Source code for pynucastro.rates

"""The core routines needed to read and interpret nuclear reaction rates"""

from pynucastro.nucdata import UnsupportedNucleus

from .approximate_rates import ApproximateRate, create_double_neutron_capture
from .derived_rate import DerivedRate
from .files import RateFileError, _find_rate_file
from .known_duplicates import find_duplicate_rates, is_allowed_dupe
from .library import (LangankeLibrary, Library, RateFilter, ReacLibLibrary,
                      SuzukiLibrary, TabularLibrary, list_known_rates)
from .rate import Rate, RatePair, Tfactors
from .reaclib_rate import ReacLibRate, SingleSet
from .tabular_rate import TableIndex, TableInterpolator, TabularRate

[docs] def load_rate(rfile=None): """Try to load a rate of any type. :raises: :class:`.RateFileError`, :class:`.UnsupportedNucleus` """ try: rate = TabularRate(rfile=rfile) except (RateFileError, UnsupportedNucleus): rate = ReacLibRate(rfile=rfile) return rate