from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
class PartitionFunction:
This class holds the tabulated data for the partition function for a
specific nucleus, which can be combined with other (non-overlapping)
partition functions by addition and evaluated for different temperature
Adding two PartitionFunction objects is implemented by simply appending the
temperature and partition function arrays of the higher-temperature
partition function to those of the lower-temperature partition function. If
the temperature ranges overlap, however, an exception is generated.
If either of the PartitionFunction objects added have already had a spline
interpolant constructed, then construct a new spline interpolant for the
returned PartitionFunction of order equal to the maximum order of the added
PartitionFunction objects.
:var nucleus: a string composed by a lowercase element and the
atomic number, e.g. ``"ni56"``
:var name: the name of the table on which the nucleus is read
:var temperature: a sorted array of all the temperatures involved
:var partition_function: an array with all the partition function values
given in the same order as ``temperature``
:var interpolant_order: the interpolation spline order, must be between
1 and 5, inclusive
def __init__(self, nucleus, name, temperature, partition_function, interpolant_order=3):
assert isinstance(nucleus, str)
temperature = np.asarray(temperature)
partition_function = np.asarray(partition_function)
assert temperature.shape == partition_function.shape
assert np.all(temperature[:-1] <= temperature[1:]), "temperature array must be sorted"
self.nucleus = nucleus = name
self.temperature = temperature
self.partition_function = partition_function
self.interpolant_order = interpolant_order
self._interpolant = None
def lower_partition(self):
"""Return the partition function value for :meth:`lower_temperature`."""
return self.partition_function[0]
def upper_partition(self):
"""Return the partition function value for :meth:`upper_temperature`."""
return self.partition_function[-1]
def lower_temperature(self):
"""Return the lowest temperature this object supports."""
return self.temperature[0]
def upper_temperature(self):
"""Return the highest temperature this object supports."""
return self.temperature[-1]
def __add__(self, other):
assert self.nucleus == other.nucleus
if self.upper_temperature() < other.lower_temperature():
lower = self
upper = other
lower = other
upper = self
if lower.upper_temperature() >= upper.lower_temperature():
raise ValueError("temperature ranges cannot overlap")
temperature = np.concatenate([lower.temperature, upper.temperature])
partition_function = np.concatenate([lower.partition_function,
name = f'{}+{}'
order = max(self.interpolant_order, other.interpolant_order)
newpf = PartitionFunction(nucleus=self.nucleus, name=name,
return newpf
def __eq__(self, other):
return (np.all(self.partition_function == other.partition_function) and
np.all(self.temperature == other.temperature))
def construct_spline_interpolant(self, order=3):
Construct an interpolating univariate spline of order >= 1 and
order <= 5 using the scipy InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
Interpolate in log space for the partition function and in GK
for temperature.
self._interpolant = None
self.interpolant_order = order
def eval(self, T):
"""Return the interpolated partition function value for the temperature T."""
# lazily construct the interpolant object, since it's pretty expensive
if not self._interpolant:
self._interpolant = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
T = float(T)/1.0e9
except ValueError:
print("invalid temperature")
# extrapolates keeping the boundaries fixed.
return float(10**self._interpolant(T, ext='const'))
class PartitionFunctionTable:
Class for reading a partition function table file. A
:class:`PartitionFunction` object is constructed for each nucleus and
stored in a dictionary keyed by the lowercase nucleus name in the form e.g.
"ni56". The table files are stored in the ``PartitionFunction``
:var name: the name of the table (as defined in the data file)
:var temperatures: an array of temperature values
def __init__(self, file_name):
self._partition_function = {} = None
self.temperatures = None
def _add_nuclide_pfun(self, nuc, pfun):
assert isinstance(nuc, str)
assert nuc not in self._partition_function
self._partition_function[nuc] = pfun
def get_nuclei(self):
"""Return a set of the nuclei this table supports."""
return set(self._partition_function)
def get_partition_function(self, nuc):
"""Return the :class:`PartitionFunction` object for a specific nucleus."""
assert isinstance(nuc, str)
if nuc in self._partition_function:
return self._partition_function[nuc]
return None
def _read_table(self, file_name: str | Path):
with Path(file_name).open("r") as fin:
# get headers name
fhead = fin.readline()
hsplit = fhead.split('name: ') = hsplit[-1].strip('\n')
# throw away the six subsequent lines
for _ in range(6):
# Now, we want to read the lines of the file where
# the temperatures are located
temp_strings = fin.readline().strip().split()
self.temperatures = np.array(temp_strings, dtype=np.float64)
# Now, we append on the array lines = [] all the remaining file, the structure
# 1. The nucleus
# 2. The partition value relative to the nucleus defined in 1.
lines = []
for line in fin:
ls = line.strip()
if ls:
# Using .pop(0) twice we construct each nucleus partition function.
while lines:
nuc = lines.pop(0)
pfun_strings = lines.pop(0).split()
partitionfun = np.array(pfun_strings, dtype=np.float64)
pfun = PartitionFunction(nuc,, self.temperatures, partitionfun)
self._add_nuclide_pfun(nuc, pfun)
class PartitionFunctionCollection:
This class holds a collection of :class:`PartitionFunctionTable` objects in
a dictionary keyed by the name of the tables.
In our discussion we have two different sets of tables: FRDM and ETFSI-Q.
:var use_high_temperatures: whether to incorporate the high-temperature data
:var use_set: selects between the FRDM (``'frdm'``) and ETFSI-Q
(``'etfsiq'``) data sets.
def __init__(self, use_high_temperatures=True, use_set='frdm'):
self._partition_function_tables = {}
self.use_high_temperatures = use_high_temperatures
self.use_set = use_set
def _add_table(self, table):
"""Add a PartitionFunctionTable to this collection."""
assert not in self._partition_function_tables
self._partition_function_tables[] = table
def _read_collection(self):
"""Read and construct all the tables from the data files."""
nucdata_dir = Path(__file__).parent
partition_function_dir = nucdata_dir/'PartitionFunction'
pft = PartitionFunctionTable(file_name=partition_function_dir/'etfsiq_low.txt')
pft = PartitionFunctionTable(file_name=partition_function_dir/'frdm_low.txt')
pft = PartitionFunctionTable(file_name=partition_function_dir/'etfsiq_high.txt')
pft = PartitionFunctionTable(file_name=partition_function_dir/'frdm_high.txt')
def get_nuclei(self):
"""Return a set of all the nuclei this collection supports."""
nuclei = set()
for table in self._partition_function_tables.values():
return nuclei
def __iter__(self):
for nuc in self.get_nuclei():
yield self.get_partition_function(nuc)
def get_partition_function(self, nuc):
"""Return the :class:`PartitionFunction` object for a specific nucleus."""
assert isinstance(nuc, str)
if self.use_set == 'frdm':
pf_lo_table = self._partition_function_tables['frdm_low']
pf_lo = pf_lo_table.get_partition_function(nuc)
pf_hi_table = self._partition_function_tables['frdm_high']
pf_hi = pf_hi_table.get_partition_function(nuc)
elif self.use_set == 'etfsiq':
pf_lo_table = self._partition_function_tables['etfsiq_low']
pf_lo = pf_lo_table.get_partition_function(nuc)
pf_hi_table = self._partition_function_tables['etfsiq_high']
pf_hi = pf_hi_table.get_partition_function(nuc)
raise ValueError("invalid partition function type")
if self.use_high_temperatures:
if pf_lo and pf_hi:
pf = pf_lo + pf_hi
elif pf_lo:
pf = pf_lo
elif pf_hi:
pf = pf_hi
#name = 'default'
#pf_default = PartitionFunction(nuc, name, pf_lo_table.temperatures, np.ones_like(pf_lo_table.temperatures))
#pf = pf_default
raise ValueError
#if str(nuc) != 'h1' and str(nuc) != 'n' and str(nuc) != 'he4':
# print(f'WARNING: {nuc} partition function is not supported: set pf = 1.0 by default')
if pf_lo:
pf = pf_lo
raise ValueError
#name = 'default'
#pf_default = PartitionFunction(nuc, name, pf_lo_table.temperatures, np.ones_like(pf_lo_table.temperatures))
#pf = pf_default
#if str(nuc) != 'p' and str(nuc) != 'n' and str(nuc) != 'he4':
# print(f'WARNING: {nuc} partition function is not supported: set pf = 1.0 by default')
return pf