Source code for pynucastro.rates.tabular_rate

import io
import math
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import pynucastro.numba_util as numba
from pynucastro.nucdata import Nucleus, UnsupportedNucleus
from pynucastro.numba_util import jitclass
from pynucastro.rates.files import RateFileError, _find_rate_file
from pynucastro.rates.rate import Rate, RateSource

[docs] class TableIndex(Enum): """a simple enum-like container for indexing the electron-capture tables""" RHOY = 0 T = 1 MU = 2 DQ = 3 VS = 4 RATE = 5 NU = 6 GAMMA = 7
[docs] @jitclass([ ('data', numba.float64[:, :]), ('table_rhoy_lines', numba.int32), ('table_temp_lines', numba.int32), ('rhoy', numba.float64[:]), ('temp', numba.float64[:]) ]) class TableInterpolator: """A simple class that holds a pointer to the table data and methods that allow us to interpolate a variable""" def __init__(self, table_rhoy_lines, table_temp_lines, table_data): = table_data self.table_rhoy_lines = table_rhoy_lines self.table_temp_lines = table_temp_lines # for easy indexing, store a 1-d array of T and rhoy self.rhoy =[::self.table_temp_lines, TableIndex.RHOY.value] self.temp =[0:self.table_temp_lines, TableIndex.T.value] def _get_logT_idx(self, logt0): """return the index into the temperatures such that T[i-1] < t0 <= T[i]. We return i-1 here, corresponding to the lower value. Note: we work in terms of log10() """ max_idx = len(self.temp) - 1 return max(0, min(max_idx, np.searchsorted(self.temp, logt0)) - 1) def _get_logrhoy_idx(self, logrhoy0): """return the index into rho*Y such that rhoY[i-1] < rhoy0 <= rhoY[i]. We return i-1 here, corresponding to the lower value. Note: we work in terms of log10() """ max_idx = len(self.rhoy) - 1 return max(0, min(max_idx, np.searchsorted(self.rhoy, logrhoy0)) - 1) def _rhoy_T_to_idx(self, irhoy, jtemp): """given a pair (irhoy, jtemp) into the table, return the 1-d index into the underlying data array assuming row-major ordering""" return irhoy * self.table_temp_lines + jtemp def interpolate(self, logrhoy, logT, component): """given logrhoy and logT, do bilinear interpolation to find the value of the data component in the table""" # We are going to do bilinear interpolation. We create a # polynomial of the form: # # f = A [log(rho) - log(rho_i)] [log(T) - log(T_j)] + # B [log(rho) - log(rho_i)] + # C [log(T) - log(T_j)] + # D # # we then find the i,j such that our point is in the # box with corners (i,j) to (i+1,j+1), and solve for # A, B, C, D # find the T and rhoY in the data table corresponding to the # lower left if logT < self.temp.min() or logT > self.temp.max(): raise ValueError("temperature out of table bounds") if logrhoy < self.rhoy.min() or logrhoy > self.rhoy.max(): raise ValueError("rhoy out of table bounds") irhoy = self._get_logrhoy_idx(logrhoy) jT = self._get_logT_idx(logT) # note: rhoy and T are already stored as log dlogrho = self.rhoy[irhoy+1] - self.rhoy[irhoy] dlogT = self.temp[jT+1] - self.temp[jT] # get the data at the 4 points idx = self._rhoy_T_to_idx(irhoy, jT) f_ij =[idx, component] idx = self._rhoy_T_to_idx(irhoy+1, jT) f_ip1j =[idx, component] idx = self._rhoy_T_to_idx(irhoy, jT+1) f_ijp1 =[idx, component] idx = self._rhoy_T_to_idx(irhoy+1, jT+1) f_ip1jp1 =[idx, component] D = f_ij C = (f_ijp1 - f_ij) / dlogT B = (f_ip1j - f_ij) / dlogrho A = (f_ip1jp1 - B * dlogrho - C * dlogT - D) / (dlogrho * dlogT) r = (A * (logrhoy - self.rhoy[irhoy]) * (logT - self.temp[jT]) + B * (logrhoy - self.rhoy[irhoy]) + C * (logT - self.temp[jT]) + D) return r
[docs] class TabularRate(Rate): """A tabular rate. :raises: :class:`.RateFileError`, :class:`.UnsupportedNucleus` """ def __init__(self, rfile=None): """ rfile can be either a string specifying the path to a rate file or an io.StringIO object from which to read rate information. """ super().__init__() self.rate_eval_needs_rho = True self.rate_eval_needs_comp = True self.rfile_path = None self.rfile = None self.source = None if isinstance(rfile, (str, Path)): rfile = Path(rfile) self.rfile_path = _find_rate_file(rfile) self.source = RateSource.source( self.rfile = self.fname = None self.label = "tabular" self.tabular = True # we should initialize this somehow self.weak_type = "" if isinstance(rfile, Path): # read in the file, parse the different sets and store them as # SingleSet objects in sets[] f = elif isinstance(rfile, io.StringIO): # Set f to the io.StringIO object f = rfile else: f = None if f: self._read_from_file(f) f.close() self._set_rhs_properties() self._set_screening() self._set_print_representation() self.get_tabular_rate() # store the extrema of the thermodynamics _rhoy = self.tabular_data_table[::self.table_temp_lines, TableIndex.RHOY.value] _temp = self.tabular_data_table[0:self.table_temp_lines, TableIndex.T.value] self.table_Tmin = 10.0**(_temp.min()) self.table_Tmax = 10.0**(_temp.max()) self.table_rhoYmin = 10.0**(_rhoy.min()) self.table_rhoYmax = 10.0**(_rhoy.max()) self.interpolator = TableInterpolator(self.table_rhoy_lines, self.table_temp_lines, self.tabular_data_table) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__repr__()) def __eq__(self, other): """ Determine whether two Rate objects are equal. They are equal if they contain identical reactants and products.""" if not isinstance(other, TabularRate): return False return self.reactants == other.reactants and self.products == other.products def __add__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError("addition not defined for tabular rates") def _read_from_file(self, f): """ given a file object, read rate data from the file. """ lines = f.readlines() f.close() self.original_source = "".join(lines) # first line is the chapter self.chapter = lines[0].strip() if self.chapter != "t": raise RateFileError(f"Invalid chapter for TabularRate ({self.chapter})") # remove any blank lines set_lines = [line for line in lines[1:] if not line.strip() == ""] # e1 -> e2, Tabulated s1 = set_lines.pop(0) s2 = set_lines.pop(0) s3 = set_lines.pop(0) s4 = set_lines.pop(0) s5 = set_lines.pop(0) f = s1.split() try: self.reactants.append(Nucleus.from_cache(f[0])) self.products.append(Nucleus.from_cache(f[1])) except UnsupportedNucleus as ex: raise RateFileError(f'Nucleus objects could not be identified in {self.original_source}') from ex self.table_file = s2.strip() self.table_header_lines = int(s3.strip()) self.table_rhoy_lines = int(s4.strip()) self.table_temp_lines = int(s5.strip()) self.table_num_vars = 6 # Hard-coded number of variables in tables for now. self.table_index_name = f'j_{self.reactants[0]}_{self.products[0]}' self.labelprops = 'tabular' # set weak type if "electroncapture" in self.table_file: self.weak_type = "electron_capture" elif "betadecay" in self.table_file: self.weak_type = "beta_decay" # since the reactants and products were only now set, we need # to recompute Q -- this is used for finding rate pairs self._set_q() def _set_rhs_properties(self): """ compute statistical prefactor and density exponent from the reactants. """ self.prefactor = 1.0 # this is 1/2 for rates like a + a (double counting) self.inv_prefactor = 1 if self.use_identical_particle_factor: for r in set(self.reactants): self.inv_prefactor = self.inv_prefactor * math.factorial(self.reactants.count(r)) self.prefactor = self.prefactor/float(self.inv_prefactor) self.dens_exp = len(self.reactants)-1 def _set_screening(self): """ tabular rates are not currently screened (they are e-capture or beta-decay)""" self.ion_screen = [] self.symmetric_screen = [] if not self.fname: # This is used to determine which rates to detect as the same reaction # from multiple sources in a Library file, so it should not be unique # to a given source, e.g. wc12, but only unique to the reaction. reactants_str = '_'.join([repr(nuc) for nuc in self.reactants]) products_str = '_'.join([repr(nuc) for nuc in self.products]) self.fname = f'{reactants_str}__{products_str}'
[docs] def get_rate_id(self): """ Get an identifying string for this rate. Don't include resonance state since we combine resonant and non-resonant versions of reactions. """ ssrc = 'tabular' return f'{self.rid} <{self.label.strip()}_{ssrc}>'
[docs] def function_string_py(self): """ Return a string containing python function that computes the rate """ fstring = "" fstring += "@numba.njit()\n" fstring += f"def {self.fname}(rate_eval, T, rho, Y):\n" fstring += f" # {self.rid}\n" fstring += " rhoY = rho * ye(Y)\n" fstring += f" {self.fname}_interpolator = TableInterpolator(*{self.fname}_info)\n" fstring += f" r = {self.fname}_interpolator.interpolate(np.log10(rhoY), np.log10(T), TableIndex.RATE.value)\n" fstring += f" rate_eval.{self.fname} = 10.0**r\n\n" return fstring
[docs] def get_tabular_rate(self): """read the rate data from .dat file """ # find .dat file and read it self.table_path = _find_rate_file(self.table_file) t_data2d = [] with as tabular_file: for i, line in enumerate(tabular_file): # skip header lines if i < self.table_header_lines: continue line = line.strip() # skip empty lines if not line: continue # split the column values on whitespace t_data2d.append(line.split()) # convert the nested list of string values into a numpy float array self.tabular_data_table = np.array(t_data2d, dtype=np.float64)
[docs] def eval(self, T, *, rho=None, comp=None): """ evauate the reaction rate for temperature T """ rhoY = rho * r = self.interpolator.interpolate(np.log10(rhoY), np.log10(T), TableIndex.RATE.value) return 10.0**r
[docs] def get_nu_loss(self, T, *, rho=None, comp=None): """ get the neutrino loss rate for the reaction if tabulated""" rhoY = rho * r = self.interpolator.interpolate(np.log10(rhoY), np.log10(T), TableIndex.NU.value) return 10**r
[docs] def plot(self, *, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, rhoYmin=None, rhoYmax=None, color_field='rate', figsize=(10, 10)): """plot the rate's temperature sensitivity vs temperature :param float Tmin: minimum temperature for plot :param float Tmax: maximum temperature for plot :param float rhoYmin: minimum electron density to plot (e-capture rates only) :param float rhoYmax: maximum electron density to plot (e-capture rates only) :param tuple figsize: figure size specification for matplotlib :return: a matplotlib figure object :rtype: matplotlib.figure.Figure """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) if Tmin is None: Tmin = self.table_Tmin if Tmax is None: Tmax = self.table_Tmax if rhoYmin is None: rhoYmin = self.table_rhoYmin if rhoYmax is None: rhoYmax = self.table_rhoYmax data = self.tabular_data_table inde1 = data[:, TableIndex.T.value] <= np.log10(Tmax) inde2 = data[:, TableIndex.T.value] >= np.log10(Tmin) inde3 = data[:, TableIndex.RHOY.value] <= np.log10(rhoYmax) inde4 = data[:, TableIndex.RHOY.value] >= np.log10(rhoYmin) data_heatmap = data[inde1 & inde2 & inde3 & inde4].copy() rows, row_pos = np.unique(data_heatmap[:, 0], return_inverse=True) cols, col_pos = np.unique(data_heatmap[:, 1], return_inverse=True) pivot_table = np.zeros((len(rows), len(cols)), dtype=data_heatmap.dtype) if color_field == 'rate': icol = TableIndex.RATE.value title = f"{self.weak_type} rate in log10(1/s)" cmap = 'magma' elif color_field == 'nu_loss': icol = TableIndex.NU.value title = "neutrino energy loss rate in log10(erg/s)" cmap = 'viridis' else: raise ValueError("color_field must be either 'rate' or 'nu_loss'.") try: pivot_table[row_pos, col_pos] = data_heatmap[:, icol] except ValueError: print("Divide by zero encountered in log10\nChange the scale of T or rhoY") im = ax.imshow(pivot_table, cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=[np.log10(Tmin), np.log10(Tmax), np.log10(rhoYmin), np.log10(rhoYmax)]) fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log(T)$ [K]") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\log(\rho Y_e)$ [g/cm$^3$]") ax.set_title(fr"{self.pretty_string}" + "\n" + title) return fig