Source code for pynucastro.nucdata.spin_table

from pathlib import Path

[docs] class SpinTable: """ This class stores the spins2020.txt table information in a dictionary data structure that maps nuclides to their number of nuclear spin states. Therefore, after setting an SpinTable class in, we can retrieve the spin states for a designated Nucleus class. The variable reliable switch between using all the values of the tables, excluding the nuclei where only intervals are given and the values measured by strong experimental arguments. """ def __init__(self, datafile: str | Path = None, reliable: bool = False) -> None: self._spin_states = {} self.reliable = reliable if datafile: self.datafile = Path(datafile) else: nucdata_dir = Path(__file__).parent datafile_name = 'spins2020.txt' self.datafile = nucdata_dir/'AtomicMassEvaluation'/datafile_name self._read_table() def _read_table(self) -> None: with"r") as f: for line in f.readlines()[4:]: A, Z, _, spin_states, experimental = line.strip().split()[:5] A, Z, spin_states = int(A), int(Z), int(spin_states) if self.reliable: if experimental == 's': self._spin_states[A, Z] = spin_states else: continue else: self._spin_states[A, Z] = spin_states
[docs] def get_spin_states(self, a: int, z: int) -> int: try: return self._spin_states[a, z] except KeyError as exc: raise NotImplementedError(f"nuclear spin data for A={a} and Z={z} not available") from exc