import collections
import io
import re
from os import walk
from pathlib import Path
from pynucastro.nucdata import Nucleus, UnsupportedNucleus
from pynucastro.rates.derived_rate import DerivedRate
from pynucastro.rates.files import (RateFileError, _find_rate_file,
from pynucastro.rates.known_duplicates import (find_duplicate_rates,
from pynucastro.rates.rate import Rate
from pynucastro.rates.reaclib_rate import ReacLibRate
from pynucastro.rates.tabular_rate import TabularRate
def list_known_rates():
""" list the rates found in the library """
lib_path = Path(__file__).parents[1]/"library"
for _, _, filenames in walk(lib_path):
for f in filenames:
# skip over files that are not rate files
if Path(f).suffix in (".md", ".dat", ".py", "ipynb"):
lib = Library(f)
except (RateFileError, UnsupportedNucleus):
print(f"{f:32} : ")
for r in lib.get_rates():
print(f" : {r}")
def _rate_name_to_nuc(name):
# first try to interpret name as A(x,y)B
rate_str = re.compile(r"([A-Za-z0-9]+)\(([A-Za-z0-9_]*),([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\)([A-Za-z0-9]+)",
nucs =
_r = [,]
_p = [,]
except AttributeError:
return None
# now try to make nuclei objects.
reactants = []
for nuc in _r:
if nuc == "":
n = Nucleus(nuc)
except (ValueError, AssertionError):
# we need to interpret some things specially
if nuc.lower() in ["e", "nu", "_", "g", "gamma"]:
# first electrons and neutrins, and nothing
if nuc.lower() == "pp":
reactants += [Nucleus("p"), Nucleus("p")]
if nuc.lower() == "aa":
reactants += [Nucleus("he4"), Nucleus("he4")]
print(f"couldn't deal with {nuc}")
products = []
for nuc in _p:
if nuc == "":
n = Nucleus(nuc)
except (ValueError, AssertionError):
# we need to interpret some things specially
if nuc.lower() in ["e", "nu", "_", "g", "gamma"]:
# first electrons and neutrinos, gammas, and nothing
if nuc.lower() == "pp":
products += [Nucleus("p"), Nucleus("p")]
if nuc.lower() == "aa":
products += [Nucleus("he4"), Nucleus("he4")]
print(f"couldn't deal with {nuc}")
return reactants, products
def capitalize_rid(rid, delimiter):
# Used to capitalize rid or fname given the delimiter
# delimiter is usually either "_" or " "
rid_nucs = rid.split(delimiter)
rid_mod = []
do_capitalization = True
for n in rid_nucs:
if n in ("weak", "approx", "derived"):
do_capitalization = False
if do_capitalization:
if n not in ("n", "p"):
n = n.capitalize()
rid_mod = delimiter.join(rid_mod)
return rid_mod
class Library:
A Library is a Rate container that reads a single file
containing one or many Reaclib rates, possibly containing multiple
sets per rate.
The Library class also implements searching based on rules
specified by RateFilter objects.
def __init__(self, libfile=None, rates=None):
self._library_file = libfile
self._rates = {}
if rates:
if isinstance(rates, Rate):
rates = [rates]
if isinstance(rates, dict):
self._rates = rates
elif isinstance(rates, (list, set)):
raise TypeError("rates in Library constructor must be a Rate object, list of Rate objects, or dictionary of Rate objects keyed by")
self._library_source_lines = collections.deque()
if self._library_file:
self._library_file = _find_rate_file(self._library_file)
def get_rates(self):
""" Return a list of the rates in this library."""
return list(self._rates.values())
def get_rate(self, rid):
""" Return a rate matching the id provided. """
rid_mod = capitalize_rid(rid, " ")
return self._rates[rid_mod]
except KeyError:
# fallback to the rate fname
rid_mod = capitalize_rid(rid, "_")
return [q for q in self.get_rates() if q.fname == rid_mod][0]
except IndexError:
raise LookupError(f"rate identifier {rid!r} does not match a rate in this library.") from None
def num_rates(self):
return len(self.get_rates())
def add_rate(self, rate):
"""Manually add a rate by giving a Rate object"""
if not isinstance(rate, Rate):
raise TypeError(f"invalid Rate object {rate}")
rid =
if rid in self._rates:
raise ValueError(f"supplied a Rate object already in the Library: {rid}")
self._rates[rid] = rate
def add_rates(self, ratelist):
""" Add to the rate dictionary from the supplied list of Rate objects."""
for rate in ratelist:
def get_rate_by_name(self, name):
"""Given a string representing a rate in the form 'A(x,y)B'
(or a list of strings for multiple rates) return the Rate
objects that match from the Library. If there are multiple
inputs, then a list of Rate objects is returned.
rate_name_list = name
if isinstance(name, str):
rate_name_list = [name]
rates_out = []
for rname in rate_name_list:
reactants, products = _rate_name_to_nuc(rname)
rf = RateFilter(reactants=reactants, products=products)
_lib = self.filter(rf)
if _lib is None:
print(f"rate {rname} not found")
rates_out += _lib.get_rates()
if len(rates_out) == 0:
return None
if len(rates_out) == 1:
return rates_out[0]
return rates_out
def remove_rate(self, rate):
"""Manually remove a rate from the library by supplying the
short name "A(x,y)B, a Rate object, or the rate id"""
if isinstance(rate, Rate):
rid =
elif isinstance(rate, str):
rid = self.get_rate_by_name(rate).id
# we assume that a rate id as provided
def get_nuclei(self):
"""get the list of unique nuclei"""
return {nuc for r in self.get_rates() for nuc in r.reactants + r.products}
def heaviest(self):
""" Return the heaviest nuclide in this library. """
nuc = None
for r in self.get_rates():
rnuc = r.heaviest()
if nuc:
if rnuc.A > nuc.A or (rnuc.A == nuc.A and rnuc.Z < nuc.Z):
nuc = rnuc
nuc = rnuc
return nuc
def lightest(self):
""" Return the lightest nuclide in this library. """
nuc = None
for r in self.get_rates():
rnuc = r.lightest()
if nuc:
if rnuc.A < nuc.A or (rnuc.A == nuc.A and rnuc.Z > nuc.Z):
nuc = rnuc
nuc = rnuc
return nuc
def _read_library_file(self):
# loop through library file, read lines
with"r") as flib:
for line in flib:
ls = line.rstrip('\n')
if ls.strip():
# identify distinct rates from library lines
current_chapter = None
while True:
if len(self._library_source_lines) == 0:
# Check to see if there is a chapter ID, if not then use current_chapter
# (for Reaclib v1 formatted library files)
line = self._library_source_lines[0].strip()
chapter = None
if line in ('t', 'T'):
chapter = 't'
chapter = int(line)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# we can't interpret line as a chapter so use current_chapter
assert current_chapter, f'malformed library file {self._library_file}, cannot identify chapter.'
chapter = current_chapter
current_chapter = chapter
rlines = None
rate_type = None
if chapter == 't':
rlines = [self._library_source_lines.popleft() for i in range(5)]
rate_type = "tabular"
elif isinstance(chapter, int):
rlines = [self._library_source_lines.popleft() for i in range(3)]
rate_type = "reaclib"
if rlines:
sio = io.StringIO('\n'.join([f'{chapter}'] +
if rate_type == "reaclib":
r = ReacLibRate(rfile=sio)
elif rate_type == "tabular":
r = TabularRate(rfile=sio)
raise NotImplementedError("rate not implemented")
except UnsupportedNucleus:
rid =
if rid in self._rates:
self._rates[rid] = self._rates[rid] + r
self._rates[rid] = r
def write_to_file(self, filename, prepend_rates_dir=False):
Write the library out to a file of the given name in Reaclib format. Will be
automatically written to the pynucastro rate file directory if True is passed
in as the second argument.
if prepend_rates_dir:
filename = get_rates_dir()/filename
with"w") as f:
for rate in self.get_rates():
def __repr__(self):
""" Return a string containing the rates IDs in this library. """
rstrings = []
tmp_rates = [v for k, v in self._rates.items()]
for r in sorted(tmp_rates):
if r.Q is not None and r.Q >= 0:
rstrings.append(f'{r.__repr__():30} [Q = {float(r.Q):6.2f} MeV] ({})')
for r in sorted(tmp_rates):
if r.Q is not None and r.Q < 0:
rstrings.append(f'{r.__repr__():30} [Q = {float(r.Q):6.2f} MeV] ({})')
for r in sorted(tmp_rates):
if r.Q is None:
rstrings.append(f'{r.__repr__():30} ({})')
return '\n'.join(rstrings)
def __add__(self, other):
""" Add two libraries to get a library containing rates from both. """
new_rates = self._rates
for rid, r in other._rates.items():
if rid in new_rates:
if r != new_rates[rid]:
raise ValueError(f'rate {r} defined differently in libraries {self._library_file} and {other._library_file}')
new_rates[rid] = r
new_library = Library(rates=new_rates)
return new_library
def __sub__(self, other):
"""Return a Library containing the rates in this library that are not
contained in other_library"""
diff_rates = set(self.get_rates()) - set(other.get_rates())
new_library = Library(rates=diff_rates)
return new_library
def get_rate_by_nuclei(self, reactants, products):
"""given a list of reactants and products, return any matching rates"""
reactants = sorted(Nucleus.cast_list(reactants))
products = sorted(Nucleus.cast_list(products))
_tmp = [r for r in self.get_rates() if
sorted(r.reactants) == reactants and
sorted(r.products) == products]
if not _tmp:
return None
if len(_tmp) == 1:
return _tmp[0]
return _tmp
def find_duplicate_links(self):
"""report on an rates where another rate exists that has the
same reactants and products. These may not be the same Rate
object (e.g., one could be tabular the other a simple decay),
but they will present themselves in the network as the same
We return a list, where each entry is a list of all the rates
that share the same link"""
duplicates = find_duplicate_rates(self.get_rates())
# there are some allowed duplicates for special cases. We
# will now check for those
dupe_to_remove = []
for dupe in duplicates:
if is_allowed_dupe(dupe):
for dupe in dupe_to_remove:
return duplicates
def linking_nuclei(self, nuclist, with_reverse=True, print_warning=True):
Return a Library object containing the rates linking the
nuclei provided in the list of Nucleus objects or nucleus abbreviations 'nuclist'.
If with_reverse is True, then include reverse rates. Otherwise
include only forward rates.
If print_warning is True, then print out a warning if one of the input nuclei is not linked.
nucleus_set = set(Nucleus.cast_list(nuclist))
# Discard rates with nuclei that are not in nucleus_set
filtered_rates = []
for r in self.get_rates():
include = True
for nuc in r.reactants:
if nuc not in nucleus_set:
include = False
for nuc in r.products:
if nuc not in nucleus_set:
include = False
if not with_reverse and r.reverse:
include = False
if include:
# create a new library containing the filtered rates
new_lib = Library(rates=filtered_rates)
# print out a warning if one of the input nuclei is not linked
if print_warning:
lib_nuclei = new_lib.get_nuclei()
for nuc in nucleus_set:
if nuc not in lib_nuclei:
print(f"warning: {nuc} was not able to be linked")
return new_lib
def filter(self, filter_spec):
filter_specs should be an iterable of RateFilter objects or a
single RateFilter object. Library.filter yields all rates
matching any RateFilter in filter_specs. If RateFilter.exact,
then return rates with exactly the reactants or products
passed in as arguments.
if isinstance(filter_spec, RateFilter):
filter_specifications = [filter_spec]
filter_specifications = list(filter_spec)
matching_rates = {}
for rid, r in self._rates.items():
for f in filter_specifications:
if f.matches(r):
matching_rates[rid] = r
if matching_rates:
return Library(rates=matching_rates)
return None
def forward(self):
Select only the forward rates, discarding the inverse rates obtained
by detailed balance.
only_fwd_filter = RateFilter(reverse=False)
only_fwd = self.filter(only_fwd_filter)
return only_fwd
def backward(self):
Select only the reverse rates, obtained by detailed balance.
only_bwd_filter = RateFilter(reverse=True)
only_bwd = self.filter(only_bwd_filter)
return only_bwd
def derived_forward(self):
In this library, we exclude the weak and tabular rates from the .forward() library which includes all
the ReacLib forward reactions.
In a future PR, we will classify forward reactions as exothermic (Q>0), and reverse by endothermic (Q<0).
However, ReacLib does not follow this path. If a reaction is measured experimentally (independent of Q),
they use detailed balance to get the opposite direction. Eventually, I want to classify forward and reverse
by positive Q and negative Q; however, for testing purposes, making this classification may eventually lead to
computing the detailed balance twice.
The idea of derived_forward is to eliminate the reverse and weak, and see if our job gives the same Reaclib
predictions, checking the NSE convergence with the pf functions. In the future, I want to move this function
in a unit test.
collect_rates = []
onlyfwd = self.forward()
for r in onlyfwd.get_rates():
DerivedRate(rate=r, compute_Q=False, use_pf=False)
except ValueError:
list1 = Library(rates=collect_rates)
return list1
def derived_backward(self, compute_Q=False, use_pf=False):
This library contains the detailed balance reverse reactions over the selected .derived_forward(),
computed by hand.
derived_rates = []
onlyfwd = self.derived_forward()
for r in onlyfwd.get_rates():
i = DerivedRate(rate=r, compute_Q=compute_Q, use_pf=use_pf)
except ValueError:
onlybwd = Library(rates=derived_rates)
return onlybwd
class RateFilter:
"""RateFilter filters out a specified rate or set of rates
A RateFilter stores selection rules specifying a rate or group of
rates to assist in searching for rates stored in a Library.
def __init__(self, reactants=None, products=None, exact=True,
reverse=None, min_reactants=None, max_reactants=None,
min_products=None, max_products=None, filter_function=None):
"""Create a new RateFilter with the given selection rules
Keyword Arguments:
reactants -- Description of the reactants as one of:
1. a list of Nucleus objects
2. a list of string descriptions of reactant nuclides
these strings must be parsable by Nucleus
3. a single reactant Nucleus
4. a single string description of the reactant nuclide
products -- Description of the products in same form as above
exact -- boolean,
if True, products or reactants must match exactly [default]
if False, then all products or reactants must be found
in a comparison rate, but the comparison may contain
additional products or reactants
reverse -- boolean,
if True, only match reverse-derived rates
if False, only match directly-derived rates
if None, you don't care, match both [default]
min_reactants -- int, match Rates that have at least this many reactants
min_products -- int, match Rates that have at least this many products
max_reactants -- int, match Rates that have no more than this many reactants
max_products -- int, match Rates that have no more than this many products
filter_function -- callable (Rate -> bool),
a callable that can take a single rate as an argument
may be used to specify additional criteria, returning
True if the rate meets all of them, False otherwise
Create a filter that finds all proton capture and proton-burning reactions
in a Library instance my_library::
>>> pcap_filter = RateFilter(reactants='p', exact=False)
>>> pcap_library = my_library.filter(pcap_filter)
or you can use Nucleus::
>>> pcap_filter = RateFilter(reactants=Nucleus('p'), exact=False)
>>> pcap_library = my_library.filter(pcap_filter)
Create a filter that finds C12 (a,g) O16
+ photons/gammas are not treated as nuclides, so they cannot be
a reactant or product
+ this rate is in the ReacLib library used here as
O16 --> He4 C12 -- you need to know how your library treats rates::
>>> cago_filter = RateFilter(reactants='o16', products=['c12', 'a'])
>>> cago_library = my_library.filter(cago_filter)
self.reactants = []
self.products = []
self.exact = exact
self.reverse = reverse
self.min_reactants = min_reactants
self.min_products = min_products
self.max_reactants = max_reactants
self.max_products = max_products
self.filter_function = filter_function
if reactants:
self.reactants = Nucleus.cast_list(reactants, allow_single=True)
if products:
self.products = Nucleus.cast_list(products, allow_single=True)
def _contents_equal(a, b):
Return True if the contents of a and b exactly match, ignoring ordering.
If either a or b is None, return True only if both a and b are None.
if a and b:
return len(a) == len(b) and sorted(a) == sorted(b)
return (not a) and (not b)
def _compare_nuclides(test, reference, exact=True):
test and reference should be iterables of Nucleus objects.
If an exact match is desired, test and reference should exactly match, ignoring ordering.
Otherwise, return True only if every element of test appears at least one time in reference.
matches = True
if exact:
matches = RateFilter._contents_equal(test, reference)
for nuc in test:
if nuc not in reference:
matches = False
return matches
def matches(self, r):
""" Given a Rate r, see if it matches this RateFilter. """
# do cheaper checks first
matches_reverse = True
matches_min_reactants = True
matches_min_products = True
matches_max_reactants = True
matches_max_products = True
if isinstance(self.reverse, bool):
matches_reverse = self.reverse == r.reverse
if isinstance(self.min_reactants, int):
matches_min_reactants = len(r.reactants) >= self.min_reactants
if isinstance(self.min_products, int):
matches_min_products = len(r.products) >= self.min_products
if isinstance(self.max_reactants, int):
matches_max_reactants = len(r.reactants) <= self.max_reactants
if isinstance(self.max_products, int):
matches_max_products = len(r.products) <= self.max_products
# exit early if any of these checks failed
if not (matches_reverse and matches_min_reactants and
matches_min_products and matches_max_reactants and
return False
# now do more expensive checks, and exit immediately if any fail
if self.reactants:
if not self._compare_nuclides(self.reactants, r.reactants, self.exact):
return False
if self.products:
if not self._compare_nuclides(self.products, r.products, self.exact):
return False
if self.filter_function is not None:
if not self.filter_function(r):
return False
return True
def invert(self):
""" Return a RateFilter matching the inverse rate. """
newfilter = RateFilter(reactants=self.products,
return newfilter
class ReacLibLibrary(Library):
"""Load the latest stored version of the ReacLib library and
return a Library"""
def __init__(self):
libfile = 'reaclib_default2_20220329'
Library.__init__(self, libfile=libfile)
class TabularLibrary(Library):
"""Load all of the tabular rates known and return a Library"""
lib_path = Path(__file__).parents[1]/"library/tabular"
def __init__(self):
# find all of the tabular rates that pynucastro knows about
# we'll assume that these are of the form *-toki
trates = []
for _, _, filenames in sorted(walk(self.lib_path)):
for f in sorted(filenames):
if f.endswith("-toki"):
Library.__init__(self, rates=trates)
class SuzukiLibrary(TabularLibrary):
Load all of the tabular rates inside /library/tabular/suzuki/
and return a Library.
lib_path = Path(__file__).parents[1]/"library/tabular/suzuki"
class LangankeLibrary(TabularLibrary):
Load all of the tabular rates inside /library/tabular/langanke/
and return a Library.
lib_path = Path(__file__).parents[1]/"library/tabular/langanke"