Source code for pynucastro.rates.approximate_rates

from pynucastro.nucdata import Nucleus
from pynucastro.rates.rate import Rate

[docs] def create_double_neutron_capture(lib, reactant, product): """a helper function that will return an ApproximateRate object for the "nn_g" approximation""" if isinstance(reactant, str): reactant = Nucleus(reactant) if isinstance(product, str): product = Nucleus(product) intermediate = reactant + Nucleus("n") forward_1 = lib.get_rate_by_name(f"{reactant.raw}(n,){intermediate.raw}") forward_2 = lib.get_rate_by_name(f"{intermediate.raw}(n,){product.raw}") reverse_1 = lib.get_rate_by_name(f"{product.raw}(,n){intermediate.raw}") reverse_2 = lib.get_rate_by_name(f"{intermediate.raw}(,n){reactant.raw}") forward = ApproximateRate(None, [forward_1, forward_2], None, [reverse_1, reverse_2], approx_type="nn_g", use_identical_particle_factor=False) reverse = ApproximateRate(None, [forward_1, forward_2], None, [reverse_1, reverse_2], approx_type="nn_g", is_reverse=True, use_identical_particle_factor=False) return forward, reverse
[docs] class ApproximateRate(Rate): def __init__(self, primary_rate, secondary_rates, primary_reverse, secondary_reverse, *, is_reverse=False, approx_type="ap_pg", use_identical_particle_factor=True): """the primary rate has the same reactants and products as the final approximate rate would have. It can be None. The secondary rates are ordered such that together they would give the same sequence """ # this will hold all of the rates self.rates = {} # this will hold only those rates that are approximated out. This is # used primarily for the RateCollection plot() self.hidden_rates = [] self.is_reverse = is_reverse self.approx_type = approx_type # some approximate rates will require density or composition, # so when we output the python or C++ function, we will need # these in the argument list. self.rate_eval_needs_rho = False self.rate_eval_needs_comp = False if self.approx_type == "ap_pg": # an ap_pg approximate rate combines A(a,g)B and A(a,p)X(p,g)B into a # single effective rate by assuming proton equilibrium. assert len(secondary_rates) == 2 # make sure that the primary forward rate makes sense # this should be A(a,g)B assert Nucleus("he4") in primary_rate.reactants and len(primary_rate.products) == 1 self.rates["A(a,g)B"] = primary_rate # we are going to define the product A and reactant B from this reaction self.primary_reactant = max(primary_rate.reactants) self.primary_product = max(primary_rate.products) # the first secondary rate should be A(a,p)X, where X is the # intermediate nucleus assert (self.primary_reactant in secondary_rates[0].reactants and Nucleus("he4") in secondary_rates[0].reactants and Nucleus("p") in secondary_rates[0].products) self.rates["A(a,p)X"] = secondary_rates[0] # the intermediate nucleus is not in our network, so make it # dummy self.intermediate_nucleus = max(secondary_rates[0].products) # now the second secondary rate show be X(p,g)B assert (self.intermediate_nucleus in secondary_rates[1].reactants and Nucleus("p") in secondary_rates[1].reactants and self.primary_product in secondary_rates[1].products) self.rates["X(p,g)B"] = secondary_rates[1] # now ensure that the reverse rate makes sense # the primary reverse rate is B(g,a)A assert (self.primary_product in primary_reverse.reactants and self.primary_reactant in primary_reverse.products) self.rates["B(g,a)A"] = primary_reverse # now the first secondary reverse rate should be B(g,p)X assert (self.primary_product in secondary_reverse[0].reactants and self.intermediate_nucleus in secondary_reverse[0].products and Nucleus("p") in secondary_reverse[0].products) self.rates["B(g,p)X"] = secondary_reverse[0] # and the second secondary reverse rate should be X(p,a)A assert (self.intermediate_nucleus in secondary_reverse[1].reactants and Nucleus("p") in secondary_reverse[1].reactants and self.primary_reactant in secondary_reverse[1].products and Nucleus("he4") in secondary_reverse[1].products) self.rates["X(p,a)A"] = secondary_reverse[1] # now initialize the super class with these reactants and products if not self.is_reverse: super().__init__(reactants=[self.primary_reactant, Nucleus("he4")], products=[self.primary_product], label="approx", use_identical_particle_factor=use_identical_particle_factor) else: super().__init__(reactants=[self.primary_product], products=[self.primary_reactant, Nucleus("he4")], label="approx", use_identical_particle_factor=use_identical_particle_factor) self.chapter = "a" self.hidden_rates = [self.rates["A(a,p)X"], self.rates["X(p,g)B"], self.rates["B(g,p)X"], self.rates["X(p,a)A"]] elif self.approx_type == "nn_g": # a nn_g approximate rate combines A(n,g)X(n,g)B into a # single effective rate by assuming equilibrium of X. assert primary_rate is None assert len(secondary_rates) == 2 # make sure that the pair of forward secondary makes sense # the first secondary rate should be A(n,g)X and the # second should be X(n,g)B for rr in secondary_rates: assert Nucleus("n") in rr.reactants and len(rr.products) == 1 # make sure that the intermediate nucleus matches assert secondary_rates[0].products[0] == max(secondary_rates[1].reactants) # we are going to define the product A and reactant B from # these forward secondary rates self.primary_reactant = max(secondary_rates[0].reactants) self.primary_product = max(secondary_rates[1].products) self.rates["A(n,g)X"] = secondary_rates[0] self.rates["X(n,g)B"] = secondary_rates[1] # the intermediate nucleus is not in our network, so make it # dummy self.intermediate_nucleus = max(secondary_rates[0].products) # now ensure that the reverse rates makes sense assert primary_reverse is None assert len(secondary_reverse) == 2 for rr in secondary_reverse: assert len(rr.reactants) == 1 # now the first secondary reverse rate should be B(g,n)X assert (self.primary_product in secondary_reverse[0].reactants and self.intermediate_nucleus in secondary_reverse[0].products and Nucleus("n") in secondary_reverse[0].products) self.rates["B(g,n)X"] = secondary_reverse[0] # and the second secondary reverse rate should be X(g,n)A assert (self.intermediate_nucleus in secondary_reverse[1].reactants and self.primary_reactant in secondary_reverse[1].products and Nucleus("n") in secondary_reverse[1].products) self.rates["X(g,n)A"] = secondary_reverse[1] # now initialize the super class with these reactants and products if not self.is_reverse: super().__init__(reactants=[self.primary_reactant, Nucleus("n"), Nucleus("n")], products=[self.primary_product], label="approx", use_identical_particle_factor=use_identical_particle_factor) else: super().__init__(reactants=[self.primary_product], products=[self.primary_reactant, Nucleus("n"), Nucleus("n")], label="approx", use_identical_particle_factor=use_identical_particle_factor) self.chapter = "a" # none of these rates directly appear as links in the network self.hidden_rates = list(self.rates.values()) self.rate_eval_needs_rho = True self.rate_eval_needs_comp = True else: raise NotImplementedError(f"approximation type {self.approx_type} not supported") # update the Q value self._set_q()
[docs] def get_child_rates(self): """return a list of all of the rates that are used in this approximation""" return list(self.rates.values())
def _set_screening(self): # the individual rates are screened -- we don't screen the combination of them pass
[docs] def eval(self, T, *, rho=None, comp=None): """evaluate the approximate rate""" if self.approx_type == "ap_pg": if not self.is_reverse: # pylint: disable=no-else-return # the approximate forward rate is r_ag + r_ap r_pg / (r_pg + r_pa) r_ag = self.rates["A(a,g)B"].eval(T) r_ap = self.rates["A(a,p)X"].eval(T) r_pg = self.rates["X(p,g)B"].eval(T) r_pa = self.rates["X(p,a)A"].eval(T) return r_ag + r_ap * r_pg / (r_pg + r_pa) else: # the approximate reverse rate is r_ga + r_pa r_gp / (r_pg + r_pa) r_ga = self.rates["B(g,a)A"].eval(T) r_gp = self.rates["B(g,p)X"].eval(T) r_pa = self.rates["X(p,a)A"].eval(T) r_pg = self.rates["X(p,g)B"].eval(T) return r_ga + r_pa * r_gp / (r_pg + r_pa) elif self.approx_type == "nn_g": # we are approximating A(n,g)X(n,g)B Yn = comp.get_molar()[Nucleus("n")] if not self.is_reverse: # pylint: disable=no-else-return # the forward rate A_ng_X = self.rates["A(n,g)X"].eval(T) X_ng_B = self.rates["X(n,g)B"].eval(T) X_gn_A = self.rates["X(g,n)A"].eval(T) return A_ng_X * X_ng_B / (rho * Yn * X_ng_B + X_gn_A) else: # the reverse rate B_gn_X = self.rates["B(g,n)X"].eval(T) X_gn_A = self.rates["X(g,n)A"].eval(T) X_ng_B = self.rates["X(n,g)B"].eval(T) return B_gn_X * X_gn_A / (rho * Yn * X_ng_B + X_gn_A) raise NotImplementedError(f"approximation type {self.approx_type} not supported")
[docs] def function_string_py(self): """ Return a string containing python function that computes the approximate rate """ if self.approx_type == "ap_pg": # we are approximating A(a,p)X(p,g)B string = "" string += "@numba.njit()\n" string += f"def {self.fname}(rate_eval, tf):\n" if not self.is_reverse: # first we need to get all of the rates that make this up string += f" r_ag = rate_eval.{self.rates['A(a,g)B'].fname}\n" string += f" r_ap = rate_eval.{self.rates['A(a,p)X'].fname}\n" string += f" r_pg = rate_eval.{self.rates['X(p,g)B'].fname}\n" string += f" r_pa = rate_eval.{self.rates['X(p,a)A'].fname}\n" # now the approximation string += " rate = r_ag + r_ap * r_pg / (r_pg + r_pa)\n" else: # first we need to get all of the rates that make this up string += f" r_ga = rate_eval.{self.rates['B(g,a)A'].fname}\n" string += f" r_pa = rate_eval.{self.rates['X(p,a)A'].fname}\n" string += f" r_gp = rate_eval.{self.rates['B(g,p)X'].fname}\n" string += f" r_pg = rate_eval.{self.rates['X(p,g)B'].fname}\n" # now the approximation string += " rate = r_ga + r_pa * r_gp / (r_pg + r_pa)\n" string += f" rate_eval.{self.fname} = rate\n\n" return string if self.approx_type == "nn_g": # we are approximating A(n,g)X(n,g)B string = "" string += "@numba.njit()\n" string += f"def {self.fname}(rate_eval, tf, rho=None, Y=None):\n" string += " Yn = Y[jn]\n" if not self.is_reverse: # first we need to get all of the rates that make this up string += f" r1_ng = rate_eval.{self.rates['A(n,g)X'].fname}\n" string += f" r2_ng = rate_eval.{self.rates['X(n,g)B'].fname}\n" string += f" r1_gn = rate_eval.{self.rates['X(g,n)A'].fname}\n" # now the approximation string += " rate = r1_ng * r2_ng / (rho * Yn * r2_ng + r1_gn)\n" else: # first we need to get all of the rates that make this up string += f" r1_gn = rate_eval.{self.rates['X(g,n)A'].fname}\n" string += f" r2_gn = rate_eval.{self.rates['B(g,n)X'].fname}\n" string += f" r2_ng = rate_eval.{self.rates['X(n,g)B'].fname}\n" # now the approximation string += " rate = r1_gn * r2_gn / (rho * Yn * r2_ng + r1_gn)\n" string += f" rate_eval.{self.fname} = rate\n\n" return string raise NotImplementedError("don't know how to work with this approximation")
[docs] def function_string_cxx(self, dtype="double", specifiers="inline", leave_open=False, extra_args=()): """ Return a string containing C++ function that computes the approximate rate """ if dtype == "amrex::Real": array_type = "amrex::Array1D" else: array_type = "Array1D" if self.approx_type == "ap_pg": args = ["const T& rate_eval", f"{dtype}& rate", f"{dtype}& drate_dT", *extra_args] fstring = "" fstring = "template <typename T>\n" fstring += f"{specifiers}\n" fstring += f"void rate_{self.cname()}({', '.join(args)}) {{\n\n" if not self.is_reverse: # first we need to get all of the rates that make this up fstring += f" {dtype} r_ag = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['A(a,g)B'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} r_ap = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['A(a,p)X'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} r_pg = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['X(p,g)B'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} r_pa = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['X(p,a)A'].cname()});\n" # now the approximation fstring += f" {dtype} dd = 1.0_rt / (r_pg + r_pa);\n" fstring += " rate = r_ag + r_ap * r_pg * dd;\n" fstring += " if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, rate_derivs_t>) {\n" fstring += f" {dtype} drdT_ag = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['A(a,g)B'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} drdT_ap = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['A(a,p)X'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} drdT_pg = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['X(p,g)B'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} drdT_pa = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['X(p,a)A'].cname()});\n" fstring += " drate_dT = drdT_ag + drdT_ap * r_pg * dd + r_ap * drdT_pg * dd - r_ap * r_pg * dd * dd * (drdT_pg + drdT_pa);\n" fstring += " }\n" else: # first we need to get all of the rates that make this up fstring += f" {dtype} r_ga = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['B(g,a)A'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} r_pa = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['X(p,a)A'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} r_gp = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['B(g,p)X'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} r_pg = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['X(p,g)B'].cname()});\n" # now the approximation fstring += f" {dtype} dd = 1.0_rt / (r_pg + r_pa);\n" fstring += " rate = r_ga + r_gp * r_pa * dd;\n" fstring += " if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, rate_derivs_t>) {\n" fstring += f" {dtype} drdT_ga = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['B(g,a)A'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} drdT_pa = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['X(p,a)A'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} drdT_gp = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['B(g,p)X'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} drdT_pg = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['X(p,g)B'].cname()});\n" fstring += " drate_dT = drdT_ga + drdT_gp * r_pa * dd + r_gp * drdT_pa * dd - r_gp * r_pa * dd * dd * (drdT_pg + drdT_pa);\n" fstring += " }\n" if not leave_open: fstring += "}\n\n" return fstring if self.approx_type == "nn_g": args = ["const T& rate_eval", f"const {dtype} rho", f"const {array_type}<{dtype}, 1, NumSpec>& Y", f"{dtype}& rate", f"{dtype}& drate_dT", *extra_args] fstring = "" fstring = "template <typename T>\n" fstring += f"{specifiers}\n" fstring += f"void rate_{self.cname()}({', '.join(args)}) {{\n\n" fstring += f" {dtype} Yn = Y(N);\n" if not self.is_reverse: # first we need to get all of the rates that make this up fstring += f" {dtype} r1_ng = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['A(n,g)X'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} r2_ng = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['X(n,g)B'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} r1_gn = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['X(g,n)A'].cname()});\n" # now the approximation fstring += f" {dtype} dd = 1.0_rt / (rho * Yn * r2_ng + r1_gn);\n" fstring += " rate = r1_ng * r2_ng * dd;\n" fstring += " if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, rate_derivs_t>) {\n" fstring += f" {dtype} dr1dT_ng = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['A(n,g)X'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} dr2dT_ng = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['X(n,g)B'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} dr1dT_gn = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['X(g,n)A'].cname()});\n" fstring += " drate_dT = dr1dT_ng * r2_ng * dd + r1_ng * dr2dT_ng * dd - r1_ng * r2_ng * dd * dd * (rho * Yn * dr2dT_ng + dr1dT_gn);\n" fstring += " }\n" else: # first we need to get all of the rates that make this up fstring += f" {dtype} r1_gn = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['X(g,n)A'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} r2_gn = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['B(g,n)X'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} r2_ng = rate_eval.screened_rates(k_{self.rates['X(n,g)B'].cname()});\n" # now the approximation fstring += f" {dtype} dd = 1.0_rt / (rho * Yn * r2_ng + r1_gn);\n" fstring += " rate = r1_gn * r2_gn * dd;\n" fstring += " if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, rate_derivs_t>) {\n" fstring += f" {dtype} dr1dT_gn = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['X(g,n)A'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} dr2dT_gn = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['B(g,n)X'].cname()});\n" fstring += f" {dtype} dr2dT_ng = rate_eval.dscreened_rates_dT(k_{self.rates['X(n,g)B'].cname()});\n" fstring += " drate_dT = dr1dT_gn * r2_gn * dd + r1_gn * dr2dT_gn * dd - r1_gn * r2_gn * dd * dd * (rho * Yn * dr2dT_ng + dr1dT_gn);\n" fstring += " }\n" if not leave_open: fstring += "}\n\n" return fstring raise NotImplementedError("don't know how to work with this approximation")