Classes and methods to interface with files storing rate data.
import math
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pynucastro.numba_util as numba
from pynucastro.nucdata import Nucleus
from pynucastro.numba_util import jitclass
from pynucastro.rates.files import _find_rate_file
('T9', numba.float64),
('T9i', numba.float64),
('T913', numba.float64),
('T913i', numba.float64),
('T953', numba.float64),
('lnT9', numba.float64)
class Tfactors:
""" precompute temperature factors for speed
:param float T: input temperature (Kelvin)
:var T9: T / 1.e9 K
:var T9i: 1.0 / T9
:var T913i: 1.0 / T9 ** (1/3)
:var T913: T9 ** (1/3)
:var T953: T9 ** (5/3)
:var lnT9: log(T9)
def __init__(self, T):
""" return the Tfactors object. Here, T is temperature in Kelvin """
self.T9 = T/1.e9
self.T9i = 1.0/self.T9
self.T913i = self.T9i**(1./3.)
self.T913 = self.T9**(1./3.)
self.T953 = self.T9**(5./3.)
self.lnT9 = np.log(self.T9)
def array(self):
"""return t factors as array in order of lambda function"""
return np.array([1, self.T9i, self.T913i, self.T913, self.T9, self.T953, self.lnT9])
class Rate:
"""The base reaction rate class. Most rate types will subclass
this and extend to their particular format.
def __init__(self, reactants=None, products=None,
Q=None, weak_type="", label="generic",
"""a generic Rate class that acts as a base class for specific
sources. Here we only specify the reactants and products and Q value"""
if reactants:
self.reactants = Nucleus.cast_list(reactants)
self.reactants = []
if products:
self.products = Nucleus.cast_list(products)
self.products = []
self.label = label
self.source = None
self.modified = False
# the fname is used when writing the code to evaluate the rate
reactants_str = '_'.join([repr(nuc) for nuc in self.reactants])
products_str = '_'.join([repr(nuc) for nuc in self.products])
self.fname = f'{reactants_str}__{products_str}__{label}'
if Q is None:
self.Q = Q
self.weak_type = weak_type
# the identical particle factor scales the rate to prevent
# double counting for a rate that has the same nucleus
# multiple times as a reactant. Usually we want this
# behavior, but for approximate rates, sometimes we need to
# disable it.
self.use_identical_particle_factor = use_identical_particle_factor
self.tabular = False
self.reverse = None
self.rate_eval_needs_rho = False
self.rate_eval_needs_comp = False
def __repr__(self):
return self.string
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__repr__())
def __eq__(self, other):
""" Determine whether two Rate objects are equal.
They are equal if they contain identical reactants and products"""
return (self.reactants, self.products) == (other.reactants, other.products)
def __lt__(self, other):
"""sort such that lightest reactants come first, and then look at products"""
# this sort will make two nuclei with the same A be in order of Z
# (assuming there are no nuclei with A > 999
# we want to compare based on the heaviest first, so we reverse
self_react_sorted = sorted(self.reactants, key=lambda x: 1000*x.A + x.Z, reverse=True)
other_react_sorted = sorted(other.reactants, key=lambda x: 1000*x.A + x.Z, reverse=True)
if self_react_sorted != other_react_sorted:
# reactants are different, so now we can check them
for srn, orn in zip(self_react_sorted, other_react_sorted):
if not srn == orn:
return srn < orn
# reactants are the same, so consider products
self_prod_sorted = sorted(self.products, key=lambda x: 1000*x.A + x.Z, reverse=True)
other_prod_sorted = sorted(other.products, key=lambda x: 1000*x.A + x.Z, reverse=True)
for spn, opn in zip(self_prod_sorted, other_prod_sorted):
if not spn == opn:
return spn < opn
# if we made it here, then the rates are the same
return True
def _set_q(self):
"""set the Q value of the reaction (in MeV)"""
# from the masses of the nuclei, Q = M_products - M_reactants
self.Q = 0
for n in self.reactants:
self.Q += n.mass
for n in self.products:
self.Q += -n.mass
def _set_print_representation(self):
# string is output to the terminal, rid is used as a dict key,
# and pretty_string is latex
# some rates will have no nuclei particles (e.g. gamma) on the left or
# right -- we'll try to infer those here
lhs_other = []
rhs_other = []
self.string = ""
self.rid = ""
self.pretty_string = r"$"
# put p, n, and alpha second
treactants = []
for n in self.reactants:
if n.raw not in ["p", "he4", "n"]:
treactants.insert(0, n)
# figure out if there are any non-nuclei present
# for the moment, we just handle strong rates
# there should be the same number of protons on each side and
# the same number of neutrons on each side
strong_test = sum(n.Z for n in self.reactants) == sum(n.Z for n in self.products) and \
sum(n.A for n in self.reactants) == sum(n.A for n in self.products)
if strong_test:
if len(self.products) == 1:
# this is a weak rate
if self.weak_type == "electron_capture":
# we assume that all the tabular rates are electron capture for now
# we expect an electron on the left -- let's make sure
# the charge on the left should be +1 the charge on the right
assert sum(n.Z for n in self.reactants) == sum(n.Z for n in self.products) + 1
elif self.weak_type == "beta_decay":
# we expect an electron on the right
assert sum(n.Z for n in self.reactants) + 1 == sum(n.Z for n in self.products)
elif "_pos_" in self.weak_type:
# we expect a positron on the right -- let's make sure
assert sum(n.Z for n in self.reactants) == sum(n.Z for n in self.products) + 1
elif "_neg_" in self.weak_type:
# we expect an electron on the right -- let's make sure
assert sum(n.Z for n in self.reactants) + 1 == sum(n.Z for n in self.products)
# we need to figure out what the rate is. We'll assume that it is
# not an electron capture
if sum(n.Z for n in self.reactants) == sum(n.Z for n in self.products) + 1:
elif sum(n.Z for n in self.reactants) + 1 == sum(n.Z for n in self.products):
for n, r in enumerate(treactants):
self.string += f"{r.c()}"
self.rid += f"{r}"
self.pretty_string += fr"{r.pretty}"
if not n == len(self.reactants)-1:
self.string += " + "
self.rid += " + "
self.pretty_string += r" + "
for o in lhs_other:
if o == "e-":
self.string += " + e⁻"
self.pretty_string += r" + \mathrm{e}^-"
self.string += " ⟶ "
self.rid += " --> "
self.pretty_string += r" \rightarrow "
for n, p in enumerate(self.products):
self.string += f"{p.c()}"
self.rid += f"{p}"
self.pretty_string += fr"{p.pretty}"
if not n == len(self.products)-1:
self.string += " + "
self.rid += " + "
self.pretty_string += r" + "
for o in rhs_other:
if o == "gamma":
self.string += " + 𝛾"
self.pretty_string += r"+ \gamma"
elif o == "nu":
self.string += " + 𝜈"
self.pretty_string += r"+ \nu_e"
elif o == "nubar":
self.string += " + 𝜈"
self.pretty_string += r"+ \bar{\nu}_e"
if o == "e-":
self.string += " + e⁻"
self.pretty_string += r" + \mathrm{e}^-"
if o == "e+":
self.string += " + e⁺"
self.pretty_string += r" + \mathrm{e}^+"
self.pretty_string += r"$"
def _set_rhs_properties(self):
""" compute statistical prefactor and density exponent from the reactants. """
self.prefactor = 1.0 # this is 1/2 for rates like a + a (double counting)
self.inv_prefactor = 1
if self.use_identical_particle_factor:
for r in set(self.reactants):
self.inv_prefactor = self.inv_prefactor * math.factorial(self.reactants.count(r))
self.prefactor = self.prefactor/float(self.inv_prefactor)
self.dens_exp = len(self.reactants)-1
if self.weak_type == 'electron_capture':
self.dens_exp = self.dens_exp + 1
def _set_screening(self):
""" determine if this rate is eligible for screening and the nuclei to use. """
# Tells if this rate is eligible for screening
# using screenz.f90 provided by StarKiller Microphysics.
# If not eligible for screening, set to None
# If eligible for screening, then
# Rate.ion_screen is a 2-element (3 for 3-alpha) list of Nucleus objects for screening
self.ion_screen = []
nucz = [q for q in self.reactants if q.Z != 0]
if len(nucz) > 1:
nucz.sort(key=lambda x: x.Z)
self.ion_screen = []
if len(nucz) == 3:
# if the rate is a reverse rate (defined as Q < 0), then we
# might actually want to compute the screening based on the
# reactants of the forward rate that was used in the detailed
# balance. Rate.symmetric_screen is what should be used in
# the screening in this case
self.symmetric_screen = []
if self.Q < 0:
nucz = [q for q in self.products if q.Z != 0]
if len(nucz) > 1:
nucz.sort(key=lambda x: x.Z)
self.symmetric_screen = []
if len(nucz) == 3:
self.symmetric_screen = self.ion_screen
def cname(self):
"""a C++-safe version of the rate name"""
# replace the "__" separating reactants and products with "_to_"
# and convert all other "__" to single "_"
return self.fname.replace("__", "_to_", 1).replace("__", "_")
def get_rate_id(self):
""" Get an identifying string for this rate."""
return f'{self.rid} <{self.label.strip()}>'
def id(self):
return self.get_rate_id()
def heaviest(self):
Return the heaviest nuclide in this Rate.
If two nuclei are tied in mass number, return the one with the
lowest atomic number.
nuc = self.reactants[0]
for n in self.reactants + self.products:
if n.A > nuc.A or (n.A == nuc.A and n.Z < nuc.Z):
nuc = n
return nuc
def lightest(self):
Return the lightest nuclide in this Rate.
If two nuclei are tied in mass number, return the one with the
highest atomic number.
nuc = self.reactants[0]
for n in self.reactants + self.products:
if n.A < nuc.A or (n.A == nuc.A and n.Z > nuc.Z):
nuc = n
return nuc
def swap_protons(self):
"""Change any protons in the rate to NSE protons. These
act the same as protons but will be kept as distinct in
the network."""
p = Nucleus("p")
p_nse = Nucleus("p_nse")
for n, nuc in enumerate(self.reactants):
if nuc == p:
self.reactants[n] = p_nse
for n, nuc in enumerate(self.products):
if nuc == p:
self.products[n] = p_nse
# we need to update the Q value and the print string for the rate
self.fname = None # reset so it will be updated
def modify_products(self, new_products):
change the products of the rate to new_products. This will recompute
the Q value and update the print representation.
self.products = Nucleus.cast_list(new_products, allow_single=True)
self.modified = True
# we need to update the Q value and the print string for the rate
self.fname = None # reset so it will be updated
def ydot_string_py(self):
Return a string containing the term in a dY/dt equation
in a reaction network corresponding to this rate.
ydot_string_components = []
# prefactor
if self.prefactor != 1.0:
# density dependence
if self.dens_exp == 1:
elif self.dens_exp != 0:
# electron fraction dependence
if self.weak_type == 'electron_capture' and not self.tabular:
# composition dependence
for r in sorted(set(self.reactants)):
c = self.reactants.count(r)
if c > 1:
# rate_eval.{fname}
return "*".join(ydot_string_components)
def eval(self, T, *, rho=None, comp=None):
raise NotImplementedError("base Rate class does not know how to eval()")
def jacobian_string_py(self, y_i):
Return a string containing the term in a jacobian matrix
in a reaction network corresponding to this rate differentiated
with respect to y_i
y_i is an object of the class ``Nucleus``.
if y_i not in self.reactants:
return ""
jac_string_components = []
# prefactor
if self.prefactor != 1.0:
# density dependence
if self.dens_exp == 1:
elif self.dens_exp != 0:
# electron fraction dependence
if self.weak_type == 'electron_capture' and not self.tabular:
# composition dependence
for r in sorted(set(self.reactants)):
c = self.reactants.count(r)
if y_i == r:
# take the derivative
if c == 1:
if c > 2:
elif c == 2:
# this nucleus is in the rate form, but we are not
# differentiating with respect to it
if c > 1:
# rate_eval.{fname}
return "*".join(jac_string_components)
def eval_jacobian_term(self, T, rho, comp, y_i):
"""Evaluate drate/d(y_i), y_i is a Nucleus object. This rate
term has the full composition and density dependence, i.e.:
rate = rho**n Y1**a Y2**b ... N_A <sigma v>
The derivative is only non-zero if this term depends on
nucleus y_i.
if y_i not in self.reactants:
return 0.0
ymolar = comp.get_molar()
# composition dependence
Y_term = 1.0
for r in sorted(set(self.reactants)):
c = self.reactants.count(r)
if y_i == r:
# take the derivative
if c == 1:
Y_term *= c * ymolar[r]**(c-1)
# this nucleus is in the rate form, but we are not
# differentiating with respect to it
Y_term *= ymolar[r]**c
# density dependence
dens_term = rho**self.dens_exp
# electron fraction dependence
if self.weak_type == 'electron_capture' and not self.tabular:
y_e_term = comp.ye
y_e_term = 1.0
# finally evaluate the rate -- for tabular rates, we need to set rhoY
rate_eval = self.eval(T, rho=rho, comp=comp)
return self.prefactor * dens_term * y_e_term * Y_term * rate_eval
class RateSource:
"""A class that stores the reference label information for various rates."""
csv_path = _find_rate_file("rate_sources.csv")
urls = {
"debo": "https://doi.org/10.1103/RevModPhys.89.035007",
"langanke": "https://doi.org/10.1006/adnd.2001.0865",
"suzuki": "https://doi.org/10.3847/0004-637X/817/2/163",
"reaclib": "https://reaclib.jinaweb.org/labels.php?action=viewLabel&label="
def _read_rate_sources(urls: dict[str, str], csv_path: Path) -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]:
"""Builds the labels dictionary from the supplied csv file."""
labels = {}
with csv_path.open("r") as csv:
lines = csv.readlines()
column_titles = lines[0].split("|")
for line in lines[1:]:
cells = [cell.strip() for cell in line.split("|")]
label = cells[0]
label_data = labels[label.lower()] = dict(zip(column_titles, cells))
label_data["URL"] = urls.get(label, urls["reaclib"] + label)
return labels
labels = _read_rate_sources(urls, csv_path)
def source(cls, label: str) -> dict[str, str] | None:
"""Returns the source of a rate given its label, and None if not found."""
return cls.labels.get(label.lower().strip())
class RatePair:
"""the forward and reverse rates for a single reaction sequence.
Forward rates are those with Q >= 0.
:var forward: the forward reaction Rate object
:var reverse: the reverse reaction Rate object
def __init__(self, forward=None, reverse=None):
self.forward = forward
self.reverse = reverse
def __repr__(self):
return f"forward: {self.forward} ; reverse: {self.reverse}"
def __lt__(self, other):
if self.forward is not None and other.forward is not None:
return self.forward < other.forward
if self.forward is None:
return False
return True
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.forward == other.forward and self.reverse == other.reverse