import math
import warnings
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
from pynucastro.constants import constants
from pynucastro.nucdata import Nucleus
from pynucastro.rates.rate import Rate
from pynucastro.rates.reaclib_rate import ReacLibRate, SingleSet
from pynucastro.rates.tabular_rate import TabularRate
class DerivedRate(ReacLibRate):
"""This class is a derived class from `Rate` with the purpose of
computing the inverse rate by the application of detailed balance
to the forward reactions.
def __init__(self, rate, compute_Q=False, use_pf=False):
self.use_pf = use_pf
self.rate = rate
self.compute_Q = compute_Q
if not isinstance(rate, Rate):
raise TypeError('rate must be a Rate subclass')
if (isinstance(rate, TabularRate) or self.rate.weak or
raise ValueError('The rate is reverse or weak or tabular')
if not all(nuc.spin_states for nuc in self.rate.reactants):
raise ValueError('One of the reactants spin ground state, is not defined')
if not all(nuc.spin_states for nuc in self.rate.products):
raise ValueError('One of the products spin ground state, is not defined')
derived_sets = []
for ssets in self.rate.sets:
a = ssets.a
prefactor = 0.0
Q = 0.0
prefactor += -np.log(constants.N_A) * (len(self.rate.reactants) - len(self.rate.products))
for nucr in self.rate.reactants:
prefactor += 1.5*np.log(nucr.A) + np.log(nucr.spin_states)
Q += nucr.A_nuc
for nucp in self.rate.products:
prefactor += -1.5*np.log(nucp.A) - np.log(nucp.spin_states)
Q -= nucp.A_nuc
if self.compute_Q:
Q = Q * constants.m_u_MeV_C18
Q = self.rate.Q
prefactor += np.log(self.counter_factors()[1]) - np.log(self.counter_factors()[0])
if len(self.rate.reactants) == len(self.rate.products):
prefactor += 0.0
F = (constants.m_u_C18 * constants.k * 1.0e9 /
(2.0*np.pi*constants.hbar**2))**(1.5*(len(self.rate.reactants) - len(self.rate.products)))
prefactor += np.log(F)
a_rev = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
a_rev[0] = prefactor + a[0]
a_rev[1] = a[1] - Q / (1.0e9 * constants.k_MeV)
a_rev[2] = a[2]
a_rev[3] = a[3]
a_rev[4] = a[4]
a_rev[5] = a[5]
a_rev[6] = a[6] + 1.5*(len(self.rate.reactants) - len(self.rate.products))
sset_d = SingleSet(a=a_rev, labelprops=rate.labelprops)
super().__init__(rfile=self.rate.rfile, chapter=self.rate.chapter, original_source=self.rate.original_source,
reactants=self.rate.products, products=self.rate.reactants, sets=derived_sets, labelprops="derived", Q=-Q)
def _warn_about_missing_pf_tables(self):
skip_nuclei = {Nucleus("h1"), Nucleus("n"), Nucleus("he4")}
for nuc in set(self.rate.reactants + self.rate.products) - skip_nuclei:
if not nuc.partition_function:
warnings.warn(UserWarning(f'{nuc} partition function is not supported by tables: set pf = 1.0 by default'))
def eval(self, T, *, rho=None, comp=None):
r = super().eval(T=T, rho=rho, comp=comp)
z_r = 1.0
z_p = 1.0
if self.use_pf:
for nucr in self.rate.reactants:
if not nucr.partition_function:
#nucr.partition_function = lambda T: 1.0
z_r *= nucr.partition_function.eval(T)
for nucp in self.rate.products:
if not nucp.partition_function:
#nucp.partition_function = lambda T: 1.0
z_p *= nucp.partition_function.eval(T)
return r*z_r/z_p
return r
def function_string_py(self):
Return a string containing python function that computes the
fstring = super().function_string_py()
if self.use_pf:
fstring += "\n"
for nuc in set(self.rate.reactants + self.rate.products):
if nuc.partition_function:
fstring += f" # interpolating {nuc} partition function\n"
fstring += f" {nuc}_pf_exponent = np.interp(tf.T9, xp={nuc}_temp_array, fp=np.log10({nuc}_pf_array))\n"
fstring += f" {nuc}_pf = 10.0**{nuc}_pf_exponent\n"
fstring += f" # setting {nuc} partition function to 1.0 by default, independent of T\n"
fstring += f" {nuc}_pf = 1.0\n"
fstring += "\n"
fstring += " "
fstring += "z_r = "
fstring += "*".join([f"{nucr}_pf" for nucr in self.rate.reactants])
fstring += "\n"
fstring += " "
fstring += "z_p = "
fstring += "*".join([f"{nucp}_pf" for nucp in self.rate.products])
fstring += "\n"
fstring += f" rate_eval.{self.fname} *= z_r/z_p\n"
return fstring
def function_string_cxx(self, dtype="double", specifiers="inline", leave_open=False, extra_args=()):
Return a string containing C++ function that computes the
extra_args = ["[[maybe_unused]] part_fun::pf_cache_t& pf_cache", *extra_args]
fstring = super().function_string_cxx(dtype=dtype, specifiers=specifiers, leave_open=True, extra_args=extra_args)
# right now we have rate and drate_dT without the partition function
# now the partition function corrections
if self.use_pf:
fstring += "\n"
for nuc in set(self.rate.reactants + self.rate.products):
fstring += f" {dtype} {nuc}_pf, d{nuc}_pf_dT;\n"
if nuc.partition_function:
fstring += f" // interpolating {nuc} partition function\n"
fstring += f" get_partition_function_cached({nuc.cindex()}, tfactors, pf_cache, {nuc}_pf, d{nuc}_pf_dT);\n"
fstring += f" // setting {nuc} partition function to 1.0 by default, independent of T\n"
fstring += f" {nuc}_pf = 1.0_rt;\n"
fstring += f" d{nuc}_pf_dT = 0.0_rt;\n"
fstring += "\n"
fstring += f" {dtype} z_r = "
fstring += " * ".join([f"{nucr}_pf" for nucr in self.rate.reactants])
fstring += ";\n"
fstring += f" {dtype} z_p = "
fstring += " * ".join([f"{nucp}_pf" for nucp in self.rate.products])
fstring += ";\n\n"
# now the derivatives, via chain rule
chain_terms = []
for n in self.rate.reactants:
chain_terms.append(" * ".join([f"{nucr}_pf" for nucr in self.rate.reactants if nucr != n] + [f"d{n}_pf_dT"]))
fstring += f" {dtype} dz_r_dT = "
fstring += " + ".join(chain_terms)
fstring += ";\n"
chain_terms = []
for n in self.rate.products:
chain_terms.append(" * ".join([f"{nucp}_pf" for nucp in self.rate.products if nucp != n] + [f"d{n}_pf_dT"]))
fstring += f" {dtype} dz_p_dT = "
fstring += " + ".join(chain_terms)
fstring += ";\n\n"
fstring += f" {dtype} dzterm_dT = (z_p * dz_r_dT - z_r * dz_p_dT) / (z_p * z_p);\n\n"
# final terms
fstring += " drate_dT = dzterm_dT * rate + drate_dT * (z_r / z_p);\n"
fstring += " rate *= z_r/z_p;\n\n"
if not leave_open:
fstring += "}\n\n"
return fstring
def counter_factors(self):
"""This function returns the nucr! = nucr_1! * ... * nucr_r!
for each repeated nucr reactant and nucp! = nucp_1! * ... *
nucp_p! for each reactant nucp product in a ordered pair
(nucr!, nucp!). The factors nucr! and nucp! avoid overcounting
when more than one nuclei is involve in the reaction,
otherwise it will return 1.0.
react_counts = Counter(self.rate.reactants)
prod_counts = Counter(self.rate.products)
reactant_factor = 1.0
for nuc in set(self.rate.reactants):
reactant_factor *= math.factorial(react_counts[nuc])
product_factor = 1.0
for nuc in set(self.rate.products):
product_factor *= math.factorial(prod_counts[nuc])
return (reactant_factor, product_factor)