Source code for pynucastro.networks.sympy_network_support
"""This is a module that interprets the rates, ydots, and Jacobian
through sympy"""
import re
import sympy
from pynucastro.rates import TabularRate
class SympyRates:
def __init__(self):
self.symbol_ludict = {} # Symbol lookup dictionary
self._ydot_term_cache = {}
self.name_density = 'state.rho'
self.name_electron_fraction = 'state.y_e'
# Define these for the particular network
self.name_rate_data = 'screened_rates'
self.name_y = 'Y'
self.name_ydot = 'ydot'
self.name_ydot_nuc = 'ydot_nuc'
self.name_jacobian = 'jac'
self.name_jacobian_nuc = 'jac'
self.symbol_ludict['__dens__'] = self.name_density
self.symbol_ludict['__y_e__'] = self.name_electron_fraction
self.float_explicit_num_digits = 17
def ydot_term_symbol(self, rate, y_i):
return a sympy expression containing this rate's contribution to
the ydot term for nuclide y_i.
key = (rate.cname(), y_i)
if key in self._ydot_term_cache:
return self._ydot_term_cache[key]
srate = self.specific_rate_symbol(rate)
# Check if y_i is a reactant or product
c_reac = rate.reactants.count(y_i)
c_prod = rate.products.count(y_i)
if c_reac == 0 and c_prod == 0:
# The rate doesn't contribute to the ydot for this y_i
ydot_sym = float(sympy.sympify(0.0))
# y_i appears as a product or reactant
ydot_sym = (c_prod - c_reac) * srate
result = ydot_sym.evalf(n=self.float_explicit_num_digits)
self._ydot_term_cache[key] = result
return result
def specific_rate_symbol(self, rate):
return a sympy expression containing the term in a dY/dt equation
in a reaction network corresponding to this rate.
Also enter the symbol and substitution in the lookup table.
# composition dependence
Y_sym = 1
for r in sorted(set(rate.reactants)):
c = rate.reactants.count(r)
sym_final = f'{self.name_y}({r.cindex()})'
sym_temp = f'Y__j{r}__'
self.symbol_ludict[sym_temp] = sym_final
Y_sym = Y_sym * sympy.symbols(sym_temp)**c
# density dependence
dens_sym = sympy.symbols('__dens__')**rate.dens_exp
# electron fraction if electron capture reaction
y_e_sym = sympy.sympify(1)
if not isinstance(rate, TabularRate):
if rate.weak_type == 'electron_capture' and not rate.tabular:
y_e_sym = sympy.symbols('__y_e__')
# prefactor
prefactor_sym = sympy.sympify(1)/sympy.sympify(rate.inv_prefactor)
# screened rate
sym_final = self.name_rate_data + f'(k_{rate.cname()})'
sym_temp = f'NRD__k_{rate.cname()}__'
self.symbol_ludict[sym_temp] = sym_final
screened_rate_sym = sympy.symbols(sym_temp)
srate_sym = prefactor_sym * dens_sym * y_e_sym * Y_sym * screened_rate_sym
return srate_sym
def jacobian_term_symbol(self, rate, ydot_j, y_i):
return a sympy expression containing the term in a jacobian matrix
in a reaction network corresponding to this rate
Returns the derivative of the j-th YDOT wrt. the i-th Y
If the derivative is zero, returns 0.
ydot_j and y_i are objects of the class 'Nucleus'
ydot_sym = self.ydot_term_symbol(rate, ydot_j)
deriv_sym = sympy.symbols(f'Y__j{y_i}__')
jac_sym = sympy.diff(ydot_sym, deriv_sym)
symbol_is_null = False
if jac_sym.equals(0):
symbol_is_null = True
return (jac_sym.evalf(n=self.float_explicit_num_digits), symbol_is_null)
def cxxify(self, s):
Given string s, will replace the symbols appearing as keys in
self.symbol_ludict with their corresponding entries.
for k, v in self.symbol_ludict.items():
s = s.replace(k, v)
if s == '0':
s = '0.0e0'
# Replace all double precision literals with custom real type
# literals
# constant type specifier
const_spec = "_rt"
# we want append any "e" scientific notation with "_rt". This
# matches stuff like -1.25d-10, and gives us separate groups
# for the prefix and exponent. The [^\w] makes sure a letter
# isn't right in front of the match (like
# 'k3d-1'). Alternately, we allow for a match at the start of
# the string.
e_re = re.compile(r"([^\w\+\-]|\A)([\+\-0-9.][0-9.]+)[eE]([\+\-]?[0-9]+)", re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
# update "d" scientific notation -- allow for multiple
# constants in a single string
for ee in e_re.finditer(s):
old_num =
s = s.replace(old_num, f"{old_num}{const_spec}")
return s