata file {tr.rfile} not found.'))