Source code for pynucastro.screening.screen

Python implementations of screening routines.
import numpy as np

from pynucastro.constants import constants
from pynucastro.nucdata import Nucleus
from pynucastro.numba_util import jitclass, njit

__all__ = ["PlasmaState", "ScreenFactors", "chugunov_2007", "chugunov_2009",
           "debye_huckel", "make_plasma_state", "make_screen_factors",
           "potekhin_1998", "screen5", "screening_check"]

[docs] @jitclass() class PlasmaState: """ Stores precomputed values that are reused for all screening correction factor calculations. :var temp: temperature in K :var dens: density in g/cm^3 :var qlam0z: TODO: from screen5 :var taufac: TODO: from screen5 :var aa: TODO: from screen5 :var abar: average atomic mass :var zbar: average ion charge :var z2bar: average (ion charge)^2 :var n_e: electron number density :var gamma_e_fac: temperature-independent part of Gamma_e """ temp: float dens: float qlam0z: float taufac: float aa: float abar: float zbar: float z2bar: float n_e: float gamma_e_fac: float def __init__(self, temp, dens, Ys, Zs): """ :param temp: temperature in K :param dens: density in g/cm^3 :param Ys: molar fractions of each ion :type Ys: numpy ndarray :param Zs: charge of each ion, in the same order as Ys :type Zs: numpy ndarray """ self.temp = temp self.dens = dens ytot = np.sum(Ys) self.abar = 1 / ytot self.zbar = np.sum(Zs * Ys) / ytot self.z2bar = np.sum(Zs ** 2 * Ys) / ytot # ntot rr = dens * ytot # Part version of Eq. 19 in Graboske:1973 # pp = sqrt( \tilde{z}*(rho/u_I/T) ) pp = np.sqrt(rr/temp*(self.z2bar + self.zbar)) self.qlam0z = 1.88e8 / temp * pp # Part of Eq.6 in Itoh:1979 # 4.248719e3 = (27*pi^2*e^4*m_u/(2*k_B*hbar^2))^(1/3) # the extra (1/3) to make tau -> tau/3 co2 = np.cbrt(27*np.pi**2*constants.q_e**4*constants.m_u_C18/(2*constants.k*constants.hbar**2)) / 3 self.taufac = co2 / np.cbrt(temp) xni = np.cbrt(rr * self.zbar) # Part of Eq.4 in Itoh:1979 # 2.27493e5 = e^2 / ( (3*m_u/(4pi))^(1/3) *k_B ) aa_factor = constants.q_e**2 / (np.cbrt(3*constants.m_u_C18/(4*np.pi)) * constants.k) self.aa = aa_factor / temp * xni # Average mass and total number density mbar = self.abar * constants.m_u_C18 ntot = self.dens / mbar # Electron number density # zbar * ntot works out to sum(z[i] * n[i]), after cancelling terms self.n_e = self.zbar * ntot # temperature-independent part of Gamma_e, from Chugunov 2009 eq. 6 self.gamma_e_fac = constants.q_e ** 2 / constants.k * np.cbrt(4 * np.pi / 3) * np.cbrt(self.n_e)
@jitclass() class NseState: """ Stores precomputed values that are reused in the NSE state screening calculations :var temp: temperature in K :var dens: density in g/cm^3 :var ye: electron molar fraction :var n_e: electron number density :var gamma_e_fac: temperature-independent part of Gamma_e """ temp: float dens: float ye: float gamma_e_fac: float def __init__(self, temp, dens, ye): """ :param temp: temperature in K :param dens: density in g/cm^3 :param ye: electron molar fraction :param Xs: nucleon fraction of each ion :type Xs: numpy ndarray :param As: atomic mass number of each ion :type As: numpy ndarray :param Zs: atomic number of each ion :type Zs: numpy ndarray """ self.temp = temp self.dens = dens = ye self.gamma_e_fac = constants.q_e ** 2 / constants.k * np.cbrt(4.0 * np.pi / 3.0)
[docs] def make_plasma_state(temp, dens, molar_fractions): """ Construct a PlasmaState object from simulation data. :param temp: temperature in K :param dens: density in g/cm^3 :param molar_fractions: dictionary of molar abundances for each ion, as returned by :meth:`.Composition.get_molar` """ nuclei = list(molar_fractions.keys()) Ys = np.asarray([molar_fractions[n] for n in nuclei]) Zs = np.asarray([n.Z for n in nuclei]) return PlasmaState(temp, dens, Ys, Zs)
[docs] @jitclass() class ScreenFactors: """ Stores values that will be used to calculate the screening correction factor for a specific pair of nuclei. :var z1: atomic number of first nucleus :var z2: atomic number of second nucleus :var a1: atomic mass of first nucleus :var a2: atomic mass of second nucleus :var zs13: (z1+z2)**(1/3) :var zhat: combination of z1 and z2 raised to the 5/3 power :var zhat2: combination of z1 and z2 raised to the 5/12 power :var lzav: log of effective charge :var aznut: combination of a1, z1, a2, z2 raised to 1/3 power :var ztilde: effective ion radius factor for a MCP """ z1: int z2: int a1: int a2: int zs13: float zhat: float zhat2: float lzav: float aznut: float ztilde: float def __init__(self, z1, a1, z2, a2): self.z1 = z1 self.z2 = z2 self.a1 = a1 self.a2 = a2 self.zs13 = np.cbrt(z1 + z2) self.zhat = (z1 + z2) ** (5/3) - z1 ** (5/3) - z2 ** (5/3) self.zhat2 = (z1 + z2) ** (5/12) - z1 ** (5/12) - z2 ** (5/12) self.lzav = (5/3) * np.log(z1 * z2 / (z1 + z2)) self.aznut = np.cbrt(z1 ** 2 * z2 ** 2 * a1 * a2 / (a1 + a2)) self.ztilde = 0.5 * (np.cbrt(z1) + np.cbrt(z2))
[docs] def make_screen_factors(n1, n2): """ Construct a ScreenFactors object from a pair of nuclei. :param Nucleus n1: first nucleus :param Nucleus n2: second nucleus """ n1 = Nucleus.cast(n1) n2 = Nucleus.cast(n2) return ScreenFactors(n1.Z, n1.A, n2.Z, n2.A)
[docs] @njit def debye_huckel(state, scn_fac) -> float: """Calculates the Debye-Huckel enhancement factor for weak Coloumb coupling, following the appendix of :cite:t:`chugunov:2009`. :param PlasmaState state: the precomputed plasma state factors :param ScreenFactors scn_fac: the precomputed ion pair factors :returns: screening correction factor """ z1z2 = scn_fac.z1 * scn_fac.z2 # Gamma_e from eq. 6 Gamma_e = state.gamma_e_fac / state.temp # eq. A1 h_DH = z1z2 * np.sqrt(3 * Gamma_e**3 * state.z2bar / state.zbar) # machine limit the output h_max = 300 h = min(h_DH, h_max) return np.exp(h)
[docs] @njit def screen5(state: PlasmaState, scn_fac): """Calculates screening factors following the appendix of :cite:t:`Wallace:1982`. Based on :cite:t:`graboske:1973` for weak screening. Based on :cite:t:`alastuey:1978` with plasma parameters from :cite:t:`itoh:1979`, for strong screening. """ fact = np.cbrt(2) gamefx = 0.3e0 # lower gamma limit for intermediate screening gamefs = 0.8e0 # upper gamma limit for intermediate screening h12_max = 300.e0 # Get the ion data based on the input index z1 = scn_fac.z1 z2 = scn_fac.z2 # calculate individual screening factors bb = z1 * z2 gamp = state.aa # In Eq.4 in Itoh:1979, this term is 2*Z_1*Z_2/(Z_1^(1/3) + Z_2^(1/3)) # However here we follow Wallace:1982 Eq. A13, which is Z_1*Z_2*(2/(Z_1+Z_2))^(1/3) qq = fact * bb / scn_fac.zs13 # Full Equation of Wallace:1982 Eq. A13 gamef = qq * gamp # Full version of Eq.6 in Itoh:1979 with extra 1/3 factor # the extra 1/3 factor is there for convenience. # tau12 = Eq.6 / 3 tau12 = state.taufac * scn_fac.aznut # alph12 = 3*gamma_ij/tau_ij alph12 = gamef / tau12 # limit alph12 to 1.6 to prevent unphysical behavior. # See Introduction in Alastuey:1978 # this should really be replaced by a pycnonuclear reaction rate formula if alph12 > 1.6: alph12 = 1.6e0 # redetermine previous factors if 3*gamma_ij/tau_ij > 1.6 gamef = 1.6e0 * tau12 gamp = gamef * scn_fac.zs13/(fact * bb) # weak screening regime # Full version of Eq. 19 in Graboske:1973 by considering weak regime # and Wallace:1982 Eq. A14. Here the degeneracy factor is assumed to be 1. h12w = bb * state.qlam0z h12 = h12w # intermediate and strong sceening regime if gamef > gamefx: # gamma_ij^(1/4) gamp14 = gamp ** 0.25 # Here we follow Eq. A9 in Wallace:1982 # See Eq. 25 Alastuey:1978, Eq. 16 and 17 in Jancovici:1977 for reference cc = (0.896434e0 * gamp * scn_fac.zhat + -3.44740e0 * gamp14 * scn_fac.zhat2 + -0.5551e0 * (np.log(gamp) + scn_fac.lzav) + -2.996e0) # (3gamma_ij/tau_ij)^3 a3 = alph12 * alph12 * alph12 # Part of Eq. 28 in Alastuey:1978 qq = 0.014e0 + 0.0128e0*alph12 # Part of Eq. 28 in Alastuey:1978 rr = (5.0/32.0) - alph12*qq # Part of Eq. 28 in Alastuey:1978 ss = tau12*rr # Part of Eq. 31 in Alastuey:1978 tt = -0.0098e0 + 0.0048e0*alph12 # Part of Eq. 31 in Alastuey:1978 uu = 0.0055e0 + alph12*tt # Part of Eq. 31 in Alastuey:1978 vv = gamef * alph12 * uu # Exponent of Eq. 32 in Alastuey:1978, which uses Eq.28 and Eq.31 # Strong screening factor h12 = cc - a3 * (ss + vv) # See conclusion and Eq. 34 in Alastuey:1978 # This is an extra factor to account for quantum effects rr = 1.0 - 0.0562e0*a3 # In extreme case, rr is 0.77, see conclusion in Alastuey:1978 xlgfac = max(0.77, rr) # Include the extra factor that accounts for quantum effects h12 += np.log(xlgfac) # If gamma_ij < upper limit of intermediate regime # then it is in the intermediate regime, else strong screening. if gamef <= gamefs: dgamma = 1.0e0/(gamefs - gamefx) rr = dgamma*(gamefs - gamef) ss = dgamma*(gamef - gamefx) # Then the screening factor is a combination # of the strong and weak screening factor. h12 = h12w*rr + h12*ss # end of intermediate and strong screening # machine limit the output # further limit to avoid the pycnonuclear regime h12 = max(min(h12, h12_max), 0.0) scor = np.exp(h12) return scor
@njit def smooth_clip(x, limit, start): """Smoothly transition between y=limit and y=x with a half-cosine. Clips smaller values if limit < start and larger values if start < limit. :param x: the value to clip :param limit: the constant value to clip x to :param start: the x-value at which to start the transition :returns: y """ if limit < start: lower = limit upper = x else: lower = x upper = limit if x < min(limit, start): return lower if x > max(limit, start): return upper tmp = np.pi * (x - min(limit, start)) / (start - limit) f = (1 - np.cos(tmp)) / 2 return (1 - f) * lower + f * upper
[docs] @njit def chugunov_2007(state, scn_fac): """Calculates screening factors based on :cite:t:`chugunov:2007`. Follows the approach in :cite:t:`yakovlev:2006` to extend to a multi-component plasma. :param PlasmaState state: the precomputed plasma state factors :param ScreenFactors scn_fac: the precomputed ion pair factors :returns: screening correction factor """ # Plasma temperature T_p # This formula comes from working backwards from zeta_ij (Chugunov 2009 eq. 12) # through Chugunov 2007 eq. 3 to Chugunov 2007 eq. 2. # Ultimately, the changes from the expression in Chugunov 2007 are: # Z^2 -> Z1 * Z2 # n_i -> n_e / ztilde^3, where ztilde = (Z1^(1/3) + Z2^(1/3)) / 2 # m_i -> 2 mu12 (reduced mass) # This prescription reduces to the expressions from Chugunov 2007 in the case # of an OCP, and to Chugunov 2009 in the case of a binary ionic mixture. # This also matches Yakovlev et al. 2006, eq. 10. # # For reference, MESA r21.12.1 does: # Z^2 -> Z1 * Z2 # n_i -> n_e / zbar (=ntot) # m_i -> m_u * abar # # Sam Jones' Fortran implementation does: # Z^2 -> zbar^2 # n_i -> ntot # m_i -> m_u * abar mu12 = scn_fac.a1 * scn_fac.a2 / (scn_fac.a1 + scn_fac.a2) z_factor = scn_fac.z1 * scn_fac.z2 n_i = state.n_e / scn_fac.ztilde ** 3 m_i = 2 * mu12 * constants.m_u_C18 T_p = constants.hbar / constants.k * constants.q_e * np.sqrt(4 * np.pi * z_factor * n_i / m_i) # Normalized temperature T_norm = state.temp / T_p # The fit has only been verified down to T ~ 0.1 T_p, below which the rate # should be nearly temperature-independent (in the pycnonuclear regime), # and we clip the temperature to 0.1 T_p at small T. # start the transition here T_norm_fade = 0.2 # minimum value of T/T_p T_norm_min = 0.1 T_norm = smooth_clip(T_norm, limit=T_norm_min, start=T_norm_fade) # Coulomb coupling parameter from Yakovlev 2006, eq. 10 Gamma = state.gamma_e_fac * scn_fac.z1 * scn_fac.z2 / (scn_fac.ztilde * T_norm * T_p) # The fit for Gamma is only applicable up to ~600, so smoothly cap its value Gamma_fade = 590 Gamma_max = 600 Gamma = smooth_clip(Gamma, limit=Gamma_max, start=Gamma_fade) # Chugunov 2007 eq. 3 zeta = np.cbrt(4 / (3 * np.pi ** 2 * T_norm ** 2)) # Gamma tilde from Chugunov 2007 eq. 21 fit_alpha = 0.022 fit_beta = 0.41 - 0.6 / Gamma fit_gamma = 0.06 + 2.2 / Gamma # Polynomial term in Gamma tilde poly = 1 + zeta*(fit_alpha + zeta*(fit_beta + fit_gamma*zeta)) gamtilde = Gamma / np.cbrt(poly) # fit parameters just after Chugunov 2007 eq. 19 A1 = 2.7822 A2 = 98.34 A3 = np.sqrt(3) - A1 / np.sqrt(A2) B1 = -1.7476 B2 = 66.07 B3 = 1.12 B4 = 65 gamtilde2 = gamtilde ** 2 # Chugunov 2007 eq. 19 term1 = 1 / np.sqrt(A2 + gamtilde) term2 = 1 / (1 + gamtilde) term3 = gamtilde ** 2 / (B2 + gamtilde) term4 = gamtilde2 / (B4 + gamtilde2) h = gamtilde ** (3 / 2) * (A1 * term1 + A3 * term2) + B1 * term3 + B3 * term4 # machine limit the output h_max = 300 h = min(h, h_max) scor = np.exp(h) return scor
@njit def f0(gamma): r"""Calculate the free energy per ion in a OCP from :cite:t:`chugunov:2009` eq. 24 :param gamma: Coulomb coupling parameter :returns: free energy """ A1 = -0.907 A2 = 0.62954 A3 = -np.sqrt(3) / 2 - A1 / np.sqrt(A2) B1 = 0.00456 B2 = 211.6 B3 = -1e-4 B4 = 0.00462 term1 = np.sqrt(gamma * (A2 + gamma)) term2 = np.log(np.sqrt(gamma / A2) + np.sqrt(1 + gamma / A2)) gamma_12 = np.sqrt(gamma) term3 = gamma_12 - np.arctan(gamma_12) term4 = np.log1p(gamma / B2) term5 = np.log1p(gamma ** 2 / B4) return ( A1 * (term1 - A2 * term2) + 2 * A3 * term3 + B1 * (gamma - B2 * term4) + B3 / 2 * term5 )
[docs] @njit def chugunov_2009(state, scn_fac): """Calculates screening factors based on :cite:t:`chugunov:2009`. :param PlasmaState state: the precomputed plasma state factors :param ScreenFactors scn_fac: the precomputed ion pair factors :returns: screening correction factor """ z1z2 = scn_fac.z1 * scn_fac.z2 zcomp = scn_fac.z1 + scn_fac.z2 # Gamma_e from eq. 6 Gamma_e = state.gamma_e_fac / state.temp # Coulomb coupling parameters for ions and compound nucleus, eqs. 7 & 9 Gamma_1 = Gamma_e * scn_fac.z1 ** (5 / 3) Gamma_2 = Gamma_e * scn_fac.z2 ** (5 / 3) Gamma_comp = Gamma_e * zcomp ** (5 / 3) Gamma_12 = Gamma_e * z1z2 / scn_fac.ztilde # Coulomb barrier penetrability, eq. 10 tau_factor = np.cbrt(27 / 2 * (np.pi * constants.q_e ** 2 / constants.hbar) ** 2 * constants.m_u_C18 / constants.k) tau_12 = tau_factor * scn_fac.aznut / np.cbrt(state.temp) # eq. 12 zeta = 3 * Gamma_12 / tau_12 # additional fit parameters, eq. 25 y_12 = 4 * z1z2 / zcomp ** 2 c1 = 0.013 * y_12 ** 2 c2 = 0.406 * y_12 ** 0.14 c3 = 0.062 * y_12 ** 0.19 + 1.8 / Gamma_12 poly = 1 + zeta*(c1 + zeta*(c2 + c3*zeta)) t_12 = np.cbrt(poly) # strong screening enhancement factor, eq. 23, replacing tau_ij with t_ij # Using Gamma/tau_ij gives extremely low values, while Gamma/t_ij gives # values similar to those from Chugunov 2007. term1 = f0(Gamma_1 / t_12) term2 = f0(Gamma_2 / t_12) term3 = f0(Gamma_comp / t_12) h_fit = term1 + term2 - term3 # weak screening correction term, eq. A3 corr_C = ( 3 * z1z2 * np.sqrt(state.z2bar / state.zbar) / (zcomp ** 2.5 - scn_fac.z1 ** 2.5 - scn_fac.z2 ** 2.5) ) # corrected enhancement factor, eq. A4 Gamma_12_2 = Gamma_12 ** 2 numer = corr_C + Gamma_12_2 denom = 1 + Gamma_12_2 h12 = numer / denom * h_fit # machine limit the output h12_max = 300 h12 = min(h12, h12_max) scor = np.exp(h12) return scor
[docs] @njit def potekhin_1998(state, scn_fac): """Calculates screening factors based on :cite:t:`chabrier_potekhin:1998`. :param PlasmaState state: the precomputed plasma state factors :param ScreenFactors scn_fac: the precomputed ion pair factors :returns: screening correction factor """ Gamma_e = state.gamma_e_fac / state.temp zcomp = scn_fac.z1 + scn_fac.z2 Gamma_1 = Gamma_e * scn_fac.z1 ** (5 / 3) Gamma_2 = Gamma_e * scn_fac.z2 ** (5 / 3) Gamma_comp = Gamma_e * zcomp ** (5 / 3) A_1 = -0.9052 A_2 = 0.6322 A_3 = -0.5 * np.sqrt(3) - A_1/np.sqrt(A_2) f1 = A_1 * (np.sqrt(Gamma_1 * (A_2 + Gamma_1)) - A_2 * np.log(np.sqrt(Gamma_1 / A_2) + np.sqrt(1.0 + Gamma_1/A_2))) + 2.0 * A_3 * (np.sqrt(Gamma_1) - np.arctan(np.sqrt(Gamma_1))) f2 = A_1 * (np.sqrt(Gamma_2 * (A_2 + Gamma_2)) - A_2 * np.log(np.sqrt(Gamma_2 / A_2) + np.sqrt(1.0 + Gamma_2/A_2))) + 2.0 * A_3 * (np.sqrt(Gamma_2) - np.arctan(np.sqrt(Gamma_2))) f12 = A_1 * (np.sqrt(Gamma_comp * (A_2 + Gamma_comp)) - A_2 * np.log(np.sqrt(Gamma_comp / A_2) + np.sqrt(1.0 + Gamma_comp/A_2))) + 2.0 * A_3 * (np.sqrt(Gamma_comp) - np.arctan(np.sqrt(Gamma_comp))) h12 = f1 + f2 - f12 # machine limit the output h12_max = 300 h12 = min(h12, h12_max) scor = np.exp(h12) return scor
[docs] def screening_check(check_func=debye_huckel, threshold: float = 1.01): """A decorator factory that wraps a screening function with a check that determines whether that function can be skipped for a given plasma state and screening pair. :param func: the function to check against the threshold :param threshold: the threshold to check against. If screen_check is less than the threshold, skip screen_func :returns: a decorator for wrapping screening functions """ def screening_decorator(screen_func): """Decorates a screening function with a computation that determines whether the check is skippable. :param screen_func: the screening function being wrapped :returns: a wrapped screening function that performs this check """ @njit def screening_wrapper(state, scn_fac): F0 = check_func(state, scn_fac) if F0 <= threshold: return F0 return screen_func(state, scn_fac) return screening_wrapper return screening_decorator