import io
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pynucastro.nucdata import Nucleus
from pynucastro.rates.files import RateFileError, _find_rate_file
from pynucastro.rates.rate import Rate, RateSource, Tfactors
class SingleSet:
""" a set in Reaclib is one piece of a rate, in the form
lambda = exp[ a_0 + sum_{i=1}^5 a_i T_9**(2i-5)/3 + a_6 log T_9]
A single rate in Reaclib can be composed of multiple sets
:param a: the coefficients of the exponential fit
:param labelprops: a collection of flags that classify a ReacLib rate
def __init__(self, a, labelprops):
"""here a is iterable (e.g., list or numpy array), storing the
coefficients, a0, ..., a6
self.a = a
self.labelprops = labelprops
self.label = None
self.resonant = None
self.weak = None
self.reverse = None
def _update_label_properties(self):
""" Set label and flags indicating Set is resonant,
weak, or reverse. """
assert isinstance(self.labelprops, str)
assert len(self.labelprops) == 6
self.label = self.labelprops[0:4]
self.resonant = self.labelprops[4] == 'r'
self.weak = self.labelprops[4] == 'w'
self.reverse = self.labelprops[5] == 'v'
def __eq__(self, other):
""" Determine whether two SingleSet objects are equal to each other. """
x = True
for ai, aj in zip(self.a, other.a):
x = x and (ai == aj)
x = x and (self.label == other.label)
x = x and (self.resonant == other.resonant)
x = x and (self.weak == other.weak)
x = x and (self.reverse == other.reverse)
return x
def f(self):
""" return a function for rate(tf) where tf is a Tfactors
object """
return lambda tf: float(np.exp(self.a[0] +
self.a[1]*tf.T9i +
self.a[2]*tf.T913i +
self.a[3]*tf.T913 +
self.a[4]*tf.T9 +
self.a[5]*tf.T953 +
def dfdT(self):
""" return a function for this dratedT(tf), where tf is a
Tfactors object """
# we have lambda = exp(f(T_9))
# so dlambda/dT9 = lambda * df/dT9
# and dlambda/dT = dlambda/dT9 / 1.e9
return lambda tf: self.f()(tf) * (-self.a[1] * tf.T9i * tf.T9i +
-(1./3.) * self.a[2] * tf.T913i * tf.T9i +
(1./3.) * self.a[3] * tf.T913i * tf.T913i +
self.a[4] +
(5./3.) * self.a[5] * tf.T913 * tf.T913 +
self.a[6] * tf.T9i) / 1.e9
def set_string_py(self, prefix="set", plus_equal=False):
return a string containing the python code for this set
if plus_equal:
string = f"{prefix} += np.exp( "
string = f"{prefix} = np.exp( "
string += f" {self.a[0]}"
if not self.a[1] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[1]}*tf.T9i"
if not self.a[2] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[2]}*tf.T913i"
if not self.a[3] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[3]}*tf.T913"
if not (self.a[4] == 0.0 and self.a[5] == 0.0 and self.a[6] == 0.0):
indent = len(prefix)*" "
string += f"\n{indent} "
if not self.a[4] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[4]}*tf.T9"
if not self.a[5] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[5]}*tf.T953"
if not self.a[6] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[6]}*tf.lnT9"
string += ")"
return string
def set_string_cxx(self, prefix="set", plus_equal=False, with_exp=True):
return a string containing the C++ code for this set
if plus_equal:
string = f"{prefix} += "
string = f"{prefix} = "
if with_exp:
string += "std::exp( "
string += f" {self.a[0]}"
if not self.a[1] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[1]} * tfactors.T9i"
if not self.a[2] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[2]} * tfactors.T913i"
if not self.a[3] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[3]} * tfactors.T913"
if not (self.a[4] == 0.0 and self.a[5] == 0.0 and self.a[6] == 0.0):
indent = len(prefix)*" "
string += f"\n{indent} "
if not self.a[4] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[4]} * tfactors.T9"
if not self.a[5] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[5]} * tfactors.T953"
if not self.a[6] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[6]} * tfactors.lnT9"
if with_exp:
string += ");"
string += ";"
if all(q == 0.0 for q in self.a[1:]):
string += "\namrex::ignore_unused(tfactors);"
return string
def dln_set_string_dT9_cxx(self, prefix="dset_dT", plus_equal=False):
return a string containing the C++ code for d/dT9 ln(set)
if plus_equal:
string = f"{prefix} += "
string = f"{prefix} = "
if all(q == 0.0 for q in self.a[1:]):
string += "0.0;"
return string
if not self.a[1] == 0.0:
string += f" {-self.a[1]} * tfactors.T9i * tfactors.T9i"
if not self.a[2] == 0.0:
string += f" + -(1.0/3.0) * {self.a[2]} * tfactors.T943i"
if not self.a[3] == 0.0:
string += f" + (1.0/3.0) * {self.a[3]} * tfactors.T923i"
if not (self.a[4] == 0.0 and self.a[5] == 0.0 and self.a[6] == 0.0):
indent = len(prefix)*" "
string += f"\n{indent} "
if not self.a[4] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[4]}"
if not self.a[5] == 0.0:
string += f" + (5.0/3.0) * {self.a[5]} * tfactors.T923"
if not self.a[6] == 0.0:
string += f" + {self.a[6]} * tfactors.T9i"
string += ";"
return string
class ReacLibRate(Rate):
"""A single reaction rate. Currently, this is a ReacLib rate, which
can be composed of multiple sets, or a tabulated electron capture
:raises: :class:`.RateFileError`, :class:`.UnsupportedNucleus`
def __init__(self, rfile=None, chapter=None, original_source=None,
reactants=None, products=None, sets=None, labelprops=None, Q=None):
""" rfile can be either a string specifying the path to a rate file or
an io.StringIO object from which to read rate information. """
# pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
self.rfile_path = None
self.rfile = None
self.source = None
if isinstance(rfile, (str, Path)):
rfile = Path(rfile)
self.rfile_path = _find_rate_file(rfile)
self.rfile =
self.chapter = chapter # the Reaclib chapter for this reaction
self.original_source = original_source # the contents of the original rate file
self.fname = None
if reactants:
self.reactants = Nucleus.cast_list(reactants)
self.reactants = []
if products:
self.products = Nucleus.cast_list(products)
self.products = []
if sets:
self.sets = sets
self.sets = []
# a modified rate is one where we manually changed some of its
# properties
self.modified = False
self.labelprops = labelprops
self.approx = self.labelprops == "approx"
self.derived = self.labelprops == "derived"
self.label = None
self.resonant = None
self.weak = None
self.weak_type = None
self.reverse = None
self.removed = None
self.Q = Q
self.tabular = False
self.use_identical_particle_factor = True
self.rate_eval_needs_rho = False
self.rate_eval_needs_comp = False
if isinstance(rfile, Path):
# read in the file, parse the different sets and store them as
# SingleSet objects in sets[]
f =
elif isinstance(rfile, io.StringIO):
# Set f to the io.StringIO object
f = rfile
f = None
if f:
def _set_print_representation(self):
""" compose the string representations of this Rate. """
# This is used to determine which rates to detect as the same reaction
# from multiple sources in a Library file, so it should not be unique
# to a given source, e.g. wc12, but only unique to the reaction.
reactants_str = '_'.join([repr(nuc) for nuc in self.reactants])
products_str = '_'.join([repr(nuc) for nuc in self.products])
self.fname = f'{reactants_str}__{products_str}'
if self.weak:
self.fname += f'__weak__{self.weak_type}'
if self.modified:
self.fname += "__modified"
if self.approx:
self.fname += "__approx"
if self.derived:
self.fname += "__derived"
if self.removed:
self.fname += "__removed"
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__repr__())
def __eq__(self, other):
""" Determine whether two Rate objects are equal.
They are equal if they contain identical reactants and products and
if they contain the same SingleSet sets and if their chapters are equal."""
if not isinstance(other, ReacLibRate):
return False
x = (self.chapter == other.chapter) and (self.products == other.products) and \
(self.reactants == other.reactants)
if not x:
return x
x = len(self.sets) == len(other.sets)
if not x:
return x
for si in self.sets:
scomp = False
for sj in other.sets:
if si == sj:
scomp = True
x = x and scomp
return x
def __add__(self, other):
"""Combine the sets of two Rate objects if they describe the same
reaction. Must be Reaclib rates."""
assert self.reactants == other.reactants
assert self.products == other.products
assert self.chapter == other.chapter
assert isinstance(self.chapter, int)
assert self.label == other.label
assert self.weak == other.weak
assert self.weak_type == other.weak_type
assert self.reverse == other.reverse
if self.resonant != other.resonant:
new_rate = ReacLibRate(chapter=self.chapter,
sets=self.sets + other.sets,
return new_rate
def _set_label_properties(self, labelprops=None):
""" Calls _update_resonance_combined and then
_update_label_properties. """
if labelprops:
self.labelprops = labelprops
# Update labelprops based on the Sets in this Rate
# to set the resonance_combined flag properly
def _update_resonance_combined(self):
""" Checks the Sets in this Rate and updates the
resonance_combined flag as well as
self.labelprops[4] """
sres = [s.resonant for s in self.sets]
if True in sres and False in sres:
def _labelprops_combine_resonance(self):
""" Update self.labelprops[4] = 'c'"""
llp = list(self.labelprops)
llp[4] = 'c'
self.labelprops = ''.join(llp)
def _update_label_properties(self):
""" Set label and flags indicating Rate is resonant,
weak, or reverse. """
assert isinstance(self.labelprops, str)
if self.labelprops == "approx":
self.label = "approx"
self.resonant = False
self.weak = False
self.weak_type = None
self.reverse = False
elif self.labelprops == "derived":
self.label = "derived"
self.resonant = False # Derived may be resonant in some cases
self.weak = False
self.weak_type = None
self.reverse = False
assert len(self.labelprops) == 6
self.label = self.labelprops[0:4]
self.resonant = self.labelprops[4] == 'r'
self.weak = self.labelprops[4] == 'w'
if self.weak:
if self.label.strip() == 'ec' or self.label.strip() == 'bec':
self.weak_type = 'electron_capture'
self.weak_type = self.label.strip().replace('+', '_pos_').replace('-', '_neg_')
self.weak_type = None
self.reverse = self.labelprops[5] == 'v'
self.source = RateSource.source(self.label)
def _read_from_file(self, f):
""" given a file object, read rate data from the file. """
lines = f.readlines()
self.original_source = "".join(lines)
# first line is the chapter
self.chapter = lines[0].strip()
self.chapter = int(self.chapter)
# remove any blank lines
set_lines = [line for line in lines[1:] if not line.strip() == ""]
# the rest is the sets
first = 1
while len(set_lines) > 0:
# check for a new chapter id in case of Reaclib v2 format
check_chapter = set_lines[0].strip()
# see if there is a chapter number preceding the set
check_chapter = int(check_chapter)
# check that the chapter number is the same as the first
# set in this rate file
if check_chapter != self.chapter:
raise RateFileError(f'read chapter {check_chapter}, expected chapter {self.chapter} for this rate set.')
# get rid of chapter number so we can read a rate set
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# there was no chapter number, proceed reading a set
# sets are 3 lines long
s1 = set_lines.pop(0)
s2 = set_lines.pop(0)
s3 = set_lines.pop(0)
# first line of a set has up to 6 nuclei, then the label,
# and finally the Q value
# get rid of first 5 spaces
s1 = s1[5:]
# next follows 6 fields of 5 characters containing nuclei
# the 6 fields are padded with spaces
f = []
for i in range(6):
ni = s1[:5]
s1 = s1[5:]
ni = ni.strip()
if ni:
# next come 8 spaces, so get rid of them
s1 = s1[8:]
# next is a 4-character set label and 2 character flags
labelprops = s1[:6]
s1 = s1[6:]
# next come 3 spaces
s1 = s1[3:]
# next comes a 12 character Q value followed by 10 spaces
Q = float(s1.strip())
if first:
self.Q = Q
# what's left are the nuclei -- their interpretation
# depends on the chapter
chapter_dict = {
1: ((1,), (2,)), # e1 -> e2
2: ((1,), (2, 3)), # e1 -> e2 + e3
3: ((1,), (2, 3, 4)), # e1 -> e2 + e3 + e4
4: ((1, 2), (3,)), # e1 + e2 -> e3
5: ((1, 2), (3, 4)), # e1 + e2 -> e3 + e4
6: ((1, 2), (3, 4, 5)), # e1 + e2 -> e3 + e4 + e5
7: ((1, 2), (3, 4, 5, 6)), # e1 + e2 -> e3 + e4 + e5 + e6
8: ((1, 2, 3), (4,)), # e1 + e2 + e3 -> e4
9: ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5)), # e1 + e2 + e3 -> e4 + e5
10: ((1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6)), # e1 + e2 + e3 + e4 -> e5 + e6
11: ((1,), (2, 3, 4, 5)) # e1 -> e2 + e3 + e4 + e5
r, p = chapter_dict[self.chapter]
self.reactants += [Nucleus.from_cache(f[i-1]) for i in r]
self.products += [Nucleus.from_cache(f[j-1]) for j in p]
# support historical format, where chapter 8 also handles what are
# now chapter 9 rates
if self.chapter == 8 and len(f) == 5:
except KeyError as exc:
raise RateFileError(f'Chapter {self.chapter} could not be identified in {self.original_source}') from exc
first = 0
# the second line contains the first 4 coefficients
# the third lines contains the final 3
# we can't just use split() here, since the fields run into one another
n = 13 # length of the field
a = [s2[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(s2), n)]
a += [s3[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(s3), n)]
a = [float(e) for e in a if not e.strip() == ""]
self.sets.append(SingleSet(a, labelprops=labelprops))
def write_to_file(self, f):
""" Given a file object, write rate data to the file. """
if self.original_source is None:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Original source is not stored for this rate ({self})."
" At present, we cannot reconstruct the rate representation without"
" storing the original source."
print(self.original_source, file=f)
def get_rate_id(self):
""" Get an identifying string for this rate.
Don't include resonance state since we combine resonant and
non-resonant versions of reactions. """
srev = ''
if self.reverse:
srev = 'reverse'
sweak = ''
if self.weak:
sweak = 'weak'
ssrc = 'reaclib'
return f'{self.rid} <{self.label.strip()}_{ssrc}_{sweak}_{srev}>'
def function_string_py(self):
Return a string containing python function that computes the
fstring = ""
fstring += "@numba.njit()\n"
fstring += f"def {self.fname}(rate_eval, tf):\n"
fstring += f" # {self.rid}\n"
fstring += " rate = 0.0\n\n"
for s in self.sets:
fstring += f" # {s.labelprops[0:5]}\n"
set_string = s.set_string_py(prefix="rate", plus_equal=True)
for t in set_string.split("\n"):
fstring += " " + t + "\n"
fstring += "\n"
fstring += f" rate_eval.{self.fname} = rate\n\n"
return fstring
def function_string_cxx(self, dtype="double", specifiers="inline", leave_open=False, extra_args=()):
Return a string containing C++ function that computes the
args = ["const tf_t& tfactors", f"{dtype}& rate", f"{dtype}& drate_dT", *extra_args]
fstring = ""
fstring += "template <int do_T_derivatives>\n"
fstring += f"{specifiers}\n"
fstring += f"void rate_{self.cname()}({', '.join(args)}) {{\n\n"
fstring += f" // {self.rid}\n\n"
fstring += " rate = 0.0;\n"
fstring += " drate_dT = 0.0;\n\n"
fstring += f" {dtype} ln_set_rate{{0.0}};\n"
fstring += f" {dtype} dln_set_rate_dT9{{0.0}};\n"
fstring += f" {dtype} set_rate{{0.0}};\n\n"
for s in self.sets:
fstring += f" // {s.labelprops[0:5]}\n"
set_string = s.set_string_cxx(prefix="ln_set_rate", plus_equal=False, with_exp=False)
for t in set_string.split("\n"):
fstring += " " + t + "\n"
fstring += "\n"
fstring += " if constexpr (do_T_derivatives) {\n"
dln_set_string_dT9 = s.dln_set_string_dT9_cxx(prefix="dln_set_rate_dT9", plus_equal=False)
for t in dln_set_string_dT9.split("\n"):
fstring += " " + t + "\n"
fstring += " }\n"
fstring += "\n"
fstring += " // avoid underflows by zeroing rates in [0.0, 1.e-100]\n"
fstring += " ln_set_rate = std::max(ln_set_rate, -230.0);\n"
fstring += " set_rate = std::exp(ln_set_rate);\n"
fstring += " rate += set_rate;\n"
fstring += " if constexpr (do_T_derivatives) {\n"
fstring += " drate_dT += set_rate * dln_set_rate_dT9 / 1.0e9;\n"
fstring += " }\n\n"
if not leave_open:
fstring += "}\n\n"
return fstring
def eval(self, T, *, rho=None, comp=None):
""" evauate the reaction rate for temperature T """
tf = Tfactors(T)
r = 0.0
for s in self.sets:
f = s.f()
r += f(tf)
return r
def eval_deriv(self, T, *, rho=None, comp=None):
""" evauate the derivative of reaction rate with respect to T """
_ = rho # unused by this subclass
_ = comp # unused by this subclass
tf = Tfactors(T)
drdT = 0.0
for s in self.sets:
dfdT = s.dfdT()
drdT += dfdT(tf)
return drdT
def get_rate_exponent(self, T0):
for a rate written as a power law, r = r_0 (T/T0)**nu, return
nu corresponding to T0
# nu = dln r /dln T, so we need dr/dT
r1 = self.eval(T0)
dT = 1.e-8*T0
r2 = self.eval(T0 + dT)
drdT = (r2 - r1)/dT
return (T0/r1)*drdT
def plot(self, Tmin=1.e8, Tmax=1.6e9, rhoYmin=3.9e8, rhoYmax=2.e9,
figsize=(10, 10)):
"""plot the rate's temperature sensitivity vs temperature
:param float Tmin: minimum temperature for plot
:param float Tmax: maximum temperature for plot
:param float rhoYmin: minimum electron density to plot (e-capture rates only)
:param float rhoYmax: maximum electron density to plot (e-capture rates only)
:param tuple figsize: figure size specification for matplotlib
:return: a matplotlib figure object
:rtype: matplotlib.figure.Figure
_ = (rhoYmin, rhoYmax) # unused by this subclass
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
temps = np.logspace(np.log10(Tmin), np.log10(Tmax), 100)
r = np.zeros_like(temps)
for n, T in enumerate(temps):
r[n] = self.eval(T)
ax.loglog(temps, r)
if self.dens_exp == 0:
elif self.dens_exp == 1:
ax.set_ylabel(r"$N_A <\sigma v>$")
elif self.dens_exp == 2:
ax.set_ylabel(r"$N_A^2 <n_a n_b n_c v>$")
return fig